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MC 1.14.4 - Documentation and examples [Solved]


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I have so many questions, i do not know where to start. Is there also some documentation for 1.14.x?

Coming from 1.12.2 as i see there is a huge difference and i'm a bit confused how things work now.

No events for preinit, init, and postinit. It seems that you don't need to register itemmodels anymore? Is that correct?

It also looks like you no longer have to register an itemslab for slabs ?

I have some troubles figuring out how to add fluids to the game now and how to setup a config. Config had completely changed i guess?

Also what's the thing with this logger? What does it do and why we need to use it? I'm trying to understand all these new things.

Don't understand me wrong (if you did), i'm not questioning if we should or not, i only want to know why.



Edited by winnetrie
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1 hour ago, winnetrie said:

Also what's the thing with this logger?

It's a way to log information to the console. But it is appended with information like which mod printed it. It's been there for a while.


1 hour ago, winnetrie said:

i do not know where to start. Is there also some documentation for 1.14.x?

Not exactly. There is the update primer and the forge documentation


1 hour ago, winnetrie said:

No events for preinit, init, and postinit.

.There are only a few events now. Common Setup, Client Setup, Server Setup, and inter mod communications. You generally only need the first one.


1 hour ago, winnetrie said:

It seems that you don't need to register itemmodels anymore? Is that correct?

This is true, it is all automated based on the registry name. Unpack all of your items now, no metadata.

1 hour ago, winnetrie said:

It also looks like you no longer have to register an itemslab for slabs ?

Unsure, but probably false.

1 hour ago, winnetrie said:

I have some troubles figuring out how to add fluids

Last I checked not implemented into forge yet.

1 hour ago, winnetrie said:

Config had completely changed i guess?

What I've figured out after a little investigation is this.

    	Builder builder = new Builder();
    	// Add stuff to config here.
    	ModConfig config = new ModConfig(ModConfig.Type.COMMON, builder.build(), ModList.get().getModContainerById("modid").get());

Do this in the setup event for the matching type.


I will be posting 1.15.2 modding tutorials on this channel. If you want to be notified of it do the normal YouTube stuff like subscribing, ect.

Forge and vanilla BlockState generator.

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7 hours ago, Animefan8888 said:

There are only a few events now. Common Setup, Client Setup, Server Setup, and inter mod communications. You generally only need the first one.

I Looked around at some other modders github pages to get a better understanding how things works. I see them all adding this to their main class:

public static final CommonProxy PROXY = DistExecutor.runForDist(() -> ClientProxy::new, () -> CommonProxy::new);

Then they call on PROXY in the events like FMLCommonSetupEvent

They also have a ClientProxy that extends on a CommonProxy

I'm a bit confused here, because i see no reason to extend the ClientProxy from CommonProxy.


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Ok So if i understand it right, i can still register my items and blocks the same way i did in 1.12.2?

How i did that is creating a class (i called it ModRegistry)

public class ModRegistry {
	public static void onItemRegister(RegistryEvent.Register<Item> event) {
		System.out.println("Registering all items");
      	event.getRegistry().registerAll(somestuff here...);
	public static void onBlockRegister(RegistryEvent.Register<Block> event) {
        System.out.println("Registering all blocks");
		event.getRegistry().registerAll(somestuff here...);

Is that still correct?

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