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I have a question, and that is, why did you put mod loader into minecraft forge? I mean, what point is there, almost all the mods say they need modloader to install the mods, and they also say they need minecraft forge. It's just going to mess up a lot of things because you guys make us clean out our folders when we install both. It's sooo frustrating too, I mean if you download some mods that don't require modloader nor minecraft forge, then suddenly download both you have to clear it all out because minecraft forge will not allow modloader to be downloaded with forge. It really ticks me off too, because you're practically doing something that is going to create a whole lot of chaos, and also you're kinda dissing risugami's forum and purpose. So all I ask of you, for the sake of all these people who like to download mods, is to have modloader and minecraft forge compatible. Otherwise this is just ridiculous.


Minecraft Forge includes FML, Forge Modloader - which is compatible to mods using Risu's Modloader. If you want to use mods which use Forge, along with mods that require Modloader, then just install Forge - and they should work. There is no need to have Modloader installed aswell.


If you had done more than two minutes research on the matter you would have known this.

minecraft forge will not allow modloader to be downloaded with forge.
Reverse that arround and we have one of the big reasons why FML now has client side.

Also, a more stable API for modders, server side compatibility, more power etc...

It's my our problem users can't read.

FML supports RML mods 100%

Nether FML or RML can support BASE CLASS mods 100%, however, FML supports them more with the new coremods design.


So in essence, theres no real reason to stick with RML besides an arbitrary hate for forge. And even if you do stick with RML, unless you activly go out and make your mod incompatible by making base class edits, your mods works with Forge.


So in other words, quit bitching cuz you don't understand the situation and are to lazy to go read.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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