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Everything posted by hydroflame

  1. well technicly they are, or at least they are produced the same way, what exactly are you trying to achieve ? also, did you even try my piece of code ?
  2. ah AH RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityDireWolf.class, new RenderDireWolf(new ModelDireWolf(), 1.0f)); this should be in a client proxy, as the constructor "new ModelDireWolf()" is called server side in this case. so remove everythign "rendering" related from main mod and put it in the client proxy (most likely in the method "registerRenders", just remember to also call the method, like commonProxy.registerRenderers()) also, nice code btw, clean and all, i like it
  3. i mean the class and event of decoration, just look at the javadoc it's pretty straightfoward http://jd.minecraftforge.net/
  4. no no, keep it as modelbase, im pretty sure this work since a lot of people are using it that way (mo's creature as example) it being eclipse ? (that b*tch) can you put in your main mod class, model class, proxies class and wolf mob thigny class ?
  5. does that return 0 all the time ? if you want to generate after the land, use decorators instead.
  6. this is just speculation as i have never worked with models yet. but if you have to add @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) you would only need to put it the line above public class yourclassname{} as it would say to forge that the whole class is client only but then again that might not help make sure that the only place there you have import Modelwtv; is in files that are only used by the client
  7. yeah, well the server shouldnt care about the model of the wolf (or any visual aspect of a mob) so basicly make sure that NO server file need to look/import the model
  8. you could always just make a loop public int getHighestBlock(world, x, z){ for(int i = 128; i > 0; i--){ if(world.getBlockId(x, i, z) != 0){ return i; } return 0; } } if it return 0 all the time it means your code is running BEFORE the land is generated
  9. because for me in my block class @Override public boolean onBlockActivated(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer player, int a, float b, float c, float d) { world.createExplosion(null, x, y, z, 5, true); return true; } this works perfectly
  10. yo fresh my mod doesnt work fix it! no srly if you want us to help, explain whats happening, is there just straight up nothing happening. i noticed that my version of "onBlockActivate" has way more parameter. maybe its just cuz they changed it (im still in 151) but i doubt thats the case is there any error coming up.
  11. heu ... y coordinate of what ? because technicly yes 0 is a y coordinate. are you asking how to get the y coordinate of the first block starting from the sky ? aka the non-air block that has the highest Y for a given x, z ?
  12. @OP can i at least be quoted properly ?, specially if you're making a whole new thread for this.
  13. yeah sorry i didnt actually compiled the code, i tought you would understand what i meant to render in inventory you have to make a class that implements IItemRenderer and render when the ItemRenderType is of INVENTORY_BLOCK look at the javadoc and the actual class its pretty straightfoward
  14. which is obliviously not necessary but ok, hf
  15. no, in the minecraft hierarchy, "entity" is above mob which is itself a "entityLiving" i am honestly not sure how to spawn entities but im sure it would be a good idea to use them to give a good example. the waypoints in rei minimap, visually are "entity" not mob or entity living. look at the wiki you could probably find something about it. if you cant find anything, the only other help I can give you is to wait until I need to use them in my mod, which should be soon enough but i can't give any precise ETA -hydroflame-
  16. Hey there, welcome to forge, hope you wont be leaving soon 1 client side: Minecraft.getMinecraft().objectMouseOver this contains whatever the player is pointing at (oh btw i shouldnt told you, here in forge you have to deal with client/server side, but the advantage are worth it) 2 how to move blocks, well for the tornado i can imagine that the tornado itself is an "entity" (which btw with forge you can create your own) i guess it has a random chance to set a block to air and "pick up" the block (using entity rendering, you would render the block floating in the air but it probably wouldnt be collidable) 3 honestly the tutorial about metadata is pretty complete, try to play around with it and you should figure it out easy ps: the tutorial will teach you a lot. try to look there first if you have a question because usually you can find the answer -hydroflame, FRev-
  17. client side Minecraft.getMinecraft().objectMouseOver is whatever the cursor is currently pointing at
  18. no actually drawing a entity would be easier. just because its less code in general. drawing a red "outline" over each cube affected would actually be a huge pain in the arse -hydroflame-
  19. i wasn't necessarily referring to you, sorry Tile Entity are basically extra information about a block, for example, sign have a tile entity that contains the text they are suppose to show ,beacon block contains information about their state (on off) and which buff they are giving it is important to note that you cant place tile entities on block that dont support them, aka dirt, stone air, flower etc, etc in my case i am using a new block called the plotblock. its tile entity contains the information about the width/height/length of the plot, this way i can use these information to draw a frame to visualize what are the limits that the plot owner can build in (as well as extra information like the cost of the plot etc etc) the difference between using TE (tile entities) and entities is that tile entities are tied to a bloc. while entities are free to be placed anywhere. you could technicly make an invisible entity that has information about the width/height/length of the protected area and x, y,z and use this entity to draw a big box that represents the limit of the area. for TE they're are good tutorial on the wiki about how why when to use them. as for entitiy i am not sure as i am not using them (yet). @redria7, ahaha, sorry , but you understand what i mean?
  20. yes, except if you have to render your block before you pull the matrix (ill spare you the details) but technicly pushMatrix rotate draw popMatrix bellow will not work pushMatrix rotate popMatrix draw
  21. you have to go out with a bang like: hey i made this its new its fresh nobody has done thsi before. unless you're doign somethign dull like "obsidian tools" generally people will like what you've done compatibility is important too. If your mod isnt compatible with the "mainstream" mods you will have problem
  22. plus, people here are usually very new to coding in general. they're not a threat to the popularity of my mod. IF i ahve somethign to fear. it would be people who are working in secret. (kinda like me)
  23. im a bit.. special.. and very confident/positive that my mod will be one of the best in its genre. But hey, we'll see in 2 month if people like what I've done.
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