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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You can create a custom block that extends BlockFurnace and TileEntityFurnace and just use the BlocPlacedEvent to override it.
  2. new ItemStack(item, stackSize, damage/metadata)
  3. Sounds like you will need to use a capability to store if the Armor should be animated on a specific entity.
  4. I think you mean - return a new ItemStack with a damage value of 1 less than the itemStack's damage value? You'll also need to make the recipe so that it ignores the damage of your item. See here for more information https://github.com/TheGreyGhost/MinecraftByExample/blob/master/src/main/java/minecraftbyexample/mbe35_recipes/StartupCommon.java example © and http://greyminecraftcoder.blogspot.com/2015/02/recipes.html -TGG Oops yeah, I always get confused when it comes to the ItemStacks damge system Thanks.
  5. return a new ItemStack but with a damage value of 1 more than the itemStack's damage value.
  6. First there is more than just Techne, but doesn't matter. Are you saying code the model yourself? Or use another way? (Because if there is another way I am very much wanting to know, and if it is coding it yourself I already do that ).
  7. Goal two can be accomplished via Reflection, but goal 1 and 3 are not possible with events right now at least not the way you want. You could use ItemSmeltedEvent which is fired when the player takes items from the furnace output slot. So basically you will need to put in a PR for a CanSmeltItemEvent and a SmeltingResultEvent. And Goal one is being done in the best way possible as of right now.
  8. Ok quick question when you say "multiple-condition-tests are not possible" do you mean you can't do this "connected_down=true,connected_east=true,connected_north=true,connected_south=true,connected_up=true,connected_west=true":{ "model": "cube_all" }, or like this "connected_down=true": { "connected_up=true": { // Do stuff } }
  9. Could you post what it looks like when you place another one down? Are they facing the same direction when you place them down?
  10. TileEntities and using TEs with Blockstates. Edit: As well as a custom ItemBlock that handles setting the block and then editing the TEs data that corresponds to placement. And if anywhere includes anywhere on the y level you would need a way to handle that your self.
  11. You use getActualState in your block and then access the TE with the world parameter and then your state data.
  12. Switch over to the IItemHandler capability.
  13. You shouldn't be looking for IIventory anymore instead you should be looking for an IItemHandler capability. And i do not know what "Hammer Core" is.
  14. Easiest way is to loop through the EnumFacings and use the offset function for an enumfacing that BlockPos has then do you if checks on capabilities.
  15. What are the values of chunkX and chunkZ?
  16. EntityAIAttackMelee is a vanilla class and wont call you private method of tryAbility.
  17. Loop through the recipes. Ie FurnaceRecipes.instance().getSmeltingList() or CraftingManager.getInstance().getRecipeList()
  18. I don't know why you are checking if the Item is not null, but it depends on what you want to do.
  19. What was Block#getStateForEntityRender? and EntityPlayer#getHeldItem(EnumHand) or something like that. Both For EntityPlayer#getHeldItem(EnumHand), which one do i call? The main hand or the off hand? That depends is your function for both, main, or off? Then you need to check both.
  20. What was Block#getStateForEntityRender? and EntityPlayer#getHeldItem(EnumHand) or something like that. For EntityPlayer#getHeldItem(EnumHand), which one do i call? The main hand or the off hand? That depends is your function for both, main, or off?
  21. What was Block#getStateForEntityRender? and EntityPlayer#getHeldItem(EnumHand) or something like that.
  22. int chunkX = getChunkXPos(); int chunkZ = getChunkZPos() for (int x = chunkX; i < chunkX +/- 16; x++) { for (int z = chunkZ; i < chunkZ +/- 16; z++) { world.setBlockState(state, new BlockPos(x, pos.getY(), z)); } }
  23. This was straight from the interface ie new IItemHandlerModifiable() { // Methods }; Edit: But yes you should be able to.
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