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[1.16.1] isBeaconPayment not Working


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So in my mod, I'm adding in rubies(yes very exciting). I first started it in 1.15.2, then decided to update it to 1.16.1. It works, but my ruby item @Override isn't working for isBeaonPayment.

Here's my code (I'm also kinda new to java):

package com.pickleface.ruby.items;

import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemGroup;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;

public class RubyItem extends Item {
    public RubyItem() {
        super(new Item.Properties()
    public boolean isBeaconPayment(ItemStack stack) {
        return true;

The weird thing s is that this worked fine in 1.15.2 and it would work, but since I updated it, it stopped working. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Have some lorem ispum.

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I'm pretty new to Forge, so I don really know how to update. What I did was change 

mappings channel: 'snapshot', version: '20200514-1.16'

on ~line 26 and

minecraft 'net.minecraftforge:forge:1.16.1-32.0.75'

on ~line 96

Did I update correctly?

Have some lorem ispum.

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It returned an error saying:

Could not find net.minecraftforge:forge:1.16.1-32.0.75_mapped_snapshot_20200723-1.16.1.


Is there something else I have to do?

And do you use Dracula Theme in IntelliJ? <- Not off-topic


Edited by Pickle_Face5

Have some lorem ispum.

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13 minutes ago, Pickle_Face5 said:

And do you use Dracula Theme in IntelliJ? <- Not off-topic

I use high-contrast :p

I'm not so sure why that did not work for you (it works for me, I just tested it), you might want to have a look at this tho it's for 1.15 but I guess it applies on 1.16 as well.


Edited by poopoodice
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Your issue with beacon payments are because the `isBeaconPayment` method was removed. Add your item to the `minecraft:beacon_payment_items` item tag for it to work. (reference: PR that removed the method)


I don't know much about Gradle and ForgeGradle to help you, though. Try redowloading the latest MDK, and see if a fresh unmodified environment will cause the issue. If that works, copy over your files and resources, and use that environment.

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8 minutes ago, sciwhiz12 said:

Your issue with beacon payments are because the `isBeaconPayment` method was removed. Add your item to the `minecraft:beacon_payment_items` item tag for it to work. (reference: PR that removed the method)


I don't know much about Gradle and ForgeGradle to help you, though. Try redowloading the latest MDK, and see if a fresh unmodified environment will cause the issue. If that works, copy over your files and resources, and use that environment.

You're right haha, I misread my forge version 




I was using the older version.

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5 hours ago, sciwhiz12 said:

Your issue with beacon payments are because the `isBeaconPayment` method was removed. Add your item to the `minecraft:beacon_payment_items` item tag for it to work. (reference: PR that removed the method)


I don't know much about Gradle and ForgeGradle to help you, though. Try redowloading the latest MDK, and see if a fresh unmodified environment will cause the issue. If that works, copy over your files and resources, and use that environment.

Did they also remove isBeaconBase()? Just noticed that my Ruby Block Override wasn't working either

Have some lorem ispum.

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5 hours ago, sciwhiz12 said:

Your issue with beacon payments are because the `isBeaconPayment` method was removed. Add your item to the `minecraft:beacon_payment_items` item tag for it to work. (reference: PR that removed the method)


I don't know much about Gradle and ForgeGradle to help you, though. Try redowloading the latest MDK, and see if a fresh unmodified environment will cause the issue. If that works, copy over your files and resources, and use that environment.

How do I add it to a tag?

Have some lorem ispum.

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1 hour ago, Pickle_Face5 said:

How do I add it to a tag?


  • Thanks 1

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