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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. I see two ways of doing this 1. Create a new EntityVillager that uses your new AI and replace all vanilla villagers with it. 2. Use AccessTransformer or Reflection to change EntityLiving tasks variable to not be final.
  2. If you are using the vanilla biomeHell then no, but it could be that you are adding your spawns before it has been initialized I think. Were they working before overriding the The Nether Dimension?
  3. Could you do a check to see if the Biome is registered to the type?
  4. Are vannila mobs spawning in the nether atleast?
  5. I don't have a 1.8 workspace setup atm, so could you check if NetherMobs are registered using the BiomeDictionary? *edit Ignore me I'm a little tired It's like 1:30 over here.
  6. Well since I am not the best when it comes to this, Natura has a github, and it is a mod you are using as a reference. Take this it is dangerous to go alone. https://github.com/progwml6/Natura/blob/master/src/main/java/mods/natura/dimension/NetheriteChunkProvider.java *edit It might be something as simple as checking if the y level is less than a number and set the block you want though.
  7. If you didn't see the disregard, DimensionType doesn't exist in 1.8.9, but if you are talking about my last post you do need to unregister the provider because it doesn't override. DimensionManager.registerProvider()
  8. Oh thank you Cool Alias I completely forgot what goes where when dealing with Events thanks for the refresher, now if you'll excuse me I've got some reading to refresh on.
  9. Why are you still using 1.6.4? And Instead of MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new EventHandlerClass) use FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new EventHandlerClass);
  10. What Minecraft version are you using.
  11. You should also unregister the ProviderType.
  12. DimensionType.register(); I believe just use the same ID as the nether. Disregard this, unless I am wrong and that does exist in 1.8.9.
  13. Now that I look at your code you are checking to see if the entity that died is an instance of EntityPlayer not entity Zombie. Sorry I read that post wrong. ANd to check if it was the player that killed it, use the damagesource object.
  14. In your initialization method you need to call MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new EventHandlerClass());
  15. You also need to override the dimension type for the Nether.
  16. Have you tried to do any debugging and have you looked into unregistering a vanilla dimension cause I'm not sure if that is possible as it would cause a huge problem. Plus DimensionManager.registerDimension() is only ever called in DimensionMessageHandler in the forge source. Not sure when the packet is sent though.
  17. GameRegistry.registerFuelHandler(YourFuelHandler);
  18. No it can be accessed on the server, I believe the reason for this is because they use the gameprofile(UUID from the profile)of the player to save nbt.
  19. Happy modding to you, and I'm glad I could help. write Solved in the topic subject.
  20. All entities need to be registered with the EntityRegistry, but no instead of public static Entity altarlisttier1(ItemStack item) { for (Entry<ItemStack, Entity> entry : altarlisttier1.entrySet()) { if (ItemStack.areItemsEqual(item, (ItemStack)entry.getKey())) { return entry.getValue(); } else { return null; } } return null; } Some thing like public static Entity getEntityFromItemStackInAltar(World world, ItemStack stack) { // Only needs either instanceof or == if (stack != null && (stack.getItem() instanceof ItemClass || stack.getItem() == Items.diamond)) { return new Entity(world); } }
  21. Also it seems when you create that single instance, thank you for pointing that out Choonster, you are passing in a null parameter for world.
  22. New Crash Report please.
  23. Is your Void Beast a hostile entity, if so you might be better to extend something that doesn't extend EntityAgeable
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