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I want to make an addon for iChun's PortalGun mod but there aren't any tutorials for it and even though it is 1.7.10, if there is a general 'recipe' for getting started, it would be much appreciated. This here Forge Wiki Page seems to apply to OLDER versions of forge i.e. VERY different setup and structure. Is there any modern approach that would apply to 1.7.10 and up?

I love solving puzzles and also coding. What a great combo! I also want to have a career in programming when I have gone through university. 9GAG and Quora stand in the way of me ascending from mediocre programmer to ...meh programmer and beyond!


I am always looking for fun projects to look at and maybe be a part of. If you have a project and want to co-operate, email me via [email protected]


Keep coding :)


Well i would start off by getting the source code for the mod by decompiling it with mcp if it is not provided already. I would then add the mod as a library in eclipse/your IDE and appling the source code. After doing that you will be able to code using whatever mod you choose. But you will not be able to compile it, you should add it as a dependancy in your @Mod in your main mod file, ad also in your build.gradle.


I will be posting 1.15.2 modding tutorials on this channel. If you want to be notified of it do the normal YouTube stuff like subscribing, ect.

Forge and vanilla BlockState generator.

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