Sorry, what does the :: mean? is it like the Minecraft.getMinecraft(); thing?
Is there a playerSP class? could find only the playercontrollerMP class but not this one.
Hmm, interesting idea - I think I have an idea, can't I make the horse constantly go forward and just change the rotation of the player? Like for example other mods trigger auto walk?
Actually, I changed my mind. I want to make a mod that can "teach" my horse to ride to the destination I set in my survival world by itself. Is this possible?
Starting by making the horse ride +5 block to the x access can be good enough
Tried things like finding the net-handler, but did not succeed.
What's the best way to do so in 1.11.2? (Ping to the server I'm currently connected to)
Just want to try and make something that follows a path like the camera mods, or just try to make the player walk to start with.
Where is the mob path code located?
Can I make it so the player will follow a certain path? (like the camera mods do?) or even walk to a certain position? Will I have to use an algorithm even if I preset the path?
It shouldn't be open to everyone, that's the thing.
I want the use to be only for my IP or anyone else's IP that I decide to add.
What do you mean by UUID?
It's sort of a login in a way.
The thing is I don't want to ban IPs I want to check them to see if the player has permissions to for example get "admin options" inside my mod.
I just thought it can be pretty cool
This is why I'm asking for help here, all I want to do is this:
> Click a button
>Checks IP
>If IP is identical > enter
If not > don't
Why are all the questions? what will I do with someone's IP...
As I said before, I use it for login purposes - if a user is trying to log in to a certain place from the mod without permission (wich will be defined by his public IP address) he will not get access.
It's a public IP address, just like server owners can get.