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Everything posted by AbrarSyed

  1. have tested this myself. Gradlew isnt the thing that complains.. it is eclipse. not much we can do about that.
  2. 1) http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/dependency_management.html#sub:file_dependencies 2) lemme see your build.gradle file
  3. Fixed it. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle/commit/a63e78585c3966db24a69aae950c4caf48cd0d25 Delete the eclipse folder, and then run "gradlew setupForge --refresh-dependencies" that will ensure you get the latest ForgeGradle
  4. by 'setup' I meant run.. "gradlew setupDevWorkspace" or "gradlew setupDecompWorkspace" or "gradlew eclipse"
  5. run it with --refresh-dependencies this has been fixed... "gradle build --refresh-dependencies"
  6. If you are using FOrge 960+ -- this is a ForgeGradle problem.. which has been fixed. simply run the setup with --refresh-dependencies If you are using Forge 953 or earlier -- this is an MCP problem. -- In your fml.py (forge/fml/fml.py) -- -- line 1149 change to 'https://libraries.minecraft.net/' -- -- line 1242 change to 'http://resources.download.minecraft.net'
  7. thats is a very different problem.. not similair at all... anyways.. you are trying to do your commands in a folder where there is no build.gradle file. you must be in the same directory as the build.gradle file.
  8. Go ahead and run the command with --refresh-dependenices that should fix it
  9. #1) download and extract the src zip #2) open command line in that folder #3) run "gradlew.bat eclipse" #4) Open eclipse, and point it to the eclipse folder as the workspace #5) profit.
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