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Everything posted by SanAndreaP

  1. I dunno, since I don't use this, but probably not.
  2. Read the EAQ
  3. getBlockTextureFromSideAndMetadata I'm pretty sure that method got renamed. You would have known that if you would use @Override above it. I think it's called getIcon now
  4. (Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.getCurrentEquippedItem() == new ItemStack(DebugItem1)) This is completely wrong. It will always be false. Use either object.equals(anotherObject) or in case of ItemStacks itemStack.isItemStackEqual(anotherItemStack)
  5. and what's the difference between the previous version of the mod pack and he current one?
  6. There's a method called getArmorModel in the Item class.
  7. Do the textures work when placed?
  8. Thanks, I'll make use of it when I need it
  9. It's not as bad as you might think, at least if you are not stupid But if you are a coremod anyhow, a dynamically created setter is definitely cleaner and the way to go. Reflection is not really an option, since I check something every tick (armor which removes bad potion effects), so a new getter (not a setter, I don't need one) would be fine, and yes, my Manager Pack (requirement for some time for my mods) will be a coremod in the next release. An AccessTransformer would be an another option, but I don't like to have files in the root directory (/Minecraft/src/)
  10. How do I register them then? I don't understand how to. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Icons+and+Textures+Forge
  11. It would not. Read my code. I did exactly that in a very old mod of mine, it works just fine. Link: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1246526-132-betterpressureplates-pressure-plates-that-adapt-to-the-block-below-beta/ That's for 1.3.2, it may not work now. But someone try it and let us know It still works. Also it would either be entirely removed or wouldn't have an Icon as return value if it didn't work.
  12. Oh, that's how the annotations get added Well then, If I can't just remove the annotation with ASM, I'll add a dummy method to access that field. I don't want to use reflection for what I'm aiming at, because of performance.
  13. Simple question: Why has the isBadPotion() method the @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) annotation (thus making it only accessible on the client only)? Since it only returns a (private final) field, which hasn't this annotation. So I would like to either know if this is intended (and yes, why) or if this can be changed (since I intended to use this to easily filter the potions by their "badness" and I don't see a reason for making this accessible client-only).
  14. Yes, it would be pretty stupid if it wouldn't (because of performance issues). Also use spoiler tags next time if you wanna use big pictures.
  15. well, you don't NEED a container unless you want to do inventory stuff with the GUI (e.g. chest)
  16. Check if the ingame has focus.
  17. There's also another way on how to register an Icon, without needing an Item: https://gist.github.com/SanAndreasP/380a80911debb88204c5
  18. For the second: Does it have a TileEntitySpecialRenderer?
  19. Most likely the return value is expected to be a GuiScreen and NOT an Integer. If it shouldn't return anything, then just return null. And I highly doubt that returning the ID made the second GUI work. What I see is that the IDs in the openGUI call inside your blocks Silvanite- and MerciliteChest are the wrong way around (The silvanite chest tries to open the Mercilite GUI and the other way around.
  20. The if statements I have in my GuiHandler are there because I use Fall-Throughts. Can I see the modified GuiHandler, and could you use pastebin (with java highlighting on)?
  21. case 2: { ... if(id == 1) ... The if statements are never true, just saying. Also they're useless, Why do you check the ID 2 times (one time in the switch statement and one in the if statements)? Here's my GuiHandler as a reference: https://github.com/SanAndreasP/TurretModv3/blob/master/sanandreasp/mods/TurretMod3/registry/GuiHandler.java
  22. I think he means how does he specify which of the subblocks drops what item. I think that because I want to know this too... It'd certainly save on ID's! If you wanna specify which metadata should be dropped, use the damageDropped method. Lets say for example, I wanted to make a custom wool set that dropped a custom dye. The wools are all subblocks (500:1, 500:2 etc) How would I specify that MyWoolRed drops red dye, whilst MyWoolBlue drops blue dye? (I assume this is what the OP meant. He's not replied since the post so just guessing; but it's something I want to know ) sorry for not responding quickly, but yea this is what i am trying to figure out, none of the item-dropping ores in vanilla mc are metadata blocks so i couldnt look at them to see how to make a metadata ((500:12) in my case) drop a specific item when harvested (5000) why don't you read the couple posts above you?
  23. Still check your logs. some errors don't neccessarily cause crashes.
  24. Known bug which is fixed in the version 703.
  25. 1. Don't use the Minecraft class within methods which are called (also) serverside! THere's a player instance given in the onBlockActivated method parameters 2. check in your if statement if player.getCurrentEquippedItem() is not null
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