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RenderTooltipEvent ?


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is there something such as an event that is being called when the tooltip / name next to an item or the item itself is being rendered?

I would like to add some additional information and graphics to it.


Thanks in advance,



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is there something such as an event that is being called when the tooltip / name next to an item or the item itself is being rendered?

I would like to add some additional information and graphics to it.


Thanks in advance,



There is an event to manipulate the content of the tooltip called



I dunno if you're able to render anything on it, though, as it gets called before the tooltip gets drawn...

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Check out RenderGameOverlayEvent event.


@SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onRenderHotBar(RenderGameOverlayEvent event)
	if(event.type==ElementType.HOTBAR) renderCrazyExtraStuff();



That event doesn't deal with tooltips at all...


Busti: There's sadly no real event for rendering a tooltip, so you're stuck with the ItemTooltipEvent and manipulating its content.

You may be able to hack something together with the


, which fires if any Gui is open: You'd need to empty the list in


, get the Gui, get the Gui slots, check if there's your item in one of the slots, check if the mouse hovers that item, draw your custom tooltip. But this would be pretty expensive, especially on render, where the event gets called every frame...

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This thread makes me sad because people just post copy-paste-ready code when it's obvious that the OP has little to no programming experience. This is not how learning works.

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I had a look into it and it contains every screen overlay. E.g. the XP bar or the boss bar. Sadly it is not what I need right now. But it is good to know that it exists.


It looks like it would be really expensive to render such a tooltip without a coremod but I don't want to do that right now...

I wonder how Thaumcraft does it.

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I had a look into it and it contains every screen overlay. E.g. the XP bar or the boss bar. Sadly it is not what I need right now. But it is good to know that it exists.


It looks like it would be really expensive to render such a tooltip without a coremod but I don't want to do that right now...

I wonder how Thaumcraft does it.


Well, Azanor said the following on a topic for an Item Tooltip Rendering hook suggestion:

I would love a hook like this myself. I'm currently using some creative reflection and such to render icons above the normal tooltip for some items, but would like a more generic way to do it.


Unfortunately Thaumcraft isn't open source... so maybe ask him?

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mah twitter

This thread makes me sad because people just post copy-paste-ready code when it's obvious that the OP has little to no programming experience. This is not how learning works.

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An Item can specify a custom FontRenderer (Item.getFontRenderer). Make a custom font renderer that can react to special symbols (unicode stuff) and translate them to icons.


Damn, this one was out of the box! Props, will be useful.

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