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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by shadowfacts

  1. If Java is "way too confusing" for you, then you shouldn't be modding; you will inevitable screw up something major. So, go learn Java.
  2. My advice, seeing as you're updating anyways, is to update to 1.8. There are lots of tutorials, some organized, some random topics, and some tutorials that just say "Go look at this code, you can figure it out" (cough cough, TGG). Wuppy's 1.8 tutorials (Structured, very detailed, very well explained) Minecraft Forge's Tutorials board (Completely random, varies, quite useful) TheGreyGhost's MinecraftByExample (Have some code, you can figure it out yourself, very helpful even if you're the kind of person who doesn't learn well this way) -Shadowfacts
  3. Don't use the ore dictionary. Use GameRegistry.findBlock(modId, unlocName) instead.
  4. The fact that you think it's crappy does not change the fact that if you make any PR to the 1.7.10 branch that does not fix some critical bug, Lex will close it and tell you to move to 1.8.
  5. pr as in pull request? As in you are pull requesting custom horse armor into Minecraft Forge for 1.7.10? If you are I can guarantee that Lex is going to close the pull request and tell you to use 1.8.
  6. Item.java not Block.java
  7. EntityPlayer#openGui just calls FMLNetworkHandler.openGui so it really doesn't matter which one you use.
  8. Yes, it does; it saves the ItemStack which contains the stack size. Use EntityItem.getEntityItem(), which returns an ItemStack (it is poorly name) and use ItemStack.stackSize to find the size.
  9. 1. You don't register the entity both as a mod entity and as a global entity, just use registerModEntity 2. Don't use static entity IDs, use a Configuration to allow the user to change it 3. You have redundant checks for this.worldObj.isRemote, you only need one 3. isRemote is true on the client and false on the server, you want to be creating the explosion on the server not the client if (!this.worldObj.isRemote) { this.setDead(); this.worldObj.createExplosion((Entity) null, this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ, 10f, true); }
  10. You don't need FML, diesieben is just saying that you can look at the FMLAT source code for an example of how to use ITweaker.
  11. Side note: almost all of the code in your TE having to do with energy is copied from the CoFH RF API. If you're going to use their code, include their API, don't copy/paste it.
  12. 1. Holy fucking shit that formatting is painful to look at. Just use plain black text without any fucking glow, it is really hard to read. 2. Open the folder in a command line and run the command ./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse Note, you may need to use chmod (requires sudo) to make the gradlew file executable.
  13. Show the code for the class of the block you are trying to craft.
  14. How? It's really not that complicated. P.S. You should join the cool people in IRC, then we can explain how to use GitHub
  15. What variables?
  16. I'm not sure but I would start by looking at the source code for iChun's Morph mod.
  17. 1. Show your code. 2. Are you listening to any events related to block breaking?
  18. What gradle tasks did you run to setup the IDEA workspeace?
  19. You can publish your library mod to a Maven repository and use Gradle to compile it/add it to the workspace. Or, you could use Git submodules, which is basically having one repo (a submodule) embedded inside another and then instructing Gradle to compile it. The latter is the setup I am currently using for my mod and OpenBlocks is using.
  20. The arguments in the parameters? What? You mean the parameters of World#spawnParticle?
  21. Override addInformation in your Item class and add any aditional data you want to the List of Strings.
  22. Why do you need to use findItem? Just reference the Item object in the Items class.
  23. Ah, thank you for noticing that, I've updated the link for anyone who happens to stumble across this in the future.
  24. Side note: you shouldn't use the package identifier com.sa because you don't own http://sa.com (I'd guess Saudi Arabia does). Instead use something like awesomespider.yourmodnamehere
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