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1403 takes 10+ minutes to load

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Hey all, running the latest version of FML for 1.7.10.  I've noticed that it does the Texture stitching/mipmap generation routine every single time it runs.  I searched around and didnt find anything about it.  I'm not sure if there's something in the way it needs to be installed that would have to be changed or what.  It's running inside of my custom pack on the Technic launcher.  I havent actually updated the actual pack yet, but as far as I've known it doesnt care if I just manually update the stuff in the folder, which is what I did.  Just not sure what would cause this, as usually there has been zero indication at all of the loading, until this version.  Here's the log: http://1drv.ms/1zO2g2F  It's on my live drive because I couldnt get a file attached to my post.



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There is nothing you can do this is intended behavior. It will generate your texture atlas and necessary mipmaps in memory.

Just because you see it in the loading screen now doesn't mean it wasn't always happeneing.

Thats kinda the entire point of adding the new Loading screen bars...

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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You have 166 mods installed, and most of them are LARGE mods.

Startup will take time.

There really isn't anything you can do about that.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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Hey just curious, what was changed in exactly to cause the loading bars?  I did some testing and it started at that version.  All the changelog says is "update to use the inherited jar format".  Just curious as to what exactly was done and why.  1388 should work just fine for me so there's no issue there.

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Nothing "caused" the loading bars apart from them being implemented, you make it sound like it was an accident by using the word caused. No matter what version of forge you are using the process of loading is the same, progress bar or not. All of the textures are loaded and stitched the same as pre-loading bar and it takes the same amount of time. Post-loading bar the only difference is the fact that you know what is going on when the game is loading.

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Ok small update, it seems to do the loading issue on newer versions.  It isnt 1389 that has the issue, I timed it and it's the same as 1388.  Here are the times I got, by just timing them both:


1388- 50 seconds


1393- 55 seconds


1394- 11 minutes 37 seconds


1403- 11 minutes 38 seconds FML client latest log http://paste.ee/p/Jr15w


I think with this data it's pretty safe to assume that all versions between 1394 and 1403 will load in the 11 minute range.  I wonder what changed?  I'll roll the pack out with 1393 for now, I'll check the logs again now that I have more info and see what the listed changes are.

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https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FML/commit/31ae43590a2ba771d69b6c6513bcd5fe87ae8f8f and https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FML/commit/4fe7b469b5ba156d4a786cd9e105b18cca7c271a is exactly what changed in 1394.

Neither of which would cause such a dramatic increase in load time.

Provide logs from each version with the exact same mod set.


Just for shits and giggels, I went and tested loading with a couple different version. Both using the same exact mod set {Agrarian Skies 2, cuz i've been playing it}

1387: [02:30:22] - [02:31:25] 01:03

1403: [02:23:04] - [02:24:13] 01:09

Both fluctuate a little bit depending on what all else my system is doing at the time. However they are compareable in speed. There isn't anything that would cause a 12x loading time as you're claiming.


Looking at your logs yes, you spend roughly 6 of the minuets loading stitching together your textures. Sadly this section of code doesn't have to much debug data output so I cant tell exactly where it's lagging. Could be disk IO, could be the sheer number of textures you have. But adding animation support to the loading screen wouldn't cause that significant of a different in your load times.

Also, it is not the mipmap generation that is taking time.  Looking at the logs those happen after the major jump in times.


I would suggest you try removing Fastcraft as that has its fingers around the jump in the log files.

And considering if a Obfuscated POS, I can't even go in and look at what it may be doing to the internal of things.

So, no support is gunna be given on this site for Fastcraft users.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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You're not helping.

Hell if you want you can actually be helpful and hookup a profilter like JProfiler {which comes with the JDK} and get us a profile.

Because it's not happening to us with a respectably sized mod pack.

Also providing logs for EVERY version you're trying.

Provide your hardware specs.

And the like, basically you're telling us nothing a claiming a lot. We need the logs and extra details to figure it out. Because there is no way that loading a gif, one time, causes this much lag.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Yeah, your numbers don't make any sense at all.. 1393 has the progress bar in it. If it was related, I would expect to see that as slow as any of the others. Are you using optifine? He "sorta" supports these versions of forge..

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No problem, give me a bit and I can give you logs for without fastcraft for these.  I'm just curious as to why this would happen more than anything, and since I have MultiMC now it makes it 10000x easier to swap Forge versions for testing than doing it manually

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1393 log: http://paste.ee/p/B95p9

1394 log: http://paste.ee/p/lJe1M


Fastcraft disabled for both of these.  Sorry if some of my earlier posts were unclear in description.  The behavior isnt caused BY the loading bars, that's preposterous.  A more accurate way to put it is that it seems to be from 1394 on up, they take much longer than previous versions do, loading bar or not.  For instance 1388 and 1393 take pretty much the exact same time to load, one has the loading bars, one doesnt. 


If I can provide any more data from other versions let me know and I'd be happy to help.  Or any other logs aside from the fml-latest. 

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Shoot over the mod pack as well or link it so we can test locally.

But I have a *slight* idea what it might be. {Really its the only change I can think that would effect anything}

Gunna have Fry do profiling tonight when he gets on. {This crap is his/cpw's responsibility}

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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Shoot over the mod pack as well or link it so we can test locally.

But I have a *slight* idea what it might be. {Really its the only change I can think that would effect anything}

Gunna have Fry do profiling tonight when he gets on. {This crap is his/cpw's responsibility}


Ok cool, here's a link to the pack: http://1drv.ms/1Ej0iDP I removed fastcraft from that zip to make it easier for you guys.

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Hello folks, Resonant Rise 3 on ATLauncher just recently updated and is using Forge and also And I made a post on their forums about this exact issue here: http://www.resonant-rise.com/topic/5946-almost-half-an-hour-loading-time/ A lot of people may start to experience this problem now.


That being said, I was redirected to here. Specifically to this thread. I will repost what I have so far here.


Log of startup: http://paste.atlauncher.com/view/f6f8c7a6


CPU Usage during loading: http://i.imgur.com/m0V0uS4.png



AMD A10-5700 APU

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti

Windows 7


I would like to help with this issue. What can I do?

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I'm seeing the same thing. I took video of my RR3 bootup as well, but even more telling I think is that I installed vanilla Minecraft, straight from minecraft.net, and then installed Forge manually, and while it boots up a lot faster than RR3, you can definitely see that it takes longer than it should for no mods.




Intel i7-3770K

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 690

Windows 8.1

Java 1.7.0_79



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It just came to my attention that you can simply disable the splash screen. And it makes the problem go away.


Change "enabled=true" to "enabled=false" in config/splash.properties.




Joining the slow load club here, this made my load time go from 15 mins to just 1 or 2 on the latest update of Agrarian Skies 2 (15-may 1.0.41) modpack.


[offtopic/rant]FUCK THE VERIFICATION  QUESTIONS >_<! Took me another 15 minutes to figure out who Lex and his nickname was..."

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Also wanting to contribute that this is some kind of issue. I just tested it with splash disabled (174 mods, including some client-only ones) and changed from about 12 minutes to load to less than 90 seconds.


The pack is built off of Direwolf20's, a few additional mods and some others disabled. Logs can be provided, but I'm almost sure they'll look mostly the same as autotalon's.


One thing worth noting is that before, during the splash screen, CPU usage was sitting roughly 25-35%. After disabling it, usage fluctuated from 35% to upwards of 90% before reaching the title screen. Almost makes me wonder if it was slowing itself down intentionally to allow the splash screen to keep up?


Intel Core i5 3450 @ 3.5GHz

16GB G.Skill DDR3 1600

eVGA GeForce GTX670 (is there a way to offload some overhead through a GPGPU pipeline? idk if Java can talk to c++ processing directly, but..)

Windows 7, fully updated

Java 8u45


I am able/willing to help with the Java profiling bit mentioned earlier if someone would point me to a "Java Profiling for Dummies" (sorry, I'm hardware and networking, not code).  :-[

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We are still trying to reproduce this, and see if we can address it.

However it only happens in so few users and its difficult to try and get novices to sit down and do the debugging tasks that we need.

If someone who is having this issue, and knows how to run profiler/flight recorder/other diagnostics tools and is willing to sit down sometime and run through some debuging step forward. I'm busy this weekend, but would be good get this taken care of and find a cause.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Thanks to Phoenix_the_II it looks like we may have a solution.

It looks like the issue is caused by your global graphics settings have adaptive vsync enabled.

Which forces in the native level the slowdown of some GL calls.

One of which being the ones needed to processImputs, which is needed to prevent windows from popping up the 'This program is not responding' window.



That may fix it. Which is in build 1406+

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Ah alright, yeah I'll check the settings and the new build and see what happens.  That's interesting that it makes a difference in that way.


EDIT:  Yeah 1408 loads much much faster.  I didnt time it or anything, but probably faster than the old ones did honestly.  So it looks like that was the issue in this case.

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