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Force player to face certain direction?


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Please show more of your code, that method should work.


if(Teleport == true & teleportTime == 340){

                                EntityPlayer player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer;


Teleport = false;

pressTime = -1;



I know that the if statement returns true, because the other lines of code occur around it...

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Is it not working at all (not turning), or is it pointing to different direction than expected?


Is your code running on the server or client side? Where is the code you showed running from?


Its not working at all, the player head is not turning.

This code is handled client side.

The if statement runs within a tickhandler class in which the other variables in the statement are set to false

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Is it not working at all (not turning), or is it pointing to different direction than expected?


Is your code running on the server or client side? Where is the code you showed running from?


Its not working at all, the player head is not turning.

This code is handled client side.

The if statement runs within a tickhandler class in which the other variables in the statement are set to false

If I am not mistaken the server handles this data.


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Yes, you might be running into an issue with the side. If you simply update the rotationYaw on the client, then the very next time the server syncs the player entity it will erase your change. You probably need to change it on the server and then let it sync back to the client naturally to take effect.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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Yes, you might be running into an issue with the side. If you simply update the rotationYaw on the client, then the very next time the server syncs the player entity it will erase your change. You probably need to change it on the server and then let it sync back to the client naturally to take effect.


Can you do this without having access to the server console? Like how would I update it on the server?


If not, what I've been trying to do is simulate mouse movement, here's a quick algorithm I wrote:

            int rotation = player.getRotationYawHead();

if(!(otation > 1.9 & rotation < 2.1)){ //if not facing practically north (relative to the F coordinate)

//use robot to cause mouse movement


This didn't work, just endlessly forced the mouse to move. To try and debug I sysouted the value of rotation which only increased as the player spun, it didn't result to a value in the range 0, 1, 2, 3 (the south, east, north and west values in mc), it just resulted in a never increasing number. Forcing the player to look the other way just decreased this number back down, its like a never ending corkscrew which keeps track of how many times you've spun.


To try and make sense of this, say x equalled 0 to begin with.

Move mouse right performing one entire spin in minecraft

x would now equal (not accurate) 50

do another right spin

x would equal 100

do a left spin

x would equal 50...


Is there not another method of returning the actual "f" coordinated showed in minecrafts f3 mode? Because all I seem to be grabbing is a number relative to the amount of times you've spun xD


If not, then I guess ill need to do the server method you were on about, but I have no idea how you do that...


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int rotation = player.getRotationYawHead() % (2*Math.PI);

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you can try



That is how I simulate camera shake. I believe I call it client side.


Client-only can work for things that are purely visual and temporary, like camera shake. But if you actually want the entity to turn or change actual position, the server needs to know about it.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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you can try



That is how I simulate camera shake. I believe I call it client side.


Client-only can work for things that are purely visual and temporary, like camera shake. But if you actually want the entity to turn or change actual position, the server needs to know about it.

I know its not necessarily forcing the player to face north, but this is how I forced the player to keep turning until facing near enough north (without sending anything to the server, just using java's robot feature :)):



if(faceNorth == true){

        int yaw = (int)player.rotationYaw;

        if (yaw<0){

        yaw += 360;




        int facing = (int) (yaw/1); //divides the turn into 360 parts to get a more central location, instead of 4 for north, south, east and west

        if(facing < 198){


        }else if(facing > 202){



        faceNorth = false;




And then in the MouseSimulator class:


public static void MoveMouseRight() throws AWTException{

Robot KeyPresser = new Robot();

        Point startLocation = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation();

        int startX = startLocation.x;

        int startY = startLocation.y;

        endX = startX + 4;  //For left movement, change to minus 4

        KeyPresser.mouseMove(endX, startY);





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