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Everything posted by Bets

  1. Oh so this is what you mean, yeah I used that before in my code. I just did not under stand what the :: and # stuff means Thank you!
  2. Is there a way I can get the amount of blocks per seconds ridden by a horse to get a dynamic speed I can display? (Client only, not modded horse)
  3. So how can I implement it to my code can I have an example?
  4. Sorry, what does the :: mean? is it like the Minecraft.getMinecraft(); thing? Is there a playerSP class? could find only the playercontrollerMP class but not this one.
  5. So how can I access it if it's not by using mc.player?
  6. Still can't find it
  7. Can't find it.
  8. Can I maybe use the code that makes the horse run to make him run by himself somehow? is it in the EntityHorse class?
  9. Hmm, interesting idea - I think I have an idea, can't I make the horse constantly go forward and just change the rotation of the player? Like for example other mods trigger auto walk?
  10. I don't care if the player can move the horse or not, just somehow control the WASD keys using the mod while riding the horse probably
  11. Not really sure how to use the " NetHandlerPlayClient::getPlayerInfo " part
  12. It's ok I'd just like to test it for now, can I somehow make the Horse move without pressing the W key?
  13. Actually, I changed my mind. I want to make a mod that can "teach" my horse to ride to the destination I set in my survival world by itself. Is this possible? Starting by making the horse ride +5 block to the x access can be good enough
  14. The only thing I was able to find is this.theEntity.getNavigator().tryMoveToXYZ Which I don't think I can execute as the player. or can I?
  15. Is there an example code I can see somewhere?
  16. Tried things like finding the net-handler, but did not succeed. What's the best way to do so in 1.11.2? (Ping to the server I'm currently connected to) Thanks!
  17. Alrighty, in what class I can find this?
  18. Just want to try and make something that follows a path like the camera mods, or just try to make the player walk to start with. Where is the mob path code located?
  19. Can I make it so the player will follow a certain path? (like the camera mods do?) or even walk to a certain position? Will I have to use an algorithm even if I preset the path?
  20. And I can access that using mc.player?
  21. It shouldn't be open to everyone, that's the thing. I want the use to be only for my IP or anyone else's IP that I decide to add. What do you mean by UUID?
  22. It's sort of a login in a way. The thing is I don't want to ban IPs I want to check them to see if the player has permissions to for example get "admin options" inside my mod. I just thought it can be pretty cool
  23. This is why I'm asking for help here, all I want to do is this: > Click a button >Checks IP >If IP is identical > enter If not > don't Why are all the questions? what will I do with someone's IP...
  24. As I said before, I use it for login purposes - if a user is trying to log in to a certain place from the mod without permission (wich will be defined by his public IP address) he will not get access. It's a public IP address, just like server owners can get.
  25. Public.
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