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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. No he was saying you edit base classes then submit the change to forge ie you actually go into a .java file and edit the code to call an event. Hence the ForgeHooks call he was talking about. NEVER a coremod
  2. Does your fluid have a ItemBlock for it? I don't think so you are trying to add a renderer for a ItemBlock that doesn't exist. Don't call registerRenderer for fluids because that is for items.
  3. Looks correct except for this int xCoord = this.pos.getX(); int yCoord = this.pos.getY(); int zCoord = this.pos.getZ(); They serve no purpose. Removed, it still doesnt fix the problem though When your data changes call markDirty();
  4. Events are registered with MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register() now no matter which one, and yes it does matter if you use Minecraft instance because that is a client side class.
  5. Looks correct except for this int xCoord = this.pos.getX(); int yCoord = this.pos.getY(); int zCoord = this.pos.getZ(); They serve no purpose.
  6. This is not what we reccomended, making coremods is not supported by forge.
  7. What? What Minecraft version are you using?
  8. Does this ever get called? public static void init() { eventEffectTeleportation = new PotionEffectTeleportation(); GameRegistry.register(eventEffectTeleportation); } Plus
  9. Where did you implement dracos suggestion?
  10. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.lambda.PlentifulMisc.events.PlayerTickHandler.onPlayerTick(PlayerTickHandler.java:24) This is your problem, something is null on line 24.
  11. Your code in the ServerProxy never runs because you never call it, and that is good because you are calling client code in server elements. FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new PlayerTickHandler(Minecraft.getMinecraft())); You should be registering your EventHandler in common code, aka your main mod class. Why do you have a Minecraft instance when you are given a EntityPlayer instance from the event.
  12. Look at the block in f3 and see if the state data on the right is what it is supposed to be.
  13. One class for the handler and one more class for the message.
  14. Is your IMessage and IMessageHandler the same class?
  15. When the data changes call a block update.
  16. update method is added by the interface ITickable and your getUpdatePacket and onDataPacket looks fine.
  17. You need to sync your data using onDataPacket and getUpdatePacket in your TilePulverizer.
  18. How do you know your TE gained energy from the other mods TE? Show us your Creative capacitor.
  19. Sorry, its been a long time since i have had to save itemstacks, or rather type the line of code.
  20. Youc could store an Items registry name. I don't know the code to save an ItemStack off of the top of my head, but all other storage TEs do it.
  21. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge
  22. Look at SPacketUpdateTileEntity it passes a NBTTagCompound.
  23. You are not saving what item you have.
  24. Remove the semi colon at the end of this line then fix the syntax error that shows up if(jar.itemStored == null) {
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