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  1. I've been trying to render a line on the screen for a few days now, and everywhere I've looked has outdated answers. They say to use RenderGameOverlayEvent, which has been removed by my understanding. Is there a specific event I should be using or anything else I'm doing wrong? Tesselator tessela...
  2. Minecraft forge 1.12.2 does not load. Here is both logs. I assume its because of a mod that i have, idk. (L521)
  3. I've been playing this world no problem, and then I tried to launch the world as a server using Essentials, and it crashed my game. Then I kept trying to load my world as a single player world, and it crashes my game. And then I backed up my save and deleted it, and put an old backup into the game....
  4. The game version is 1.20.1 and the forge version is 47.3.11 In the vanilla, only one eye of Ender will be used when the right button is held down, and the movement speed will be very slow But in forge, however, holding down the right button will continuously use the Eye of Ender, and speed...
  5. Hello everyone So my issue is here : private void onConfirm() { int maxStackSize = stack.getMaxStackSize(); int carriedStackSize = Math.min(slider.getValueInt(), maxStackSize); int totalLeft = totalSize - carriedStackSize; ItemStack carriedStack = new ItemSt...
  6. Hello, I've decided I want to replace the default player model with a custom one but can't quite seem to figure it out. I'm somewhat new to minecraft modding so please forgive me if I'm missing something obvious. My code is also a bit jumbled and nothing atm (been deleting any code that hasn't been...
  7. (Forge -, 1.12.2) ^But I can't find any answers to it, I'm very new to making a Modpack and so far this is the only error, problem being I don't know how to fix it or probably any future errors either but it's between Mekanism(Not Community Edition) and UniversalTweaks, I was planning o...
  8. Hello everyone, I'm struggling with a weird issue, I'm trying to make a server pack for a new modpack and sometime I can join the server but got immediately disconnected with the message below: I've seen seen other posts with the same error but nobody mention how they fix it (if they re...
  9. I wanted to ask if there's a way to code something like in this image. I already tried changing the yaw of the camera through an event i forgot the name of and I also went through Minecraft code to see if I can find something useful but I got no progress whatsoever.
  10. so i made a 1.7.10 forge server and im getting this error and idk how to fix i tried reinstalling forge and the modpack and the server but still doesnt work ill share the client and the server logs client logs= [15:39:15] [main/INFO]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.F...
  11. Hi, I am trying to get custom GUIs working, and I would like to have a GUI that works only client-side, which means that you are not supposed to pull items out, but I do want to display items in my GUI and let the player click them. I have a GUI working that has a size of 54 slots and I made a...
  12. Here is the logs file from the most recent crash out of all [14:32:50] [main/INFO]: ModLauncher running: args [--username, FS_Straid, --version, forge-47.3.1, --gameDir, C:\Users\Nieko\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\VOK (Verenigde Oost-Indische KOEK), --assetsDir, C:\Users\Nieko\curseforge\mine...
  13. I made a basic homing arrow, which I am going to refine further, but as of now I have the problem of the Arrow not rendering properly. It works fine on the server side, but on the client it always appears as if the arrow was flying normally, until it synchs and teleports around. [https...
  14. Here is my code: @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = Mod.MODID, bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.FORGE, value = Dist.CLIENT) public class PlayerRenderModifications { @SubscribeEvent public static void prePlayerRender(RenderPlayerEvent.Pre evt) { RenderSystem.setShaderColor(0.0F, 1.0F,...
  15. The Minecraft Launcher refuses to open. I click the icon on my taskbar, nothing loads. I have used Task Manager and the launcher is running, but the window just won't open. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix it? NOTE: The legacy launcher works completely fine, it is just the "new"...
  16. Technical Details: Launcher: Minecraft Legacy Launcher. Version: Yet confused which to play. Edition: Java PC : R5 7600x cpu, Rtx 4070 Gpu And 32 Gb DDR5 Ram. The problem: About the version first, I'm not yet sure which version to choose because of compatibility issues ( with for...
  17. As per title, I can't see the Doc and can't get the work done.plz help me...
  18. Anytime I launch through curseforge, it just flat out crashes and ive gone through the logs myself many times and im unsure at this point. Here is the log: [22:32:45] [main/INFO]: ModLauncher running: args [--username, TheOrangeSkyline, --version, forge-47.2.20, --gameDir, C:\Users\thede\c...
  19. I use Bisect-Hosting, and I host a relatively modded server. There is a mod I desperately want to have in a server. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/minehoplite This is MineHop. It's a mod that replicates the movement capabilities seen in Source Engine games, such as Half...
  20. Hey so I'm trying to play Dungeons, Dragons, and Space Shuttles with a few mods added and I keep getting this error right before it finishes startup. Linked below is the mod list and the crash log. Can anyone help me? I'm desperate https://pastebin.com/TRdTzY3c https://pastebin.com/AbFjj8...
  21. When i try to launch Minecraft Java 1.20.1 forge with mods (82 mods),on start it loaded all mods,but at end Java just crashed. p.s i allocated 8GB ram for minecraft and i didn't runned another instance.Log file pp.s I use ATlauncher Environment: Organising filesystem [24/...
  22. Error code 1 appears when starting the game This is debug.log can you help? [06Apr2024 10:37:37.704] [main/INFO] [cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher/MODLAUNCHER]: ModLauncher running: args [--username, CatCosYouT, --version, forge-47.2.23, --gameDir, C:\Users\admin\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\1...
  23. My mod requires a DiscordRPC and Alphine and net.minecraft on a 10.0.2 Modding Gradle setup as 4.9, I do not have any of these? and I wen't to the forums to know a little about Gradle Implementations and Compiling Software.
  24. I'm trying to have some code run on the tick that certain keybinds are initially pressed; I'm doing this in a ClientTickEvent event, and here's my code: @SubscribeEvent public static void playerInputSignatureHandler(TickEvent.ClientTickEvent event) { LocalPlayer player = Mine...
  25. Completely out of the blue my forge loader is lagging, although at 120 fps. Like when I turn it lags, or hit mobs it lags, or run sometimes although staying at 120 fps. I found another person having a similar problem: But there was no solution I dont think. I tried everything from:...
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