
Forge Modder-
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Everything posted by lukas2005
[1.10.2][SOLVED] reading/creating/writing config for my mod??
lukas2005 replied to lukas2005's topic in Modder Support
In preInit event has a Configuration object for your mod that is what you will use to create a config. do you mean FMLPreInitializationEvent#getSuggestedConfigurationFile()? -
[1.10.2][SOLVED] Setting value for block/item
lukas2005 replied to lukas2005's topic in Modder Support
tanks for response [sOLVED] -
[1.10.2][SOLVED] Setting value for block/item
lukas2005 replied to lukas2005's topic in Modder Support
i dont have the Blocks.REGISTRY value -
[1.10.2][SOLVED] Setting value for block/item
lukas2005 replied to lukas2005's topic in Modder Support
ok but is there a way to get the array of all registered in minecraft blocks/items?? -
you still can make it invisible entity and then make particles
post: [*]console log [*]class where you do register renders [*]proxy (both server and client) [*]picture of your directory tree (package explorer in eclipse) we are not wizards that can solve anything without even knowing what is the cause of error :-)
i think this shloud be moved into "Minecraft General" Section
MC 1.11 Release is out so when forge 1.11 will be :D?
lukas2005 posted a topic in General Discussion
Like in topic :-D -
Hello i am making a mod wich needs to set the "weight" value for blocks/items but how do i set it??? NOTE: this value will change in-game and be saved only for few blocks (chests etc.) but for rest it will be in code or loaded from config NOTE2: this is for ALL the blocks/items registered in game (even the ones from other mods)
first thing that you need to do is create an entity then make wall of checks to make a behaviour like this
you can try reading my discussion about this (http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=40802.msg215348) but its not complete it ends up with Purple black checkboard and rotated model
Can someone help me updating this code: https://github.com/lukas2005/FarLands/blob/1.8.9/src/main/java/com/kpabr/FarLands/ChunkProviderFarlands.java or at least tell me how to do this or what is the ChunkPrimer etc. PS i am updating old FarLands Mod (original repo: https://github.com/Valiec/FarLands)
[UPDATING][1.7.10 --> 1.8.9][SOLVED] Updating acces transformer
lukas2005 replied to lukas2005's topic in Modder Support
is this file even needed? i'm updating old FarLands Mod https://github.com/Valiec/FarLands and i found this file in his repo and this file makes me unable to setup the workspace and i'm updating to 1.8.9 be cause then i'm going to update to 1.9 and then to 1.10.2 and i cant et the errors frm console bcause it closes No, it's not needed; it's included in Forge itself. I'm not sure why the original author decided to copy that and the Forge logo into their mod. If you're running the setupDecompWorkspace Gradle task from the command line, open a console window and then run the batch/shell script from that window instead of double-clicking on it. ok -
[UPDATING][1.7.10 --> 1.8.9][SOLVED] Updating acces transformer
lukas2005 replied to lukas2005's topic in Modder Support
is this file even needed? i'm updating old FarLands Mod https://github.com/Valiec/FarLands and i found this file in his repo and this file makes me unable to setup the workspace and i'm updating to 1.8.9 be cause then i'm going to update to 1.9 and then to 1.10.2 and i cant et the errors frm console bcause it closes -
Hello i am updating my mod from 1.7.10 to 1.8.9 and i have errors with my acces transformer heres the code: forge_at.cfg #Main Forge Access Transformer configuration file # Tessellator #public-f bfq.a #FD:Tessellator/field_78398_a #instance #public bfq.u #FD:Tessellator/field_78409_u #drawMode #public bfq.v #FD:Tessellator/field_78408_v #xOffset #public bfq.w #FD:Tessellator/field_78407_w #yOffset #public bfq.x #FD:Tessellator/field_78417_x #zOffset #public bfq.z #FD:Tessellator/field_78415_z #isDrawing # ItemPickaxe public net.minecraft.item.ItemPickaxe <init>(Lnet.minecraft.item.Item$ToolMaterial;) public net.minecraft.item.ItemAxe <init>(Lnet.minecraft.item.Item$ToolMaterial;) public net.minecraft.item.ItemSpade <init>(Lnet.minecraft.item.Item$ToolMaterial;) # ItemTool #public xj.a #FD:ItemTool/field_77864_a #efficiencyOnProperMaterial #public xj.d #FD:ItemTool/field_77865_bY #damageVsEntity # EntityEnderman #public tg.br #FD:EntityEnderman/field_70827_d #carriableBlocks # RenderGlobal #public bfl.k #FD:RenderGlobal/field_72769_h #theWorld #public bfl.l #FD:RenderGlobal/field_72770_i #renderEngine #public bfl.t #FD:RenderGlobal/field_72777_q #mc #public bfl.u #FD:RenderGlobal/field_72776_r #globalRenderBlocks #public bfl.H #FD:RenderGlobal/field_72738_E #damagedBlocks # SoundManager #public bln.b #FD:SoundManager/field_77381_a #sndSystem #public bln.d #FD:SoundManager/field_77379_b #soundPoolSounds #public bln.e #FD:SoundManager/field_77380_c #soundPoolStreaming #public bln.f #FD:SoundManager/field_77377_d #soundPoolMusic # EntityMinecart #protected st.* #FD:EntityMinecart/* # All private -> protected # Block public net.minecraft.block.Block <init>(Lnet/minecraft/src/Material;)V public net.minecraft.block.Block func_149658_d(Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet.minecraft.block.Block; #setIconName public net.minecraft.block.Block func_149672_a(Lnet.minecraft.block.Block$SoundType;)Lnet.minecraft.block.Block; #setStepSound public net.minecraft.block.Block func_149752_b(F)Lnet.minecraft.block.Block; #setResistance public net.minecraft.block.Block func_149711_c(F)Lnet.minecraft.block.Block; #setHardness public net.minecraft.block.Block func_149713_g(I)Lnet.minecraft.block.Block; #setLightOpacity public net.minecraft.block.Block func_149715_a(F)Lnet.minecraft.block.Block; #setLightValue public net.minecraft.block.Block func_149722_s()Lnet.minecraft.block.Block; #setBlockUnbreakable public net.minecraft.block.Block func_149675_a(Z)Lnet.minecraft.block.Block; #setTickRandomly public net.minecraft.block.Block func_149676_a(FFFFFF)V #setBlockBounds public net.minecraft.block.Block func_149657_c(Lnet/minecraft/world/World;IIII)V # dropXpOnBlockBreak # NetServerHandler #public ka.f #FD:NetServerHandler/field_72572_g #playerInAirTime # TileEntity #public asp.k #FD:TileEntity/field_70331_k #worldObj # BlockLeavesBase #public arh.d #FD:BlockLeavesBase/field_72131_c #graphicsLevel # Item public net.minecraft.item.Item func_77656_e(I)Lnet.minecraft.item.Item; #setMaxDamage public-f net.minecraft.item.Item func_77650_f(Lnet.minecraft.item.ItemStack;)Lnet.minecraft.util.IIcon; #getIcon is Final for unknown reason public net.minecraft.item.Item func_77627_a(Z)Lnet.minecraft.item.Item; #setHasSubtypes public net.minecraft.item.Item func_77631_c(Ljava.lang.String;)Lnet.minecraft.item.Item; #setPotionEffect public net.minecraft.item.Item func_111206_d(Ljava.lang.String;)Lnet.minecraft.item.Item; #setTextureName # RailLogic #public amz #CL:BlockBaseRailLogic #public amz.a()I #MD:BlockBaseRailLogic/func_94505_a #getNAdjacentTiles # EntityPlayer public net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer func_71012_a(Lnet/minecraft/entity/item/EntityItem;)V #joinEntityItemWithWorld public net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityClientPlayerMP func_71012_a(Lnet/minecraft/entity/item/EntityItem;)V #joinEntityItemWithWorld #public uf.i()V #MD:EntityPlayer/func_71053_j #closeScreen #public uf.b #FD:EntityPlayer/field_71076_b #sleepTimer # World Gen Chests Related public net.minecraft.util.WeightedRandomChestContent * public net.minecraft.world.WorldServer field_73069_S public net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.StructureMineshaftPieces field_78818_a public net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.ComponentScatteredFeaturePieces$DesertPyramid field_74941_i public net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.ComponentScatteredFeaturePieces$JunglePyramid field_74943_l public net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.ComponentScatteredFeaturePieces$JunglePyramid field_74944_m public net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.StructureStrongholdPieces$ChestCorridor field_75003_a public net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.StructureStrongholdPieces$Library field_75007_b public net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.StructureStrongholdPieces$RoomCrossing field_75014_c public net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.StructureVillagePieces$House2 field_74918_a public net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenDungeons field_111189_a # Save Location public net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.AnvilChunkLoader field_75825_d # chunkSaveLocation public net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer field_73247_e # currentChunkLoader # PlayerManager #public jp.a(IIZ)Ljq; #MD:PlayerManager/func_72690_a #getOrCreateChunkWatcher # PlayerInstance #public jq #CL:PlayerInstance # World public-f net.minecraft.world.World field_72982_D #villageCollectionObj #public abw.G #FD:World/field_72993_I #activeChunkSet # EntityLiving #public og.b #FD:EntityLiving/field_70728_aV #experienceValue #public og.d #FD:EntityLiving/field_70715_bh #targetTasks # GuiFlatPresets #public avz.a(Ljava/lang/String;ILacq;Ljava/util/List;[Lagd;)V #MD:GuiFlatPresets/func_82294_a #public avz.a(Ljava/lang/String;ILacq;[Lagd;)V #MD:GuiFlatPresets/func_82297_a # BiomeGenBase public net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenBase *() #Everything protected->public public net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenForest *() public net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenHills *() public net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenMesa *() public net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenPlains *() public net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenSavanna *() public net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenSnow *() public net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenTaiga *() # Map Gen Biome Lists public+f net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.MapGenStronghold field_151546_e # MapGenVillage public-f net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.MapGenVillage field_75055_e #villageSpawnBiomes # ShapedRecipes public+f net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes field_77574_d #recipeItems public+f net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes field_77576_b #recipeWidth public+f net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes field_77577_c #recipeHeight # ShapelessRecipes public net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapelessRecipes field_77579_b #recipeItems # GuiContainer #protected awy.a(Lwe;)V #MD:GuiContainer/func_74192_a #drawSlotInventory # ContainerPlayer #protected vv.h #FD:ContainerPlayer/field_82862_h #player # BlockButton #protected anf.n(Labw;III)V #MD:BlockButton/func_82535_o #checkActivation #protected-f anf.a #FD:BlockButton/field_82537_a #sensible # BiomeDecorator public net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeDecorator * # CreativeTabs public-f net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs field_78032_a # creativeTabArray non-final # Packet #public ey.a(IZZLjava/lang/Class;)V #MD:Packet/func_73285_a #addIdClassMapping # SaveHandler #public alq.b()Ljava/io/File; #MD:SaveHandler/func_75765_b # World stuff #public abw.b(Lnn;)V #MD:World/func_72847_b #releaseEntitySkin #public abw.m #FD:World/field_73003_n #prevRainingStrength #public abw.n #FD:World/field_73004_o #rainingStrength #public abw.p #FD:World/field_73017_q #thunderingStrength #public abw.o #FD:World/field_73018_p #prevThunderingStrength # WorldClient #public bdd.b(Lnn;)V #MD:WorldClient/func_72847_b #releaseEntitySkin # WorldServer #public js.b(Lnn;)V #MD:WorldServer/func_72847_b #releaseEntitySkin #public js.N #FD:WorldServer/field_73068_P #allPlayersSleeping # TextureMap #public bik.g #FD:TextureMap/field_94255_a #public bik.h #FD:TextureMap/field_94254_c # Potion #public ni.b(II)Lni; #MD:Potion/func_76399_b #setIconIndex # PotionHelper #public zp.m #FD:PotionHelper/field_77927_l #potionRequirements #public zp.n #FD:PotionHelper/field_77928_m #potionAmplifiers # PotionEffect #public nj.b #FD:PotionEffect/field_76460_b #duration # BlockFluid #protected apc.a #FD:BlockFluid/field_94425_a #theIcon # GuiIngame protected net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiIngame * protected net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiIngame *() # ItemStack default net.minecraft.item.ItemStack field_77991_e # GuiSlot #protected awg.b(IIII)V #MD:GuiSlot/func_77206_b #overlayBackground # EntityPlayer #public uf.bu #FD:EntityPlayer/field_71092_bJ #username # MapGenStructureIO public net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.MapGenStructureIO func_143034_b(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;)V # registerStart public net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.MapGenStructureIO func_143031_a(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;)V # registerPiece # Stronghold public net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.StructureStrongholdPieces$Stronghold # Packets public net.minecraft.network.play.server.S23PacketBlockChange field_148883_d # Block public net.minecraft.network.play.server.S23PacketBlockChange field_148884_e # Metadata # WorldType public-f net.minecraft.world.WorldType field_77139_a #worldTypes # DamageSource public net.minecraft.util.DamageSource *() #All methods public, most are already # ItemBlock public net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock field_150939_a # block # EntityAITasks public net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAITasks field_75782_a # taskEntries # EntityXPOrb public net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityXPOrb field_70530_e # xpValue
You shloud change this line: Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.addChatMessage(JsonMessageUtils.json("\"text\":\"" + service + ": \",\"extra\":[{\"text\":\"" + status.getStatus() + "\",\"color\":\"" + status.getColor() + "\"}]")); to Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.getServerForPlayer().addScheduledTask(new Runnable() { public void run() { Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.addChatMessage(JsonMessageUtils.json("\"text\":\"" + service + ": \",\"extra\":[{\"text\":\"" + status.getStatus() + "\",\"color\":\"" + status.getColor() + "\"}]")); } }); you cant do this your way because you are on separate thread useful link:http://greyminecraftcoder.blogspot.com.au/2015/01/thread-safety-with-network-messages.html(about networking but it explains threads)
does it print something on a chat after this lag or it freezes for ever?
[1.10.2] Weird warning on console and items not working?
lukas2005 replied to lukas2005's topic in Modder Support
bump just b'cuz i want to know what this means -
Two questions: 1. Where exactly is the libs/ folder? 2. If I do it this way, will I be able to use files from Mekanism and create my own gases etc? you need to create it inside the root project folder so it ould look like pathtoyourdevenv/modname/libs