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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. It returns a RayTraceResult. A Ray Trace is when you create a vector from one point to another and see what it collides with. The RayTraceResult tells you what it collides with. Don't call the method look at it's code to see how a ray trace is done in Minecraft.
  2. Don't do this. Do World#destroyBlock. Take a look at Entity#func_213324_a it shows you how to ray trace. Then you just check the RayTraceResult to see if the type is BLOCK and if it is then cast to BlockRayTraceResult. Once it is casted use the "face" field to know the direction the block is being hit from. You can then use that to break the correct blocks.
  3. That has to do with the scoreboard which is stored in the World. On the client you would access it via Minecraft#world.getScoreboard(). There isn't a specific event for when it is changed so you'll just have to check every tick. I would use ClientTickEvent but make sure the World isn't null
  4. They might exist because there are two BlockStates for a bed. The pillow part of the bed and foot part of the bed. However, I don't know because you are looking at rather old code.
  5. Not to us. I don't have the power to lock threads and I don't have the power to stop the people that do have the power to lock it. They will lock it. I don't remember much about 1.8.9 in enough substance to help you.
  6. The method is called getTagCompound the error was probably something along the lines ItemStack has no method getTag.
  7. What Minecraft version are you using?
  8. I can follow both of their instructions. It's just that I think diesieben was using "Potion" because of 1.14.4 when you are using 1.12.2 If you mean create a Potion Item that uses your Potion instance. It should be automatic after you've registered your PotionType. Brewing them in another question.
  9. What you have is fine, however you need to override createSpawnPacket in your Entity class and give it your own IPacket that spawns the entity in the handle method and basically does what SSpawnObjectPacket does. But for your Entities/Entity.
  10. Your Items must not be getting registered. Check to make sure your mod is being loaded and events are being fired.
  11. Please don't necro old threads. You could have DMed him.
  12. No he should use the RenderLivingEvent for this. Use Minecraft#getRenderManager() and EntityRenderManager#renderEntity.
  13. Ok use the RenderTickEvent to render the entities. Use Minecraft#getRenderManager() then call EntityRenderManager#renderEntity
  14. I have a theory but since I dont have the crash log I'm not sure. But I think the problem is that the ClientTickEvent is called before the player is created. Thus you need to check if it is not null before you do the is remote check.
  15. Blocks also need to have an item model in assets/modid/models/item They can simply just parent their block model. Take a look at the vanilla block item models to get a better understanding if you need to.
  16. Store a NonNullList in your TE give that NonNullList to two IItemHandler instances. One that let's you interact with 0-4 and one that doesnt. Use the one that doesnt in getCapability and allow the one that does allow use in the Container with your own get method.
  17. The debugger itself won't crash the game. So some code is crashing the game or one of the threads is suspended. And you will need to un-suspend it.
  18. I think Gui#blit expects the texture to be 256x256
  19. I cant find anything obviously wrong at the moment. Try changing this to Placement.RANDOM_COUNT_RANGE
  20. For the love of christ. Why are you storing this field in your Item class? This isnt possible Items are singletons. They only exist once. You need to use the ItemStack's NBT data. Look at the ItemStack class for the method names to get and set the NBT. Should be something like getTag or getTagCompound and for set just replace get with set.
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