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Everything posted by Kokkie

  1. Probably edited the title after that question... Oh wait, that was done 4 hours ago... Or not
  2. I think netherwart only goes to 3-4, not to 7
  3. When I add it, the entity wont spawn... Also, something I didn't mention, the mob moves really laggy when hit (the 'jumping' and falling). Does anybody have an idea how to fix this?
  4. It's, from what I looked at, the only thing that could be null between those methods...
  5. Make sure the player isn't null... Where are you setting the player? Also, instead of showing snippets from your code, try a git repo... It's better because we don't have to ask for code everytime.
  6. You should use json files instead of creating them in code.
  7. Kokkie


    The 'tutorial' you're using wants you to put the totalCoins outside of the method.
  8. Kokkie


    We don't only want to help with 'complicated' stuff, but before we help you have to at least know the basics of Java to understand what we're saying.
  9. 1.7.10 is no longer supported, update to get help.
  10. Don't just go to some random post from 2015 to give 'help'
  11. https://github.com/Draco18s/ReasonableRealism/blob/master/src/main/java/com/draco18s/farming/entities/TileEntityTanner.java#L105-L107
  12. 1.7.10 is no longer supported, update to get help.
  13. I think he was trying to say that there is a plugin which has the command /rewards that opens a gui which he calls by doing mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage("/rewards");
  14. But still, if he would pass it as a string to translate he would have to remove that, or make them seperate
  15. That's because you have Which requires you to the color code in your lang file, remove it. To make it have colors you put § + a number in front of the 'translation'.
  16. I see a lot of posts saying only the current and previous versions are supported
  17. Please do not come in here just to give your opinion...
  18. It does attack, only with a really long time in between. By this I ment the AI of wandering, the rest works.
  19. It seems like shouldExecute always returns false because mustUpdate is false.
  20. Does anybody know what might be causing this?
  21. Turns out it did attack, only once every 10 seconds or something. It just doesn't move, using the Zombie AI doesn't work either.
  22. With some of them I mean the swimming, look idle and watch closest.
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