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[1.12.2] Armor Stand Event [Solved]


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Hi all,


I'm a bit confused: Isn't there any event that is triggered, if you interact with an armor stand? I want to detect, if somebody placed anything onto the stand.


Best regards,


Edited by Pixtar
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Hi @jabelar


thanks for your hint. I wasn't aware of the PlayerInteractSpecific event.

The following code works like I needed it:

	public static void onPlayerInteractSpecific( EntityInteractSpecific event )
		if( event.getTarget() instanceof EntityArmorStand )
			event.setCanceled( true );

Best regards,

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Hey @jabelar


do you know another - more dynamic - method to check if the Entity is an armor stand?


I want to get at the end the Item ID or Name of the Entity - as far as there is an item available for it. In this case it would be for example:

Item ID: 416

Name: minecraft:armor_stand


Best regards,

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36 minutes ago, Pixtar said:

more dynamic

I'm not sure what you mean by this.

36 minutes ago, Pixtar said:

I want to get at the end the Item ID or Name of the Entity

Well if it is an Armor Stand you know that the item ID is from the forge registry, and you would get the name of the armor stand the same way you would for any other entity.


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Hi @Animefan8888


examples in the form of source code are always a great help for people like me and others who are not much familiar with the depth of MC / Forge methods.


Finally I think I figured out how to get the Name of the Entity; may it be a help for others ^^:

	public static void onPlayerInteractSpecific( EntityInteractSpecific event )
		Entity enti = event.getTarget();
		String[] entiSource = EntityList.getKey( enti ).toString().split( ":" );
		if( entiSource[0].equals("minecraft") && entiSource[1].equals("armor_stand") )
			event.setCanceled( true );


With this code you are able to react - more dynamically - to the incoming target enity.


Best regards,

Edited by Pixtar
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6 minutes ago, Pixtar said:

if( entiSource[0] == "minecraft" && entiSource[1] == "armor_stand" )

This is never going to evaluate to true. You should be using object#equals. And what about other mods that extend EntityArmorStand are you going to exclude them from what you want to do? Plus there is not much difference between what you are doing there and an instanceof check, except it will only confirm if it is the vanilla one in which you should just compare the classes. I.E.

if (enity.getClass() == EntityArmorStand.class) // DO STUFF


  • Thanks 1


I will be posting 1.15.2 modding tutorials on this channel. If you want to be notified of it do the normal YouTube stuff like subscribing, ect.

Forge and vanilla BlockState generator.

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Hi @Animefan8888


yes you're right: I missed like always "equals" .. a typical C++ disease ^^ (I've edited it.)


Yes, I agree with you, that from your point of view it's better to use "instanceof" or "getClass()", but if for example a user can configure the needed entity on its own via a config file - like in my case - your method won't work if he writes down:


Therefore I used at first the way I've written down in my previous post.


Any other solution or idea to "cast" that type of string from a config file back to "EntityArmorStand" or "EntityArmorStand.class" is appreciated.


Best regards,


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2 hours ago, Animefan8888 said:

there is not much difference between what you are doing there and an instanceof check

if (enity.getClass() == EntityArmorStand.class) // DO STUFF

You do know about instanceof so why did you not use instanceof?

if(entity instanceof EntityArmorStand) // DO STUFF


Edited by Draco18s

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On 5/31/2018 at 9:10 AM, Draco18s said:

You do know about instanceof so why did you not use instanceof?

I was saying that an easier way of achieving what he currently has(checking for an armor stand without including child classes) it would be easier to do a class check instead of the String comparisons.


I will be posting 1.15.2 modding tutorials on this channel. If you want to be notified of it do the normal YouTube stuff like subscribing, ect.

Forge and vanilla BlockState generator.

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