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[Solved] Java path error - Unable to install Forge source

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I run into problems when trying to install the Forge source as per the wiki guide. The script seems to be unable to locate my java installation. I have entered the correct paths to the PATH variable. I am using Windows XP. I have tried using both the latest and latest stable versions of Forge.


This is the console output when running the batch from a freshly extracted archive:


================ Forge ModLoader Setup Start ===================

Downloaded mcp7.26a.zip

Extracting MCP to 'C:\temp\forge\mcp'

Setting up MCP

Backing up commands.py

patching file commands.py

Commands patch applied successfully

Copying FML conf

Creating re-packaged srg

Creating re-packaged exc

Creating re-packaged MCP patches

Fixing MCP Workspace

Downloaded argo-2.25.jar

Downloaded guava-12.0.1.jar

Downloaded guava-12.0.1-sources.jar

Downloaded asm-all-4.0.jar

Downloaded asm-all-4.0-source.jar

Downloaded bcprov-jdk15on-147.jar

Downloaded lwjgl.jar

Downloaded lwjgl_util.jar

Downloaded jinput.jar

Downloaded windows_natives.jar

    Extracting jinput-dx8.dll

    Extracting jinput-dx8_64.dll

    Extracting jinput-raw.dll

    Extracting jinput-raw_64.dll

    Extracting lwjgl.dll

    Extracting lwjgl64.dll

    Extracting OpenAL32.dll

    Extracting OpenAL64.dll

Downloaded macosx_natives.jar

    Extracting libjinput-osx.jnilib

    Extracting liblwjgl.jnilib

    Extracting libopenal.dylib

    Extracting openal.dylib

Downloaded linux_natives.jar

    Extracting libjinput-linux.so

    Extracting libjinput-linux64.so

    Extracting liblwjgl.so

    Extracting liblwjgl64.so

    Extracting libopenal.so

    Extracting libopenal64.so

Downloaded minecraft.jar

Downloaded minecraft_server.jar

== MCP 7.26 (data: 7.26a, client: 1.4.7, server: 1.4.7) ==

# found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, renumber csv, ast

yle, astyle config

> Creating Retroguard config files

== Decompiling client using fernflower ==

> Creating SRGs

> Applying Retroguard

> Compiling AccessTransformer

javac: Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_41\bin\javac is an invalid flag

Usage: javac <options> <source files>

Decompile Exception: 1

Press any key to continue...



Notice how it aborts with the error javac: Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_41\bin\javac is an invalid flag. My Java SDK is installed in C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_41\. This suggests that the installer does not account for the space in the path.


As I already stated, I have included the paths in the PATH environment variable. I tried adding quotation marks to the path, but the installer seems to run the same regardless of what values PATH has. Running echo %PATH% in a command prompt produces the correct paths, so that should not be the problem.




Go to forge\fml\fml.py and look at line 263:

        cmd_compile = '"%s" -Xlint:-options -deprecation -g -source 1.6 -target 1.6 -classpath "{classpath}" -sourcepath "{sourcepath}" -d "{outpath}" "{target}"' % self.cmdjavac


Remove the quotation marks from "%s" and you're done.


The weird thing about this is that it implies the installer does account for paths with spaces, but for some reason that didn't stop it from breaking for me. So normally this shouldn't even be a problem.

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