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How would i if player is "Outside"


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package losokos.vce.custom;

import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.world.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.world.entity.EntityType;
import net.minecraft.world.entity.EquipmentSlot;
import net.minecraft.world.entity.LightningBolt;
import net.minecraft.world.entity.player.Player;
import net.minecraft.world.item.ArmorItem;
import net.minecraft.world.item.ArmorMaterial;
import net.minecraft.world.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.world.level.Level;
import net.minecraftforge.client.IBlockRenderProperties;
import net.minecraftforge.common.extensions.IForgeBlockState;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class CopperHelmetItem extends ArmorItem {
    public CopperHelmetItem(ArmorMaterial material, EquipmentSlot slot, Properties properties) {
        super(material, slot, properties);

    public void onArmorTick(ItemStack stack, Level world, Player player) {
        if (!world.isClientSide()){

            BlockPos isOutside = player.getPosition().up();
            IForgeBlockState blockStateAbove = world.getBlockState(isOutside);

                //Adds "lightningEntity" that spawns lightning at players location
                Entity lightningEntity = new LightningBolt(EntityType.LIGHTNING_BOLT, world);

                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {


I am of course trying to check if all blocks above player are air blocks...
How would i do that?

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6 minutes ago, Losokos said:

You can't do that. "Every game tick while this is equipped, add a 1 second delay".

You need to either count ticks (probably updating the item NBT so that it carries over saves) or check the time (probably save the "lastLightningTime" to NBT and compare it against the level time. Alternatively you could just do level time % 1000, but then everyone wearing the helmet would have lightning at the same time).


As for your actual request, you need to loop through all blocks above the player position (player y to world height), and check that they are air.

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18 minutes ago, Alpvax said:

As for your actual request, you need to loop through all blocks above the player position (player y to world height), and check that they are air.

There are some helper methods in the Level class that already do this for you. I don't know what the mojang names are, but canLightningStrikeHere and getGroundHeight are the mcp names

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2 hours ago, Alpvax said:

You can't do that. "Every game tick while this is equipped, add a 1 second delay".

You need to either count ticks (probably updating the item NBT so that it carries over saves) or check the time (probably save the "lastLightningTime" to NBT and compare it against the level time. Alternatively you could just do level time % 1000, but then everyone wearing the helmet would have lightning at the same time).

It was just a temporary solution, for me to check if lightning spawns at all... But i mean this works perfectly fine, and strikes lightning on player every second, but i guess i can use this method instead, cause this just feels wrong haha


2 hours ago, Alpvax said:

As for your actual request, you need to loop through all blocks above the player position (player y to world height), and check that they are air.

That is what i was thinking, but i was wondering if there are methods that would do this, thanks anyway ;)


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       BlockPos posAbove = player.getPosition().up();
                BlockState blockStateAbove = world.getBlockState(posAbove);
                Block above = blockStateAbove.getBlock();

I've found a piece of code like this, but i am getting an error t the first line in .getPosition()
I just have no idea what to place here in order for it to work properly... any suggestions??? 

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5 minutes ago, Luis_ST said:

whats the error?

Oh yes, sorry haha

error: method getPosition in class Entity cannot be applied to given types;
                BlockPos posAbove = player.getPosition().up();
  required: float
  found:    no arguments
  reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length


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If you need to loop through positions in world, use a single BlockPos.MutableBlockPos, not a bunch of BlockPos objects.

15 hours ago, Losokos said:
incompatible types: Vec3 cannot be converted to BlockPos

there should be player.blockPosition method.

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18 hours ago, Losokos said:

But i mean this works perfectly fine, and strikes lightning on player every second

No, it doesn't. For each player on the server wearing the helmet, the game would freeze for 1 second each tick (there should be 20 per second). This would mean that if there were 2 players wearing the helmet, 1 in-game second would take about 40 seconds, otherwise known as the game freezing.

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