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[1.7.10] Get item in current mod registered to an ore dictionary entry

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I'm using some functions to streamline coding for crafting recipes that don't involve overloading fifty trillion functions.  I'm also storing nuggets and ingots in arrays to make adding nuggets/ingots/other metal items quickly.  What I'm wanting to do is specify the ore dictionary names for the craftStorage function so I can craft both ingots and nuggets using the ore dictionary in one line.  Is there a way to retrieve the ore dictionary name from a specified item or your mod's item from the ore dictionary name?


private void addCrafting()
	craftStorage(ItemInit.ingot_copper, ItemInit.nugget_copper, 9);

private void craftStorage(Object container, Object component, int quantity)
	craftOneToX(container, component, quantity);
	craftXToOne(container, component, quantity);

private void craftOneToX(Object container, Object component, int quantity)
	// Convert Object types to ItemStacks
	ItemStack newContainer = TCOAE_Functions.ObjToStack(container);
	ItemStack newComponent = TCOAE_Functions.ObjToStack(component);

	GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(TCOAE_Functions.stack(newComponent, quantity), newContainer);
private void craftXToOne(Object container, Object component, int quantity)
	ItemStack newContainer = TCOAE_Functions.ObjToStack(container);
	ItemStack newComponent = TCOAE_Functions.ObjToStack(component);

	// Create array list to dynamically add shapeless items of same type
	ArrayList recipe = new ArrayList();
	for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
	// Convert to object array for use in shapeless recipe
	Object[] objectRecipe = new Object[quantity];
	objectRecipe = recipe.toArray();

	GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(newContainer, recipe.toArray());

public static ItemStack stack(Object item, int quantity, int damage)
	ItemStack returnThis;
	if (item instanceof Item)
		returnThis = new ItemStack((Item)item, quantity, damage);
	else if (item instanceof Block)
		returnThis = new ItemStack((Block)item, quantity, damage);
		returnThis = ((ItemStack) item).copy();
		returnThis.stackSize = quantity;
	return returnThis;
// Makes a stack with specified object and quantity, default damage
public static ItemStack stack(Object item, int quantity)
	if (item instanceof ItemStack)
		ItemStack returnThis = ((ItemStack) item).copy();
		returnThis.stackSize = quantity;
		return returnThis;
	return stack(item, quantity, 0);
// Makes a stack with specified object, default quantity and damage
public static ItemStack stack(Object item)
	if (item instanceof ItemStack)
		return (ItemStack) item;
	return stack(item, 1);
public static ItemStack ObjToStack(Object input)
	return (input instanceof Block ? new ItemStack((Block) input) : (input instanceof Item ? new ItemStack((Item) input) : (ItemStack) input));

Is there a way to retrieve the ore dictionary name from a specified item or your mod's item from the ore dictionary name?



iirc.  I don't have a working environment at the moment, but there IS a method to get all the names a given stack is registered as.

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Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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