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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by SanAndreaP

  1. Forge Mod Loader version Update Forge.
  2. There's no such method called noClip(). However, there is a field called like that. Just set it to true in your entity constructor.
  3. You need to register your EntityHeroArrow with the EntityRegistry first. It doesn't know what entity it should render if you don't register it.
  4. Your Instance annotation must have the same modID as the @Mod annotation. So use the modid variable you declared also for the @Instance.
  5. can I see your main class? Seems like your instance field is null.
  6. Thanks. And, i actually should not. ItemStack has a constructor without quantity that automatically sets it to 1. Oh, didn't know that. Well then not
  7. after player.inventory.addItemStackToInventory(new ItemStack(ObscuraCraft.icamera)); use this: player.inventoryContainer.detectAndSendChanges(); It sends the changes you made in the players inventory on the server to the client. Also you should define a quantity in your ItemStack like this: new ItemStack(ObscuraCraft.icamera, 1)
  8. You are referencing to a path of your local file system. You have to reference to a path within the minecraft.jar / classpath. So instead of using: new File(mc.mcDataDir, "resources/sounds/spec/levelup.ogg") you use YourMainModClass.class.getResource("/resources/sounds/spec/levelup.ogg")
  9. ModLoader.getUniqueEntityId() I said don't use ModLoader D: Also the ID is mod-unique, meaning you don't need to rely on any method. Just use 0 for your first entity, 1 for your second one, 2 for your third one and so on. nvm, I didn't saw your edit. Looks good to me.
  10. No it's not: "scala" does not support jvm-1.6 target, it is out of date. Ignoring I had the problem on my linux machine, too. Update scala and you should be fine.
  11. 1. Instead of using registerGlobalEntityID, use registerModEntity. The parameters are: entity class, entity name, mod-specific ID (beginning at 0, increase it by 1 for each entity which come afterwards), your mod instance (the field with the @Instance annotation), tracking range (I usually have this to 128), update frequency (I use 1 for sending an update each tick), send velocity updates (true on mobile entities as mobs or arrows, false on stationary entites which won't usually move around) 2. Don't use ModLoader as you will run into problems with dedicated servers. Look into the class and use the methods called by the ModLoader-method 3. You probably call registerRenderers() before you initialize your items / blocks. Do it afterwards.
  12. can I see your folder structure inside your ZIP? I guess, you set it up wrong: MyModName.zip |- tutorial |- mod_tutorial.class |- WorldProviderShrine.class |- probably anything else NOTE: the folder structure inside your zip must be equal to the package definition at the very top in the class file. For example you have the crashing class Particle, the package definition inside it is package myPackage.mySubPackage;, then in your ZIP, the class file must be located as following: MyMod.zip/myPackage/mySubPackage/Particle.class
  13. import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; public class TileEntity extends TileEntity { public int var = 1; } Why do you name your main TileEntity class the same as the vanilla one? It doesn't look good and causes confusion. But whatever, the problem is this: import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; public class SubTileEntity extends TileEntity { Your import looks wrong. You need to import YOURPACKAGE.YOURSUBPACKAGE.TileEntity not net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity. Again, if you would have named your class different, you would have seen this.
  14. What's the error? Code for the RawLambChopFood class?
  15. ForgeModLoader-client-0.log?
  16. public final static Item Amethyst = new Amethyst(6325).setUnlocalizedName("amethyst"); } Why is there a bracket? You close the class definition here...
  17. We can't until we see the full class...
  18. Wow, thanks! This really helped me c: heh, it's like a bit outdated Anyway, you need only the registerModEntity now. The registerGlobalEntityID isn't needed anymore and also I don't recommend to use it, because it has an ID limitation of max. 256 IDs.
  19. get lost in which way? Disappearing or data isn't saved or what?
  20. I suggest you test this with Forge-only installed, If it's still crashing, it may be a Forge bug, if not, then install one mod at a time and test again until it crashes.
  21. at TFC.Handlers.CraftingHandler.onCrafting(CraftingHandler.java:24) Not a forge issue. Contact the modders of TerraFirmaCraft about the bug, it's theirs.
  22. Did you add the case statement I gave you before?
  23. I used the method canCommandSenderUseCommand. Return true if you want the command to be used always (even with command blocks). If you only want the Player to have access, check if the ICommandSender parameter is an instance of EntityPlayer.
  24. Oh, then that's the one. I just saw the PR, which got pulled. (seems like I have to update Forge, again ) Nuh, wait D: Do you use the LATEST Forge?
  25. There's a new feature in the newest Forge, which splits the first- and third-person-view: Add case EQUIPPED_FIRST_PERSON: below case EQUIPPED:
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