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Everything posted by Bets

  1. Looks like the item I'm holding is somehow interrupting the fade of the text
  2. This is possible right? I tried finding it in some mc classes without success. Anyone knows where it is?
  3. It works well when I'm running the game from eclipse, but when I compile it and load it with a regular client it sometimes does not fade.
  4. So all I need to do is something like this inside my RenderGameOverlayEvent.Text event handler? GlStateManager.enableBlend(); GlStateManager.tryBlendFuncSeparate(GlStateManager.SourceFactor.SRC_ALPHA, GlStateManager.DestFactor.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GlStateManager.SourceFactor.ONE, GlStateManager.DestFactor.ZERO); mc.ingameGUI.drawCenteredString(mc.fontRendererObj, "fade string", sr.getScaledWidth() / 2, sr.getScaledHeight() - 97, color); GlStateManager.disableBlend();
  5. So I tried to understand how this works without success. there's GlStateManager.enableBlend(); and other stuff, but how do I "link" them to my drawCenteredString?
  6. Oh right! forgot about these! I'll check them out
  7. I'll try making something If I'll succeed I will let you know
  8. Yeah I already know how to display the text and everything, it works perfectly. the only thing I needed was the display time and animation
  9. I can try that, but what if I need to display more than one text at ones (the text must be dynamic too) Or lets say I want the text to fade out
  10. Hello hello! I wanted to know how I can make something that displays text on the screen (or runs any other function) for let's say 3 seconds. Thanks!
  11. Did that already, it doesn't work.
  12. I'd like to connect to my mc account while test running my mod in Eclipse, how can I do that?
  13. Haha, sorry I am really bad at this stuff right now, all the casting things. Can you maybe point the way I should go towards? like what casts should I use etc
  14. Tried doing this, game crashed. Collection<GuiPlayerTabOverlay> users = (Collection<GuiPlayerTabOverlay>) mc.ingameGUI.getTabList(); for (GuiPlayerTabOverlay cuser : users) { System.out.println("LOOK AT THIS DAMMIT! " + cuser.getPlayerName((NetworkPlayerInfo) users)); }
  15. I explained it before in this exact post. I said that I had this inside a methood that runs on the text render event. Collection<NetworkPlayerInfo> users = mc.getNetHandler().getPlayerInfoMap(); for (NetworkPlayerInfo cuser : users) { System.out.println("LOOK AT THIS DAMMIT! " + cuser.getDisplayName()); } This code should get the playerinfomap (all the users in the tab list) and put them inside users. after that I tried looping through all the users inside the users collection and outputing the resultes. All it did is output "LOOK AT THIS DAMMIT! null" like this exactly. So was I doing something wrong? all I wanted to do here ^ is just display all the users that exist inside the tab list.
  16. I already got the text part, it works very well. The only thing I need is to detect the player being in the tab list I could make it work without a problem, if it didn't return a null
  17. I want to display text when it finds that fake player in the tab list. So I tried looping through the tab list, to try and find the player - but it doesn't work, the only thing I get is null.
  18. Judging by that decide if to display or not display a certain thing
  19. I need to check if a fake player by the name of §lWelcome (for example) is on the tab list.
  20. Most of the stuff I try doing won't work on ClientConnectedToServerEvent is there an alternative?
  21. The code is the same, it's just in RenderGameOverlayEvent.Text instead of the first function
  22. My idea was to fire it all the time on a RenderGameOverlayEvent.Text so it checks all the time if to display something or not. But it just kills the game for some reason. EDIT: I think I got it one sec EDIT: Ok it is not killing the game anymore, but the only thing I get is null
  23. It's inside runUponConnectingToServer(ClientConnectedToServerEvent e) The only thing I could find is this [Server thread/INFO]: Player288 joined the game [Server thread/INFO]: Player288 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}
  24. I tried doing this Collection<NetworkPlayerInfo> users = mc.getNetHandler().getPlayerInfoMap(); for (NetworkPlayerInfo cuser : users) { System.out.println("LOOK AT THIS DAMMIT! " + cuser.getDisplayName()); } When I join a singleplayer world it just sends me back to the main screen.
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