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Everything posted by TheRPGAdventurer

  1. Ok, I once found a minecraft 1.8 mod that makes a 3d model for you, I know that 1.8 isn't longer supported here but that jar file's exported .java still works for older versions, I usually use 3d model makers like these to visualize my model and help with the textures. To use it, you just need to install just like a regular .jar file mod and run minecraft.
  2. personally, I just use techne to visualize my model but I actually write the model itself.
  3. Kinda lost it btw! i just found it recently now I lost it again, maybe was it in abstracthorse.class? EntityAnimal.class? That method dismount the player when he/she hits the underwater.
  4. Ok it worked, now I need to detect if it is liquid, lava is Liquid right?
  5. I am trying to make a BlockPos custom method for a flying algorithim to my tameable dragon to detect it's altitude. I currently use world#getHeight but that causes issues because gethHeight finds the most uppermost solid block in the world, but the nether has a solid block roof above. I need a custom method which detects a solid block below and to do that I must understand how solid blocks interact with entities
  6. I have trouble understanding how the entity's hitbox and block's hitbox interact causing entity's
  7. Also as a suggestion, kindly please edit your first post to change the title so you can have a some sort of mark that this has been solved, like (SOLVED) or [SOLVED] so people have this same problem can tell if this is solved THANKS!
  8. Hi Everyone I used world#getHeight() to check wheter my entity is onGround or airbourne but the getHeight() method just gets The heighest block and It made problems with the nether because of it's rooftops which is it's heighest point. entity#onGround can be useful but it is just a boolean not a method. I really need something that checks the ground below. thanks for any help.
  9. But I think I am starting to get it, what if I just detect if it is standing on a solid block. BTW, getheight just detects the heighest solid block. Because instead of finding the heighest block above just get the block this entity is standing, this.getPosition()?
  10. I finally come up for an idea when looking for MO Biomes source code, what if I get the world's blockstate then detect if it is solid or not but I have trouble understanding the difference between isNormalCube() and isBlockNormalCube(), or just use isSolid()?
  11. thanks for the suggestion but my dragon cannot break blocks. ;P Also do you know mods that spawn nether villages or other structures? I don't really know all the whole minecraft nods.
  12. yes, the get actual height one will make the dragon jump high until it reaches "y 256" before spreading it's wings, because of |"return nether ? 128:256; "| Got a better Y coords because Im trying to make a custom one as an alternative, any advices?
  13. The problem is that when I liftoff and there is a block above like in the nether, it would just try to reach that height because the getHeight() method finds the highest possible solid block but then gets blocked by the blocks solidity. I changed my code btw to fit in with integers. public double getAltitude() { int blockX = (int) (posX - 0.5); int blockZ = (int) (posZ - 0.5); return posY - world.getHeight(blockX, blockZ); }
  14. Ok, I thought no one was replying I'm gonna present a video and explain the problem.
  15. Do you know something that goes with a BlockPos? I need that because when i make my dragon fly by pressing space, it needs an altitude in order to lift off. When I fly it in a place and there is a Block above like the nether, it just jumps upward without liftoff trying to get the heighest height possible then the minecraft:block above blocks it. /** * Returns the distance to the ground while the entity is flying. */ public double getAltitude() { BlockPos groundPos = world.getHeight(getPosition()); return posY - groundPos.getY(); }
  16. I made my entity carry 2 passengers but how do I make the second passenger(usually pets) but what happens is that the non player passenger is able to control the dragon. Also I like the feature that the second player is the one unable to control the dragon. https://pastebin.com/UDGhVh27
  17. We do know that there is a big roof in the nether and it is the highest y level in the nether right? I need a Y level that can adapt below the roof in the nether. Which one is it?
  18. I noticed that the new boats can carry more than 2 entities and I want it on my entity aswell
  19. My computer is kinda laggy for this sometimes, I already found the answer on the wiki. BTW! Thanks for making me learn to myself and notjust turn into some script kiddie.
  20. Another question, what is the uppermost y level of the nether(bedrock.)
  21. what's the difference of isNormalCube and isBlockNormalCube?
  22. So I tried to make my structure look for air blocks, then spawn it in there. My suspicion with my problem is that air blocks with the requirements are rare thus making it stack on each other. Other people doesn't seem to have this problem tho. I always see that the issue is on the Y level. public static void generateNestUnderground(World world, Random random, int x, int z) { int xzCheckDistance = 10; if((random.nextInt(125)) == 1) { for (int y = 55; y >= 30; y--) { if (world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(x,y,z)).getBlock().isAir(world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(x,y,z)), world, new BlockPos(x,y,z))) { for (int y2 = 1; y2 <= 30; y2++) { if (world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(x,y-y2,z)).isBlockNormalCube()) { int y4 = 0; int y5 = 0; for (int x2 = 0; x2 <= xzCheckDistance; x2++) { if (world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(x-x2,y-y2+y4 +1,z)).isBlockNormalCube()) { Boolean wall = true; for (int y3 = 1; y3 <= 4; y3++) { if (!world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(x-x2,y-y2+y4+1+y3,z)).isNormalCube()) { wall = false; y4 += y3; break; } } if (wall) { if (world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(x - x2, y - y2 + y4, z)).isNormalCube()) { StructureDragonNests.generate(world, new BlockPos(x - x2, y - y2 + y4, z), random); Utils.getLogger().info("Underground Nest here at:" + new BlockPos(x - x2, y - y2 + y4, z)); }return; } } } break; } } } } } } }
  23. Also, how do I make my code give me the exact location of the structure instead of saying "Nest here at true" in the console. Utils.getLogger().info("Nest here at: " + dragonNestNether.generate(world, random, new BlockPos(x,y,z)));
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