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i wana wirte a Realtime Mod.

My idea is to slow down the timecycle and Sync the Time every 5min with the systemtime.

I found that post: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1415262-real-time-in-minecraft/#entry17275172

This guy talk about a modify in the sources, but how can I override a basic method from MC without use Super?

And how can I find the right method?

Is this then a coremod or a basicmod?


And the last question: Is is posibile to make a only serverside mod or must the "slow-down" timecycle be clientside?


Edit: Wana make this mod for 1.5 and 1.6


Edit2: Ok i saw it ... need to use this:


Is this in 1.5 the same way?


Hey there,


This guy talk about a modify in the sources, but how can I override a basic method from MC without use Super?


Is this then a coremod or a basicmod?


I've posted a similary question yesterday about editing the sources. As far as I understood, this needs to be a coremod and you need to know a bit about ASM. Though it hasn't been fixed yet, it contains a huge amount of information about ASM, coremods and modification of base class sources.




And how can I find the right method?


I don't know where the method could be located, but I guess that it's in a server-running class, a client-running class or the world class. (i haven't checked it yet)


And the last question: Is is posibile to make a only serverside mod or must the "slow-down" timecycle be clientside?


The @SideOnly annotation might help you out. With this annotation you are able to define on which side this method can be executed, so methods with the annotation @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) can only be called by a client source.


The "slow-down" timecycle needs to be (in my opinion) on the server side.

It has to be both sides. The server only updates the client time ever so often and in between the client interpolates the time changes. My way of doing this would be to just set the doDaylightCycle Gamerule to false and then update the time with a TickHandler however fast you want.


Thats 1.6 only :(

Need to mod it first for 1.5 couse all my used mods are 1.5


Ok so I have to delete

this.worldInfo.setWorldTime(this.worldInfo.getWorldTime() + 1L);

in the WorldServer.tick() with ASM and add then my logic in a normal mod with a Tick Event, right?


Btw think you that this is usefull?


int count = 0;
event onTick(){
if((count % 72) == 0){
	this.worldInfo.setWorldTime(this.worldInfo.getWorldTime() + 1L);		
} else if(count >= 6000){
	int hour = getTime().hours <= 5 ? getTime().hours + 18 : getTime().hours - 6;
	this.worldInfo.setWorldTime((hour * 1000) + (getTime().minutes  * 1000/60));
	count = 0;



surely you could just do something as simple as this

import java.util.EnumSet;

import net.minecraft.world.World;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.ITickHandler;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.TickType;

public class WorldTickHandler implements ITickHandler
public void tickStart(EnumSet<TickType> type, Object... tickData)
	World world = (World) tickData[0];

	long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); //<--- returns the time since UNIX started in 1970

	time %= 86400000; //<--- gets the time passed since midnight today (in milliseconds)

	//Logic to scale 1 minecraft day (20000 ticks)  up to 1 real day
	//not doing to write this, but you sohuld be able to figure it out

	//after all that just:


public void tickEnd(EnumSet<TickType> type, Object... tickData) {}

public EnumSet<TickType> ticks()
	return EnumSet.of(TickType.WORLD);

public String getLabel()
	return "wordTickTest";



register this on the server and client sides using the relevant proxies and proxy.registerTickHandlers() in your main class


surely you could just do something as simple as this




register this on the server and client sides using the relevant proxies and proxy.registerTickHandlers() in your main class


Sry but I think that isn't rly perform, then he do every tick a sync with the Systemclock and must calculate from this to MC Ticks.

Then I can better slow-down the tick and Sync it every 5 Min.

I have a 1Gb | 1Ghz VServer  there I wana get so much resource how I can :)


then change ITickHandler to IScheduledTickHandler, That would work better for you, you can specify the time between the ticks in that, you don't need to change any of the methods I put, It will just add 1, simply make that return 6000 form that for every 5 minutes.


@yagoki, yeah i was also thinking they were searching way too far


@op, the code described by yagoki will not overburden your server,even with a small server, even calculated every tick is NOTHING compared to what vanilla minecraft has to do every tick, its safe to assume you could do this every tick because if you do it every 5 minute you will have weird result when the time is near dawn/dusk (the time will seem to "jump" back)

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-


@op, the code described by yagoki will not overburden your server,even with a small server, even calculated every tick is NOTHING compared to what vanilla minecraft has to do every tick, its safe to assume you could do this every tick because if you do it every 5 minute you will have weird result when the time is near dawn/dusk (the time will seem to "jump" back)


That isen't a problem, i calculate the exact modular value and i have to do this now to 100% couse i wana add a sunrise & -set configure and this calc need rly much perform.

Thats my calc for the modular atm (in ruby, couse i havent Java installed on work ^^):


class Egal
attr_accessor :time
attr_accessor :count
def initialize
	@time = 0
	@count = 0
	@current_modul = 0
	hour1 	= 6.0
	min1	= 35.0
	hour2	= 18.0
	min2	= 51.0

	@startTag	= (hour1 *60) + min1
	@startNacht = (hour2 *60) + min2

	tag = @startNacht - @startTag
	nacht = (24*60) - tag

	@modul_tag 	=  (tag*60*20)     / (tag/60*1000)
	@modul_nacht = (nacht*60*20)   / (nacht/60*1000)
	@sync_min = 5

def tick(hourNow, minNow)
	@count += 1
	if(@count % (@sync_min*60*20)) then
		@last_modul = @current_modul
		now = (hourNow*60)+minNow			
		@current_modul = (now > @startTag && now < @startNacht) ? @modul_nacht : @modul_tag
	if((@count % @current_modul.round(0)) == 0)
		@time += 1

cl = Egal.new
count = 0
0.upto(23) do |std|
0.upto(59) do |min|
	1.upto(60*20) do |day_ticks|
		cl.tick(std, min)
p "TIME: #{cl.time}"


this calc need rly much perform.


have you even tried it with every tick? are you expecting the results of ruby to be comparable to those of java, because ruby is an interpreted language while java is compiled to bytecode making it's speed WAY closer to native speed. If you don't trust me go ahead make it every 6000 tick, but at least try it


EDIT: i tried it with my server (performance similar to yours) and this part of the code did not affect my performance even by the smallest amount. To check the difference, look at the average tick time on your server with and without, you should NOT see a difference as ~7 addition and ~12 multiplication/division is nothing for a machine these days, even with only a 1ghz cpu.

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-


best way to check performance in an unfamiliar language:

Do lots of crazy things and see how it goes!


Just try it out then see how it hits instead of speculating on the effects ^^

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...


thats my point, i tried with setting similar (my server has 1.5ghz of  cpu speed) and my server is also running many more cpu related operation and it was working perfectly


edit:i made 50 of those and registered them all, no problem

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-

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