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Trying to mod; missing net.minecraft.smc??


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Hello, i need help. I'm trying to make a Minecraft mod, and i followed these instructions: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Mods/Creating_mods/Setting_up_the_MCP_workspace For some reason, when i open up Eclipse, i can't seem to find net.minecraft.smc. I'm trying to use MC 1.10, and i have windows. In the meantime, i'm going to try re-running the decompiler. If it works, i'll either delete the post or update it.


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Thank you for the answer and the site, and i'm positive it would work, but unfortunately i don't know what i'm doing. ^^'


Is there a video i can watch that goes along with it? I'm sorry for asking so much, but my prior knowledge of coding and command prompts are zero to none. Thanks in advance, whether you send me one or not.


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1) Don't not for 1.10, you should always be on the the latest mc version

2) don't use mcp, that's only for advanced people with explicit need for it

3) there is no thing as smc I'm going to assume you meant src and that has been outdated for years. Everything is i n a proper package now.

4) you NEED to know the basic of java, your use, and how to run commands before nodding. So start there.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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