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[Fixed]TileEntity var syncing


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In 1.2.5 i made a GUI to change settings in my tileEntity. It worked 100% fine saving and recalling the data when i closed/reopened the gui and restart the game. In 1.3.1 it open just fine, i can change the settings, and they keep as long as i do not restart the game. Which i think has too do with the tileEntity not getting the varables client side. I've set up a packet system but can't really tell if its working. I'm going to keep toying with it till i get it working but just in case i don't can someone check out my code and see what is wrong.

Edit: toyed with it more found the data is making its way to the client but all messed up. However the GUI itself doesn't seem to be saving the data to the server side/keeps vars on client. Which i think i can fix with a packet to the server. Though there is now an issue with the packet data getting all messed up. instead of the 8 separate ints getting assigned to there own varables there merging together.

Pic of GUI





Code is on gitHub easier to read than to post here gitHub

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Not going to dig through all of your code, so linking to specific files would help.

But I dont get the 'merging together' part, seems to me like you're fucking something up if things are getting merged together.

its not difficult to transfer something over the network and pick it up on the other side.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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Not going to dig through all of your code, so linking to specific files would help.

But I dont get the 'merging together' part, seems to me like you're fucking something up if things are getting merged together.

its not difficult to transfer something over the network and pick it up on the other side.

found the issue with the vars merging, end up too do something with writing the int to dataStream as a double. which i don't understand why it cause the variables to start to merge together but telling to write as an int fix that issue. Also by merge i meant there should be 8 vars for example 37xA 15yA 100zA  48xT 45yT 113zT 13W 10C. what i was getting was 3715100xA 0yA 1001527zA 0W 0C.


to fix the not saving on restart what i think i need to do is send a packet with the new info too the server. However, i don't know how to send a packet too the local server.


Here is the code just involving the tileEntity and gui



changing line 78 on the above fixed the merge issue


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Right.. thats retarded.

When you write a double to the stream

It write 8 bytes

When you read a int from the stream

you read 4 bytes

see an issue here?

at least you can be nice about my f' up, it was a copying error from a tut and i forgot to code it to write ints. anyways back to the original issue how to i get the packet to the local server. I'll try the sendPacket it just seem to be too simple seeing as i had to set up a packetManager.class just to send packets to the client.



is it me or maybe sendPacket is missing/ not added. I'll  keep looking for something to send a packet too the server but tbh i'm not 100% sure what i'm looking for.

 public static void sendPacket(Packet packet) {
        // TODO
//        FMLClientHandler.instance().sendPacket(packet);

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Try using PacketManager.sendTileEntityPacket from UE...


Also, you can read doubles and then cast the read doubles into int after reading so it doesn't mess the stream data up.

i am using a recoded version of your code for my packetHandler. only issue is i can't figure out how to send the settings packet to the server to be saved. I've got sending to the player done just fine and gui gets the old settings. However if i go into the gui and change all the vars in the textboxes, it only keep the new setting as long as game stays on. Which means i need to update the server's TileEntity with the new settings.

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Try using PacketManager.sendTileEntityPacket from UE...


Also, you can read doubles and then cast the read doubles into int after reading so it doesn't mess the stream data up.

i am using a recoded version of your code for my packetHandler. only issue is i can't figure out how to send the settings packet to the server to be saved. I've got sending to the player done just fine and gui gets the old settings. However if i go into the gui and change all the vars in the textboxes, it only keep the new setting as long as game stays on. Which means i need to update the server's TileEntity with the new settings.


I'll look into it and tell you if I got any insight on it.

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Try using PacketManager.sendTileEntityPacket from UE...


Also, you can read doubles and then cast the read doubles into int after reading so it doesn't mess the stream data up.

i am using a recoded version of your code for my packetHandler. only issue is i can't figure out how to send the settings packet to the server to be saved. I've got sending to the player done just fine and gui gets the old settings. However if i go into the gui and change all the vars in the textboxes, it only keep the new setting as long as game stays on. Which means i need to update the server's TileEntity with the new settings.


I'll look into it and tell you if I got any insight on it.

ty without being able to update the Barrack settings the block doesn't work past looking good. Other than that my Guardsman are rendering now :), well except for weapons but that an old error that crops up every update.


Edit: i see the modloader.sendPacket now does something instead of being empty. Anyways is the onPackData version for the server side?

Edit2: Fixed it turns out i was not getting the right world so when the packet got there it didn't know which world to send it too.

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