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Everything posted by MFMods

  1. A have a block which uses json model and looks fine. Model is basically this: {parent_model: something, #texture1: minecraft:oak_planks} Now, it time for a dark oak variant and spruce, etc. - is there a non-manual way to do it? (I know copy/paste and changing oak to other wood would take less than a minute, but I'm thinking support for modded wood would be nice to have.) The block has a block entity too (no renderer at the moment) so I was thinking of using that, though i never rendered blocks. I would be willing to set aside an item slot for material. Let's say I do - could I tell the renderer "render the block using this model, but instead of the oak texture, use this other texture"?
  2. if it doesn't just disappear, how about a screenshot of the crash?
  3. you'll probably want to do it manually. to slow down the player or speed them up you'd normally override stepOn if the block is a full cube block or entityInside if it's not a cube. but if you want some loss of control too, maybe you want to respond to keyboard event (don't remember the name) and mess up the input if the player is above your block (you don't want instant changes of direction).
  4. it is quite possible that no one has ever done that successfully.
  5. your ItemStackHandler seems to have 0 size. did you pass the size in constructor?
  6. BlockStateProperties.FACING the answer was in piston block class, observer block...
  7. ok, there is no elegant way to do that. and i/we can't give you a detailed recommendation because i/we don't know details (for example is the list of these stages fixed and known at runtime, etc.). but it's very important to review the idea of having objects in config file. difficulty level? super-easy. serialize our object into a string, deserialize from it, no problem. "StringOption" = "{ 'field1': 'value1', 'field2': [listt], 'field3': {object inside the big object} }" when should you do it? never. ever. user will load the game with a newer version of your mod than last time (they are expected to, occasionally) and if the class you store is different, deserialization will crash the game (or you will catch that but you don't know how to load data). and sometimes, user will load the game with an older version of your mod than last time (they're not supposed to, but it can happen) - and crash - you don't know how to load data. also - and this is just as important - configs exist for the sake of users/players. but whey they see a bunch of serialized objects (which to many look like some programming), they'll say "umm, nope!" and close the editor. anyway, just hardcode your structure and don't feel bad. and if you can't fit your config structure into the usual system (too dynamic?), just write it into a file yourself. that is okay too, if you need to. but see that editable parts are all simple data types.
  8. possible? sure. should you? probably not. what is it you are trying to do? (do not repeat the implementation plan, tell us what you are planning to get to - i.e. what the mod really does)
  9. weird. ok, remove resource packs temporarily...
  10. remove shaders and try again.
  11. so, did you try full text search? it's not that difficult. it would point you towards the class called IngameGui.
  12. report that to author of refinedstorage. if you can't get a newer version, try slightly older one... or wait for a fix.
  13. hard to say. my guess would be that somehow you have image files from a different version. reinstall everything.
  14. that is far too difficult for a first mod. please shelve that. instead, make a mod that a fruit salad or vegetable soup. i know it sounds stupid. maybe you'll be done in an hour without problems, but i doubt it. more likely, there will be problems because that is modding - learning isn't easy. only when you can make a simple mod with your eyes closed, come back to elytra flight. read about access transformers. try to solve the problem using events and access transformers. if that fails, read about mixins. then consider not using them. then try to solve the problem using them.
  15. i wish more people had your enthusiasm. though, i doubt a non-programmer can just read about call stacks in 2min and be done. see those indented rows? that's what was happening when things crashed. topmost row is what crashed (not always the answer you need, but often enough). row below it is what called the thing that crashed. and row below it is what called the thing that called the thing that crashed... there's more to it, but you don't need it and i don't want to type all night... anyway - if the crash is in mod code, you try to recognize the mod from the namespace (thing on the left, separated with dots). if crash is in mojang's code, you may not be able to tell and need to resort to binary search (remove half the mods and try). in this case, we don't have a namespace (it wasn't mod's code) but luckily the message mentions "byg" as a mod code.
  16. did you look at how carved pumpkin works (when you put it on your head)?
  17. i never tried this performant thingy, but in theory - they can cause any and all problems, and you are currently searching for a problem, so... that mod might be the cause... in theory. ...it's not, log mentions a broken structure and i doubt this mod touches structures. and in theory - performance optimization mod can work flawlessly, bring you performance and not change anything they shouldn't. so - since you are looking for a broken mod, remove this one temporarily and return it when you find a culprit. ok, now that's just dramatic. me - i recommend at least trying them. because i simply can not tell someone to go to the shop and buy a new gpu or more likely cpu (plus everything around it). i have a super-old cpu and i would even tolerate minor visual issues in exchange for a large performance boost. the only recommend alternative is Optifine yikes. that explains a lot... my recommendations for 1.16: 1a) magnesium and magnesium extras. i do not use calcium but you might need it depending on mods (try without it, i have some mentioned mods and don't have issues). 1b) do not touch optifine. ever. 1c) if you want shaders (i don't and i didn't try), try rubidium plus oculus instead of magnesium. again, i didn't try, just suggesting blindly. 2) roadrunner instead of performant 3) sulfuric or radon
  18. in serverconfig directory under your world save directory, find forge-server.toml set the chance to 0. those damn things shouldn't exist.
  19. there are two ways to multiply vectors. the operation the code above uses is sometimes called dot multiplication. dot as in operator between two operands. you are not working with any dots (points).
  20. invert isClientSide check. you are supposed to heal server entities. get(5) on a list object returns sixth entity, you intended that for testing, right? and you ensured that there will be five or more entities around you when testing, because otherwise it would crash.
  21. remove two or three mods that add buildings (dungeons, etc.) and then try flying around in a new test world. then two more until the crash disappears. could be village buildings too, but probably dungeons. when you find the culprit, inform the mod author and get a new version.
  22. show us your log files.
  23. try starting without optifine
  24. remove 20% of mods (move into a temporary directory, you'll return them), try crafting. if the issue persists, return removed mods, remove next 20%.. when the problem disappears, split suspect group until you find the mod that causes problem.
  25. are you starting the installer again?
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