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Everything posted by hydroflame

  1. @Override public void onUpdate(){ tickExisted++; if(tickExisted > 30){ this.setDead(); } }
  2. @yagoki, yeah i was also thinking they were searching way too far @op, the code described by yagoki will not overburden your server,even with a small server, even calculated every tick is NOTHING compared to what vanilla minecraft has to do every tick, its safe to assume you could do this every tick because if you do it every 5 minute you will have weird result when the time is near dawn/dusk (the time will seem to "jump" back)
  3. hey i remember you from the post about coming from bukkit and trying to merge to forge, seems like you like it here to answer your question, yes it looks like its easier then you think, all you have to do is make a class extend EntityThrowable and override the method "onImpact" then register this new entity in the main mod class and make it spawn when you use the item. you could also make a new renderer if you need to make it look appealing i suggest you look into the "blaster" tutorial from the wiki, it explains very well what you're trying to do -hydroflame-
  4. you could always use the old method of adding your files inside %appdata%/.minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar
  5. hen .. cant tell then, what is it saying if you use RenderingRegistry.registerTileEntitySpecialRenderer ?? edit: nvm i saw in the javadoc that it doesnt even exists anymore.
  6. did it change in 1.5.2 (im still 1.5.1) because im suing RenderingRegistry.registerTileEntitySpecialRenderer... or somethign like that (client proxy line 13)
  7. nope, never do that, i dont have access to pastebin as my work blocks it. can you use and include your client proxy and main mod class?
  8. make sure you're calling the methdo from the right side, if its a render thign you should be calling it from CLIENT side (aka in a client proxy)
  9. well if you want, zip and give me all your files (i mean ALL) i have different hardware ill try and see if i can figure it out. warning you , i can only try this tonight (7 hours after the time of this posting)
  10. woups sorry you misunderstood (or i did) i was thinking that Tsundare was saying there is a vanilla command line thing to do thsi (like tp player1 player2 or give player123 65 64, stop, say hello world, etc) but yeah thanks seabass ill deffinitelly check into that
  11. yeah ... change this @SidedProxy(clientSide="tutorial.generic.client.ClientProxy", serverSide="tutorial.generic.CommonProxy") to thsi @SidedProxy(clientSide="beelzaboss.aerialcraft.client.ClientProxy", serverSide="beelzaboss.aerialcraft.CommonProxy")
  12. @diesieben07 well that and hes not constructing his Item in the preInit: //ADD ITEMS //********* public static final Item ItemDutarFragment = new ItemDutarFragment(5001); // Server 'proxy' code being loaded. @SidedProxy(clientSide="tutorial.generic.client.ClientProxy", serverSide="tutorial.generic.CommonProxy") public static CommonProxy proxy; @EventHandler public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { // Stub Method } change to import net.minecraft.item.Item; public class classname{ //ADD ITEMS //********* public static Item ItemDutarFragment; // Server 'proxy' code being loaded. @SidedProxy(clientSide="tutorial.generic.client.ClientProxy", serverSide="tutorial.generic.CommonProxy") public static CommonProxy proxy; @EventHandler public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { ItemDutarFragment = new ItemDutarFragment(5001); }
  13. can we have logs ? as we have NO idea what is the issue
  14. ? wont a Class/Method/FieldNotFoundException be thrown only if a parent/herited class/method has already the @Sideonly annotation? and if they do. adding it again wouldnt change anything. unless im wrong calling a function with @Sideonly will throw a NotFoundEx only if you're calling it from the wrong side as opposed to calling the method/wtv with the try/catch will throw the exception if its called from the wrong side BUT will not crash the server/client and like i said, debugging, lets not make @sideonly a religion
  15. post: "Modder Support Board Guidelines - READ ME BEFORE POSTING!!!" wrong board budddy
  16. @Tsundare: which command is that? i looked into all commands and i couldnt find it (maybe im just derp)
  17. yeah i know theres no "recommended" build, but i wanted to ask people opinion on its stability overall as i don't want to upgrade to something ill spend more time debugging then actually coding my features about the obfuscation mapping being mcp: yeah, sorry i forgot they're 2 different things i can read the release thread y'know
  18. @diesieben using @Sideonly is the equivalent of this try{ if(side is server){ throw new exception(); } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } i agree that you should not have million of them. but they can be usefull for debugging and understanding what goes where
  19. underground would have been some chosen value like 16 and down. of course itll break player construction but if its only 16 and down, you could tell your players that every x amount of time youll regen 16 and down. so they wont really build there. as for keep track of every block created by the player? you would just eventually end up with the same problem. some people plce torch and cobblestone while digging
  20. github is my 2nd home is what ill be looking for i also tought about how IC2 was using terraformer but i think itll be too much stress on the server doing it this way
  21. well i was thinking using a hashmap but its up to you. i can pm you the implication of creating a new object every time as i will be upgrading to 161 tomorow .
  22. whats the reason behind this in your initializer (main mod class) MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(this); does your main mod class contain @ForgeSubscribe methods ?
  23. @mew new ResourceLocation("/assets/MODID/textures/model/TEXTURENAME.png") 100% speculation as i havnt used 161 yet but do you know/think that you are suppose to keep the "ResourceLocation" object saved somewhere as minecraft might be doing some stuff when setting them up that you should only have to setup once. so if you recreate them every time you need them, you're using computer ressources you shouldnt be using ?
  24. *BUMP2 (and last)* bonus point +++ because apparently no one has an idea where to start
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