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I am copying my mod over from another mcp directory built on forge 3.2.3 #108 and am putting it into a directory containing 4.0.0 #200. Only problem is i cant tell where to drop my src code. Will i drop it in src/net.minecraft.src or common/net.minecraft.src? A simple answer would be appreciated. Thank you.


Depending on how your mod was written, but DON'T PUT YOUR MOD CODE IN NET.MINECRAFT.SRC!

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This isn't building better software, its trying to grab a place in the commit list of a highly visible github project.




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I dont follow. I wrote it like any other mod. I had a mod_ and than i had all the other files in a folder in teh same directory. I will be re-writting the mod_ accordingly but i'd like the mod to work in lan, client and server. I think that's how it should run normally anyway.


no, wait: I wrote my mod in eclipse and its path is /MCP/src/common/MY MOD FOLDER/common/java-files


Well yeh i coded it in eclipse back in 1.1.0 and updated it to 1.2.5. So your saying you created your own folder inside common and than put your code in that?


yes, right... or... I just made a little test-mod in 1.3.2 with the new forge to test it and made it with eclipse and this way was the only one which looks good for me... and it works... when i obfuscated my output in /reobf-folder is: minecraft/Test-Mod(the name of my test mod xDDD)/common and what i do is zipping the folder "Test-Mod" and put it in mods-folder and all works great... just to give u and idea how to do it


thanks man :) Seems good. But that would mean id have to import all minecraft files such as block and item even though when the mod is installed in the .jar thats unesscary :/ sure it can't harm it though.


Yeh im getting errors left right and centre when it comes to package and imports. I get some imports have change by ways of forge and so have some hooks but like i don't think what you said is right :/ Are ya sure that works and if so what will i set the package to?


I really dont know what to do and I think the reason is that I dont understand ur problem but if u use eclipse u can import packages automatically ? CTRL+SHIFT+O


what I did exactly (im really not THAT pro) is: opened eclipse, select \mcp\eclipse as workspace, in project explorer extended "minecraft" -> "common" and then rightclicked "common" and made my own new package in there with name "testmod.common" then i rightclicked my package and clicked "new" -> "class" and finished that... then I made my small test-mod (just new recipes and smelting to test new forge ;) ) the output is like i defined above... I know that this wont help much but pls try to descrive ur problem more exactly... :)

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