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Forge Code God
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Posts posted by LexManos

  1. If you install Forge once, then you can usually get away with updating it again 'offline' because the installer does contain the main Forge jars.

    However if any libraries change, then you need internet to get them.

    Not only does this save duplication of a lot of data in every installer, but in the case of Minecraft itself, a lot of legal hassle.

    You can however just move those needed libraries from a computer you own that has them to another.

    The installer is smart enough to check if they exist before trying to download them.

  2. first off, that screen is horrible, at least make the window a smaller size so the text is readable for us.

    Secondly, that would be a issue with java. You need to update to atleast J8u111 to get the LetsEncrypt certs...

    Tho... why vanilla is using lets encrypt for realms... I have no idea.

  3. DO NOT send people to the github issues or suggestions forum for basic shit like this.

    As far as I know data packs load just fine. If they do not you need to provide exact use cases because 99% of the time, you fucked up.

    Be it the json syntax.

    Be it file placement.

    Whatever it is, MOST of the time it's end user error.

    So, if you THINK you have a bug, track it down, provide a reproduction case. And we can help you.

    In this case it looks like you're throwing the recipes all over the place and not actually overriding the vanilla one.

    Which of coarse wont work because there is NO sorting when it comes to recipes, the first one to hit will be the one used. So if both recipes exist in conflicting states, then it'll use the first one.

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