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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Show all of your code. And the Item models for your shield.
  2. World::setBlockState(pos, THE_BLOCK_STATE_YOU_WANT) This will place the block and the TileEntity into the world. World::getTileEntity(pos) This will get the TileEntity at the BlockPos pos. Use the CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY to add the items to it.
  3. Do you not store your mods items in static variables?
  4. I certainly hope so, I meant more of a what is it used for. What is that classes purpose. Why does your ShieldRenderer need it as a parameter?
  5. What is ItemInit? Your ItemStackTileEntityRenderer constructor cannot except any parameters except the ones you give it. IE if you want it to take in an Item setISTER(() -> () -> new ShieldRenderer(MY_ITEM)) is what it would have to look like.
  6. setISTER takes a Supplier<Callable<ItemStackTileEntityRenderer>> () -> is a lambda for a functional interface ShieldRenderer::new is a Callable/constructor. So () -> ShieldRenderer::new is a Supplier<Callable<ItemStackTileEntityRenderer>> where ShieldRenderer extends ItemStackTileEntityRenderer
  7. Look at itemStackTileEntityRenderer and see how it renders the shield. Then replicate it.
  8. This right here is your problem. ItemStackTileEntityRenderer.instance only handles the vanilla Items that need an ItemStackTileEntityRenderer
  9. This is what the function was called in your mappings because it hadn't been mapped yet. "func_225533_a_"
  10. I'm not sure what that is/means so maybe. Just any code relating to the shield.
  11. Mmm yes. It crashes. It probably tells us why. Lets have a look shall we?
  12. Ah yes. Finally a useful piece of information. It is your own custom shield. Show what you have for that shield.
  13. Can you explain a bit more? From the end user perspective what will they see? What will they be able to do?
  14. This is not what using DeferredWorkQueue means. You need to use DeferredWorkQueue.runLater to run your code on the main thread.
  15. Remove this. Do not post code that is not yours. You edit the build.gradle file. Look for a line that looks like this. Go to http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/snapshot/ to get the latest mappings.
  16. What do you mean "render a shield"? Where are you trying to render it?
  17. Post your new code. Registry Events? Did you tell them to generate? Also a separate issue.
  18. Don't necro old threads. Please make your own.
  19. It's the name for the enum field. There are no requirements for it. What does this mean? The code doesn't compile. It doesn't do what you expect? If so what does it do?
  20. Odd how did you setup your workspace and what IDE are you using? Also have you tried looking in the Block class to see what it looks like in there? You may need to update your mappings.
  21. Copy and paste the method signature and post the error your IDE gives you if there is one. Of course with the @Override on top.
  22. That makes no sense. Have you tried looking at Items.ACACIA_DOOR or any other door?
  23. If you did it for all types of the items. Like the furniture and the wood, etc.
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