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Posts posted by LexManos

  1. Chrome has a stupid detection system where it uses public votes {By tracking everything you download} and a arbitrary number before 'trusts' downloads.

    You can test this by downloading anything Google produces {I tested with Chrome's installer} and uploading it to any site.

    It'll warn you when you download it that it is potentially dangerous.

    There is literally nothing we can do about Chrome/Firefox being stupid. So just be sure that you're downloading from our official site only: http://files.minecraftforge.net/ and if you do then you're fine.

  2. Quote


    Container.slotChangedCraftingGrid has been updated to use Forge's overloaded RecipeManager.getRecipe, which accepts a RecipeType, and it is restricted to VanillaRecipeTypes.CRAFTING.  This seems to mean that the only way to craft non-vanilla shaped/shapeless recipes in the inventory crafting grid or the crafting table is to replace those containers with custom ones which override slotChangedCraftingGrid


    This is should not be the case, and most definitly is not the intention.

    You're using RecipeType incorrectly.

    It is meant to be a 'machine' type system. Which is why we have 'CRAFTING' and 'SMELTING' and not 'SHAPELESS'.

    Note that RecipeType is not the type in the json. That is your serializer.

    • Like 1
  3. With the 1.14 update process, there are over 1000 new classes that need names.

    So i've opened this up to the community to help do.

    #MPCConfig on the Forge discord if you're interested.

    On top of that, we are taking this opertunity to define a standard for class names:





    So we'll see how that turns out. So for you guys, it's in the works. 

  4. Provide exact versions, and all hashes listed on the site are valid for the files they reference.

    It's all generated through maven on our end. 

    So if the file you're getting doesn't match the hash on our site http://files.minecraftforge.net/ then you've got a corrupt/invalid download.


    So, da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 is the sha1 of a 0-length input.

    Which means you're probably hashing 0 bytes.

    Which means you're using firefox and it is blocking the download.

  5. 1.13.2 has been "ready" for quite some time.

    It's solely waiting on modders to provide feedback and testing.

    I've stated this MANY TIMES. 1.13.2 WILL NOT be getting a recommended build.

    I blame this mostly on lack of modder feedback, but also on the fact that we knew 1.13 was going to be a complete rewrite of everything, so we're doing what the community has been asking for for years. Essentially 'skipping' a version.


    But ya. Any other 1.14 speculation posts are gunna get deleted. Yes I know it's coming out, I'll start the update when it officially exists. Hold your horses.

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