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im out of town at a con. we pushed a build out, for some testing, and the publically reported bugs will be fixed when im back in town tuesday. things should be working mostly but there are some bugs ive seen reported that are bigish but not unexpected. as for mcp. we work closely with the mcp teah to develop things in tandem. they do have a public pre release. but ya go through test and report on the issue tracker and ill deal with it when im home.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


I like how you guys are judging the release state by how many names are 'translated'

Forge doesn't do the translating, YOU guys do Through MCP.

Having things in func_/field_ names is not what we care about.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


to be honest if you give proper instructions on how to set up 1.7 forge working enviroment, people would have provided much more useful feedbacks.


and yes, no matter how unrelated it is to your work, for us modders, whether name is translated is how we determine how much progress is made. as forge uses mcp, the usefulness of forge is in every way related to the progress on mcp front.


We have given instructions on how to setup your environment.

And as for the mappings, as I said, we are not the ones who control those, you guys are. It's up to YOU to make good names for things.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


Hopefully this will answer 90% of the questions here:


While an early version of Forge is available for Minecraft 1.7, it's not going to be very useful for most of the modders except for basic testing. The new version of Mod Coder Pack (MCP) isn't quite ready, so there's no mapping yet. This means that instead of variables and methods having useful, human-readable names, they'll be named things like func_70088_a().


This is something outside of Forge, so complaining to LexManos doesn't do much except make you look like a twat. However, you can help with MCP! Here's some links:

Searge's twitter (useful for finding the latest version): https://twitter.com/SeargeDP


Mod EDIT: Forge, as of 1.7, no longer uses the MCP toolkit, but we still use their mappings.


And as for the mappings, as I said, we are not the ones who control those, you guys are. It's up to YOU to make good names for things.


So who are the right people and what is the right channel to talk to them? Is there a place to submit new mappings or whatever? The new MCP website has very little useful information.


Yes, they are submitted to a bot at the IRC channel.

And be very careful to check and double check that you are correct before you submit your mappings ;)

Check the MCP wiki page, and go talk to the guys on irc.


If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...


Hello! I made an account just to reply to this post ever since I saw that 1.7 came out, but I have to say, I am extremely proud of you LexManos. You're awesome. I just can't believe you're that patient and brilliant to actually spend so many hours on this project for us. I'd say you deserve a HUGE reward for al you're efforts. This isn't just to you, this is to the WHOLE Forge and MCP Team. This also includes Mazetar, Mazetar you're a genius too. You guys are awesome! Thank you for everything you've done in the past months with 1.7.


Back to topic, I want to also say, for the 1.7 forge, I wasn't able to find a good enough tutorial for Mac OS X. I have search around quite some time and even tried it myself but to no avail. I think it might be something like this:

1- Open Terminal

2- write in "cd <YourForgeDirectory>"

3- click Return

4- When you can see the path is to forge, write in "bash <YourGradleFilePath>

5- When I did that, it said, "Downloading gradle Wrapper...."

It just didn't move away from that screen The Whole page was filled up with dots "........" I had seen you posted that you released instructions, maybe I hadn't noticed or seen it, can you show me? Again Thank you for everything you have done, You guys deserve some stickers! :D


Props to all of you guys!


Hey, I am very much looking forward to what you guys do with 1.7 specialy when it comes to ID's, no more hours invested by me trying to keep track of them in a spreadsheet :).


This however brings along some questions:




1. Do you think that Forgecraft 1.7 will impact performance in anyway?


If "yes"...


2. Would that change be negative or positive?

Or to break it up in a few more points


3. Do you think that the code you did rewrite with gathered experience would make tasks simpler and yet faster?

4. Does your solution to ID's benefit the player? Aka does it put more strain on minecraft idientifying and item (and taking time / ressources) or does it take away from it?

5. Do you think that mods like nei, applied energistics (yes I know it will get a makeover :x), ... will consume more or less ressources with the new ID system?

6. Would you say that with the new forge version more actions per tick can be handled?

7. Do you think that mods like gsls shader mod who eat a lot of fps could run smoother on the new version?

8. How statisfied are you with the new mohjang code?

9. Do I ask too many damn questions?




Thank you again for putting your freetime into our enjoyment. Right now I am looking forward for more Forgecraft episodes on the direwolf channel. And of course....since you surely did not have enough of it yet....have a happy new year :3.


Im very confused theres all these versions and I dont know what one to click on the AdFly for me is broken so I cant get to the download it just gets stuck on Please Wait...It was stuck like that for an hour and then I got the download off another site and it said failed to download...it did the same thing a few days earlier when AdFly was actually working I dont know what Im doing wrong!?!?


If the adfly doesnt work use the direct links thats why we provide both -.-

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


I can't seem to get the workspace to work.


I opened the command prompt in the forge folder, typed the first command as shown on the instructions page, waited for it to finish, then typed "gradlew.bat eclipse" and waited for it to finish. I used the folder containing the forge folder as a workspace. I copied the name of the extracted forge folder and pasted it as a project name. Eclipse notified me that it would automatically configure the project from existing source. I assume it detected the .project file, because I saw all of the referenced libraries, but there are no run configurations, and I can't figure out which class to run and with what program and VM arguments.


What am I doing wrong? Or is something broken?


I can't seem to get the workspace to work.


I opened the command prompt in the forge folder, typed the first command as shown on the instructions page, waited for it to finish, then typed "gradlew.bat eclipse" and waited for it to finish. I used the folder containing the forge folder as a workspace. I copied the name of the extracted forge folder and pasted it as a project name. Eclipse notified me that it would automatically configure the project from existing source. I assume it detected the .project file, because I saw all of the referenced libraries, but there are no run configurations, and I can't figure out which class to run and with what program and VM arguments.


What am I doing wrong? Or is something broken?


Read carefully how to setup your workspace :



Hi everyone. I would want to know why there is no 1.7.2 recommended version on the website minecraftforge.net. Is it because the versions are still pre-releases ?


And another question. Are 1.7.2 forge versions compatible with 1.7.4 minecraft versions ? :)


Thanks to answer, i'm new and sorry if my english is a bit bad i'm 16 years old and I'm from France. Anyway, LexManos and all of yours are making a remarkable stuff. ;) Thanks to make Minecraft better with mods :D


I should probably let someone more experienced answer but I think its that the 1.7.2 version simply isn't ready to be recommended yet -- its still has a lot of work to be done before general use.  I probably won't even fool with it until its more mature, though I have downloaded a src version and may look around (want to see how it handles blocks and world-gen now).  But I suspect I won't be able to make much since of it until more is done.

Developer of Doomlike Dungeons.


Hi everyone. I would want to know why there is no 1.7.2 recommended version on the website minecraftforge.net. Is it because the versions are still pre-releases ?


And another question. Are 1.7.2 forge versions compatible with 1.7.4 minecraft versions ? :)


Thanks to answer, i'm new and sorry if my english is a bit bad i'm 16 years old and I'm from France. Anyway, LexManos and all of yours are making a remarkable stuff. ;) Thanks to make Minecraft better with mods :D


I think there is still a lot of work to be done for it to be ready yet, as there were many changes made to minecraft between 1.6 and 1.7.


(Your English is also far better than I often see from native English speakers online a lot of the time :) )


I should probably let someone more experienced answer but I think its that the 1.7.2 version simply isn't ready to be recommended yet -- its still has a lot of work to be done before general use.  I probably won't even fool with it until its more mature, though I have downloaded a src version and may look around (want to see how it handles blocks and world-gen now).  But I suspect I won't be able to make much since of it until more is done.


I have tested that beta version and i could do some  stuff but it's very difficult as most of the code is not remapped to understandable names.

So it's usefull to see and try to guess what has changed and do simple things.

A very experienced coder will be able to recognize methods and variables of the code parts he uses habitually, but you better be patient and zen!

it's very difficult as most of the code is not remapped to understandable names.


It may be slow, but most of the names can be "guessed" from previous releases. Compare the 'vanilla' codes for most blocks and items in 1.6.4 with the current 1.7.2 code, and most of the time, you can take an educated guess as to what they do. The vast majority of code changes that I've encountered seem to be surrounding the loss of Block ID- but then I'm only making a simple mod!


If you do use this to update your code, make sure to make a note of what the original code was, as you'll probably have to change it back anyway in future versions.

Code until your fingers are bloody, your eyes are square and you've passed out from excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages.

Or lunchtime. Whichever's sooner.



It may be slow, but most of the names can be "guessed" from previous releases. Compare the 'vanilla' codes for most blocks and items in 1.6.4 with the current 1.7.2 code, and most of the time, you can take an educated guess as to what they do. The vast majority of code changes that I've encountered seem to be surrounding the loss of Block ID- but then I'm only making a simple mod!


If you do use this to update your code, make sure to make a note of what the original code was, as you'll probably have to change it back anyway in future versions.


Wouldn't we need the source code for 1.7 then? Because then we will have to wait for a future release, apparently.

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