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Forge Code God
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Everything posted by LexManos

  1. Interesting, it appears that someone is wonkey with your /mods/AppCompat/Programs folder Can you explain to me why your mods folder has those folders and why it would cause a IO/Error? However, we can toss a Null protection in there.
  2. You didnt reobf your damn mod u.u
  3. Your @Instance needs a modid parameter
  4. you're passing in the wrong instance of your mod.
  5. Forge works wonderfully with every RML that I have ever had anyone ever report to me. If you have issues, follow the directions of the big red letters at the top of the index of this forum and post error logs -.- We will NEVER go back to RML unless he is willing to open up and work with the community. FML works just fine with RML mods.
  6. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?action=search2;advanced;search=java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError%3A%20com/google/common/collect/Multimap
  7. Dont bump shit this old for things unrelated to the thread -.-
  8. DO NOT extract all of minecraft.jar Use a program like 7zip to merge the forge files into the jar without extracting it. Windows cannot have a file with 'aux' int he name, so if you extract it that file will not exist when you re-jar it. Also search before posting
  9. The new build have a 'super duper headless mode' which doesnt even touch JOptionPane, so it *should* work on servers that have messed up installations.
  10. Optifine *should* work just fine with newer versions of Forge, as far as I know there hasnt been any changes that effect compatibility. However, Mystcraft as it edits a lot of the same files as Forge {we are working on making it base clean} you'll have to be careful for.
  11. Oh I compleetly forgot about that thread, the jenkins link is in the main downloads. Deleted that thread, If anyone wants to be in change of keeping the running change log i'll gladly pin there thread, but its a pain for me to write documentation.
  12. Why do you think that's a valid argument? You're saying that 'Suggestion: Update to 1.3.2' would be a valid suggestion? Just cuz I don't look at anything 4.x? You should at least check the latest version before suggesting things as if you don't you look stupid. I expect a little bit of research to be done by people before they say things.
  13. That hasnt been the jenkins for a while. http://jenkins.minecraftforge.net:7070
  14. I dont think that would be proper, that would change basic mechanics of the game. There is already a mod out there that has a dispenser that'll do what you want {RendPower}
  15. Try going through and getting the error log from the console again. Not sure exactly why it wouldn't create a log for you... Also, you may wanna try 7zip, winrar should work, but it may be derping something up. Also try updating to the latest build instead of 251, as thats kinda old. And I *should* be able to do another RB soon.
  16. If you can make a video of your exact install process. People have reported this as a forge issue but no matter how hard I try or any combinations of screwing up the install neither I, nore anyone i've asked can get this issue. Also neither Forge nore FML edit anything related to setting up the graphics. The claims from the lwjgl community is that either your natives, or your graphics drivers are screwed up.
  17. No, there is no way I can make that error any more clear. Follow the instructions for installing MCP properly.
  18. Explain forge jenkins doesnt work, plus there are many places to get the download. The issue is that CC is using a old function that should exist anymore and only existed in FML due to a bug, which was fixed.
  19. Why don't you follow the install instructions and delete meta-inf? Like every other mod...
  20. Install optifine AFTER forge.
  21. Ya, if you cant be bothered to look into finding the answers yourself or using the simple systems that are laid in place so that the patches you produce follow the format that is needed by the rest of Forge/Users, I don't want your patch submissions. Feel free to make a feature request, but if you submit things that do not follow the standard and fuck shit up, they will be rejected outright.
  22. Search before posting.
  23. Whats wrong with Item.addInformation(ItemStack, List)? Also, you'd have to speak with ChickenBones i'm still waiting for his PR on things related to GuiContainer.
  24. What part of: Fork Pull Setup Edit Update_patches Commit Push PR Don't you get? Also dont use mcp/eclispe, use forge/eclipse, it has projects setup already. The fact that you said it was 'overengineered' just shows that you haven't take the time to actually read what it does. Its all rather simple, but not as simple as a 'simple look and a diff command'.
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