That's how you get the horizontal center, it works fine. I need the vertical position that doesn't work because it always changes
mc.ingameGUI.drawCenteredString(mc.fontRendererObj, context, mc.displayWidth / 4, mc.displayHeight - 400, 0xFFFFFF);
Hi guys!
I'm trying to display text at the center of the screen above the hotbar by using ingameGUI.drawCenteredString.
I managed to get the horizontal center of the screen by:
mc.displayWidth / 4
It does the job pretty well.
Now, I am trying to position it vertically a little bit above the hotbar. The problem is it always moves when I change the resolution of the screen, this is what I tried doing:
mc.displayHeight - 100
This is just an example, it actually is not in the screen when I do this, but you get it.
So do any of you guys know how can I make it position itself exactly above the hotbar? I'll appreciate it very much