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need orientation about an error when running minecraft


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good day, I'm trying to create a server to play with my friends, I have watched video tutorials, and read other tutorials. and when running the server everything seems fine until I try to connect.


- I have downloaded the the server jar directly from the download link in the official web page.

- I have downloaded the last forge from here in the 

Main Forge Download September 8th

- load the files from the forge download into the server.jar

- start the server, everything seems fine.

- start the client (I have tried with a clean install an installation with just the forge, and an my installation with mods), and I get this screen when I join the server.



any suggestion about what is this error? and how to bypass it? thanks - also I'm running the server and the client in the same machine.


thanks a lot.

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Give a list of mods you have installed, specifically mods you put into your minecraft.jar


yeah, I was going at it in the night, and found that the mod that I want to use is the one that give me problems...


rei's mini map.




runned the game without that... and everything seems working...



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Give a list of mods you have installed, specifically mods you put into your minecraft.jar


yeah, I was going at it in the night, and found that the mod that I want to use is the one that give me problems...


rei's mini map.




runned the game without that... and everything seems working...

That is all?

Read the EAQ before posting! OR ELSE!


This isn't building better software, its trying to grab a place in the commit list of a highly visible github project.




Don't PM me, I don't check this account unless I have to.

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Ya the in game list is not a list of all mods

Its only a list of mods that are actual Mods.

I need base edit mods as well

So a list of everything you have installed.


Either way this is most likely an issue with some other mod you have installed, not forge.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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