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Goblin! mod working not correctly


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Hello, Im new here and dont know where to post questions about mods, so please dont kill me. Today I wanted to build modpack for me and my friend and found really weird issue with the goblin mod, some kind of ticks related to spawning whatsoever. Anytime I get close to the village that is being generated by the mod, my game crashes and the world becomes unplayable - it will crash the game, when I open it in mcedit it works, so seems like the issue cant be related to generation but only to the mod, I have investigated the mod and discovered actually that the publisher lied about the mod version and supported versions either, since it was v0.6 for 1.7.2, not his fake 0.6.1 for 1.7.10. Could it be because of the version, or is there some way around this? (Yeah, sorry I dont have the log, because I already replaced the mod, but if it is required I will post)

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I have the same issue with this mod as well in my mod pack. The same thing literally happens. I was able to go into the "forge" config and turn on remove error-ed entities. I put it true for both tile entities and regular entities and now it wont crash my game. However now anything from the goblins mod will no longer spawn any kind of entity that is error-ed like bombs or the goblin spawners or the blasts from the wands. What Im trying to figure out is how to get those entities to completely work but I fear I might have to go into the code of the mod itself to do that. 

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38 minutes ago, Justanothermodguy said:

I have the same issue with this mod as well in my mod pack. The same thing literally happens. I was able to go into the "forge" config and turn on remove error-ed entities. I put it true for both tile entities and regular entities and now it wont crash my game. However now anything from the goblins mod will no longer spawn any kind of entity that is error-ed like bombs or the goblin spawners or the blasts from the wands. What Im trying to figure out is how to get those entities to completely work but I fear I might have to go into the code of the mod itself to do that. 

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I have tried to look for the author of this mod. I know his name is Budd or that is his alias for the mod however I cant find anyone like that. There are other authors who have taken this mod and updated it to version 1.12 and up however those have a lot of issues as well and they haven't responded to anyone. So I suppose one question that has been eating away at me is this. This mod is for version 1.7.2 However it runs in 1.7.10 and 1.12 and so forth. The only problem is that any entities that are spawned by this mod other than the monsters themselves crash the server immediately. I think that because of this the servers version of forge thinks that this is not a compatible mod and has issues with entities from it. So, is it possible to take Goblins 1.7.2 and update it to 1.12 or 1.7.10 somehow to be compatible? 

Thank you so much for any info you have for me. 

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