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1.12 Do not consume specific ingredient in recipe


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Hey everyone.


I tutor a kid every week, and he's recently become interested in creating his own Minecraft mod. We're both working our way through Forge and learning as we go.


We're currently trying to create a recipe that doesn't consume a specific input Ingredient/ItemStack. 


I see a couple of ways of feasibly doing this:

1. Don't consume the item in the recipe (not sure if this is possible based on what I've looked through in the source)

2. Return a duplicate ItemStack that matches the original input Ingredient ItemStack. Seems like that's what's being mentioned here: 

but I couldn't seem to get the suggestion in there to work. The custom recipe now just doesn't return anything. (PR to his mod from yours truly here if you'd like to see the code: https://github.com/pjht/ME-System/pull/1)


Is there another way to approach this? Am I doing something dumb with the #2 approach?


Any help would be appreciated.

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14 minutes ago, lampad said:

1. Don't consume the item in the recipe (not sure if this is possible based on what I've looked through in the source)

Like milk buckets? It's called a Container Item. The container can be the same item or something else. Even the same item, but with damage.


Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


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Yeah, like buckets. However, the ingredient we're hoping to not consume isn't necessarily a container. Is there a way to give an item the "container" property where it can't be consumed by the recipe, but wouldn't be able to store or contain anything? Does that make sense?

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When it comes to container in the item class it is just 'what item should we output when used in a crafting recipe' So you can just set it to itself and it'll work.


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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53 minutes ago, LexManos said:

When it comes to container in the item class it is just 'what item should we output when used in a crafting recipe' So you can just set it to itself and it'll work.


Not quite sure I understand that. Are you saying set the result of the recipe to the ingredient (which would be a container in this case)? If so, I'd like to have the recipe output a different item than the container input.


Is creating a container item as simple as inheriting from the Container class?

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No, it you look at your PR you have a getRemainingItems and you even call getContainerItem. This has nothing to do with the getResult function. 

Seriously... make a item, call item.setContainerItem(item)

Make a recipe that takes that item, and outputs a stick using the STANDARD shapeless recipe.

And try it in game.

It'll be a item that gives you infinite sticks.

Go try it.


The Container class, which is inside the inventroy package. Has nothing to do with the Item or crafting. No you don't extend it. Basic java here the Container class does not extend a Item so.. its not a item... I can understand your confusion a little bit, they use the same word. But beyond that they are not related at all and you should look at how its used.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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6 minutes ago, LexManos said:

he Container class does not extend a Item so.. its not a item... I can understand your confusion a little bit, they use the same word. But beyond that they are not related at all and you should look at how its used.

There's like....four different meanings of the word "container" in the context of Minecraft


ContainerItem ("buckets hold milk / water / lava" and that buckets-of-X need to return an empty bucket to the player when crafted with)

"Container" as a generic term for a block or item that has an inventory.

Container (the class) for interacting with "containers"

GuiContainer for the client-side aspect of Containers


It's confusing and I really would like to change the name of Container and GuiContainer to be...less confusing. But I don't have a suggested alternative.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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2 hours ago, LexManos said:

Seriously... make a item, call item.setContainerItem(item)

Make a recipe that takes that item, and outputs a stick using the STANDARD shapeless recipe.

And try it in game.

It'll be a item that gives you infinite sticks

Hmm, I see. The problem is I don't want the resulting item the recipe produces to create additional items, I want one of the input ingredients back as a result of completing the recipe. Maybe the setContainerItem method can be used by the recipe too? Maybe I'm being dense... Probably being dense...


1 hour ago, Draco18s said:

ContainerItem ("buckets hold milk / water / lava" and that buckets-of-X need to return an empty bucket to the player when crafted with)

So, could I subclass this class, use it as an ingredient to a recipe, and the recipe will give it back in the end? Do I need two "phases" of the item (full, empty)? I'll try tinkering with it.

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4 minutes ago, lampad said:

Hmm, I see. The problem is I don't want the resulting item the recipe produces to create additional items, I want one of the input ingredients back as a result of completing the recipe.`

Thats literally the point of Item's container item.

Do as I said. Just go try it out before complaining you don't understand it.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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15 hours ago, LexManos said:

Thats literally the point of Item's container item.

Do as I said. Just go try it out before complaining you don't understand it.

You're right, just dropping this.setContainerItem(this) into the constructor of the item did the trick. Sorry for being dense and thanks for the help.

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