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Everything posted by TheRPGAdventurer

  1. so i have a dragon gui inventroy where you can open the dragon and put the banner on it, it will render on the body, the problem is that it disappears after i quit the world and i need to reopen the inventory again, i use ItemRenderer.renderItem https://pastebin.com/AEcjLJsd
  2. I live in a 3rd world country where 25 dollars is 1000 PHP to us and worth like my 3 months allowance, I pursued programming classes consuming my saturday weekends of time only to be uneducated by 3rd world quality programming teachers, the teacher would often just read the lesson in english which isnt our mother tongue language making it hard for majority of the students to understand, our lesson is takes 8 hours per saturday doing nothing,my classmates would usually sorround me in my computer to get help from me during the lessons, sometimes in each exam where we will need to build a program, my other colleagues would consume the 8 hour time and ask for more cus it aint enough, Me however who have experience in programming due to forge would just take 30 minutes to do it and leave my class and just save my allowance. I learned it all in programming with forge. So thank you forge, thank you forge staff, your sacrifices mean a lot to some people like me,
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  3. I have a dragon inventory that when opened has its own chest inventory while it also has the inventory slot for the items, what its missing is the slot for the player's armor being worn, i really want this so every time i open my dragon inventory while riding the dragon i dont have to dismount on my dragon just to equip my new armor its very trouble some to fly down high in the sky just to equip your armor and change your mind in just a few minutes of flying. ContainerDragon: https://pastebin.com/J5VYJMsn I dont think you will find it here but anyways here you go: GuiDragon: https://pastebin.com/QQPV9TQM
  4. So i made a banner and attach it to the dragon but they keep rendering on a static position and does not follow the body's changes. LayerRendererDragonBanner: https://pastebin.com/5udWycxp
  5. btw everytime when i press a method from java packages the source wont show up and keep asking me for a source
  6. Something like this, if i click gender the values change from male to female "interchange" is the right word? now i want to do this in breed, if i press next it will change to the next breed and the next one and the next one and the skins already change on its own with its breed. About my code: I dont know what to put in there to get your attention,
  7. This problem is more related to java than minecraft itself. SO i made a dragon wand item that when a dragon is right clicked with it it opens a secondary inventory and gui, then you can edit its gender, breed, skin, owner etc. my problem is that the breed characteristic is on enum and how do interchange it, interchanging the breed also interchanges the dragon's skin texture. GuiDragonWand: https://pastebin.com/Ewa3ybS0 EnumDragonBreed: https://pastebin.com/eCxLDzYs
  8. so I got this: https://pastebin.com/t3aEMJni and consoleshows this error: https://pastebin.com/fFjR2eYM also when the dragon has the banner in its inventory player in third person disappears and water does not render too.
  9. hmm somethings wrong its not showing up, maybe its too low? : BannerLayer https://pastebin.com/VJGJKtVt LayerAddedIn: https://pastebin.com/xgb7mQER Is this required? this.modelRenderer.postRender(0.0625F);
  10. so in other words tile entities are like block models?
  11. So my idea is to render a banner into the side of the dragon if there is a banner in the dragon's inventory, I already made the inventory but i dont know how to render a tile entity on the side of the dragon entity, I know its possiblee because if yooru replace a banner in the helmet slot on the payer via commands the banner would render on the player and follow with it, my guess is world.addTileEntity()? best regards
  12. @SubscribeEvent public void missingMapping(RegistryEvent.MissingMappings<Item> event) { for (MissingMappings.Mapping<Item> entry : event.getAllMappings()) { if (entry.key.toString().equals(DragonMounts.MODID + ":ender_dragonscales")) { ResourceLocation newTotem = new ResourceLocation(DragonMounts.MODID + ":ender_dragonscales1"); entry.remap(ForgeRegistries.ITEMS.getValue(newTotem)); } } } I renamed an item fro an experiment, I clearly have no idea how to use RegistryEvent.MissingMappings
  13. Hey guys I tried to make my own, but it failed, Where did I make my mistake @SubscribeEvent public void missingMapping(RegistryEvent.MissingMappings<Item> event) { for (MissingMappings.Mapping<Item> entry : event.getAllMappings()) { if (entry.key.toString().equals(DragonMounts.MODID + ":ender_dragonscales")) { ResourceLocation newTotem = new ResourceLocation(DragonMounts.MODID + ":ender_dragonscales1"); entry.remap(ForgeRegistries.ITEMS.getValue(newTotem)); } } }
  14. I am trying to fix another bug on my mod by removing it's metadata, it's particle effects is like always the original block, eg. the block is green particle when falled upon by mobs or broken is black because the default ender dragon egg is black.
  15. Hi yall, I need help for this is my first time to attempt DataFixing my mod rely heavily on metadata, one example is my dragon egg block that is split into custom breeds by metadata, so I want to make it it's own block but the world saves might remember it's old name, all egg breeds are registered as dragonEgg but I have to make each block and fix it. BlockDragonBreedEgg.class:https://github.com/TheRPGAdventurer/dragonmounts2-1.12.2/blob/master/src/main/java/com/TheRPGAdventurer/ROTD/client/blocks/BlockDragonBreedEgg.java
  16. { "type": "minecraft:crafting_shaped", "pattern": [ "X X", "###" ], "key": { "#": { "item": "minecraft:leather" }, "X": { "item": "minecraft:oak_planks" } }, "result": { "item": "dragonmounts:dragon_carriage" } } In this recipe i used oak planks, so if I craft it it has to be oak planks how do i make it just use any kind of planks.
  17. It's sad that some of my favorite mods in 1.7.10 are left and abandoned one of my favorite abandoned mods is Dragon Mounts, you can hatch the ender dragon egg and tame it as your own, it's a bummer minecraft had a dragon egg item yet you cannot hatch it, Dragon Mounts didnt have firebreathing and dragon armors before, but the ability to hatch the dragon egg was more than enough, when it was abandoned, I learned java myself and updated it as my own then added firebreathing and dragon armors on it.
  18. Hi there I have a custom entity and it wont fall in the air if not onGround https://github.com/TheRPGAdventurer/dragonmounts2-1.12.2/blob/1.4.7r/src/main/java/com/TheRPGAdventurer/ROTD/server/entity/EntityDragonCarriage.java
  19. EntityLook helper or Entity#getLookHelper()
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