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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Something is null on line 19 I can't tell you what cause I can't see your OreGeneration class.
  2. Log and what did you change in the code.
  3. Is BlockList.butane ever given a value? If it is done in a static initializer don't do that initialize it in the registry event.
  4. I looks like a copy paste error here, but also I don't know where you initialize BlockList.butane. Do you ever do this? That might be a typo I'm not sure.
  5. if event,getEntity instanceof MobEntity // Cast event.getEntity to MobEntity and access goalSelector
  6. It's not like we are going to steal your code. Plus after you post it and the problem is found you can edit your post and remove your code from here.
  7. I wouldn't use his tutorials. Something is null here. If you need help with this show your code. Mind you I will probably have a lot for you to change.
  8. Define near the player like within x and z distance? Yes I would use the PlayerTickEvent for this. Then check the surrounding chunks in those distances to see if they are loaded then apply the transfer of the values based on a Random number generator.
  9. ...set the values on the fake entity using the real ones values...
  10. What version of forge do you have. If you can update it might not have been deobfuscated in your version. You can also update your mappings by editing the value in the build.gradle file.
  11. Your Item and Block fields are static and you initialize them when you declare them. This is statically initializing something. Dont do that. Initialize them in their registry event.
  12. Does this event have a World and a BlockPos field you can access? If so just use World#getBiome(BlockPos). I believe that is the name of the method.
  13. Post the crash report. And also step through your registry method with your IDEs debugger to find out what's happening.
  14. Its psuedocode. This is your Register<Block> method you can use the one you already have. This is a variable declaration at the top of the method for a Block type called block. We call the register all method on the registry allowing us to pass in all of the blocks we want. This is here to say all your blocks you have. This sets the block variable we created at the top of our registry method to the BronzeBlock and puts it in the registry. Create the stairs Block and pass in the block variable we created at the top of the method and just set to the Bronze Block(you may want it to be the getDefaultState() of the block). Close out of the registerAll method. Is that enough explanation?
  15. Well it requires you to register methods for a packet. Yes. Check out here.
  16. No there isn't, but you can check if it is raining. I think its World#isRaining but I'm not sure. And you'll want to check this in WorldTickEvent(probably not every tick though.)
  17. Two things you didnt change assets/modid/models/item to items did you? And post your log file for this the error will tell us where the problem is.
  18. Ok make a static field in your class of your gui class. Then use that field to call drawTexturedModelRect or look into the Gui class and peek at its drawing methods.
  19. First off remove this from your code entirely. You dont need it. You have this Instead iterate through this list and register the models. Please don't use his tutorials he does a lot of things incorrectly and in ways that are not needed case in point IHasModel. Where is this located? And post your latest log file. Did you make sure to refresh your workspace in your IDE to make sure they knew the files were there?
  20. registerBlock(event) Block block: event.getRegistry().registerAll( ... block = new BronzeBlock(), new BlockStairs(block)... );
  21. Put the EventBusSubscriber annotation on your gui class. And change your event method to a static method.
  22. I don't think so. I also don't see the texture being bound. @nekosune Passes a TextureAtlasSprite(RenderEvents.MARK_SPRITE) to his drawTexturedOutline, but never binds that texture.
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