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1.16.2-33.0.5 - Modded Item Texture Not Loading


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For an entire day now, I have looked EVERYWHERE to find a solution to this. Everytime I open up Minecraft to add ONE item in a mod I'm working on, I'm able to see it in my inventory, however, every single time, it is a pink/purple and black missing texture block.


Here is the error I get every time I run Minecraft:

 [minecraft/ModelBakery]: Unable to load model: 'jaylicraft:wither_bone#inventory' referenced from: jaylicraft:wither_bone#inventory: java.io.FileNotFoundException: jaylicraft:models/item/wither_bone.json


Everything is properly capitalized, I've triple checked unless I've very blatantly missed something.


Here is the entire source code for you to view it and find any mistakes: 



Please help if you are able to! I've been trying to find a fix for this for so long and it's driving me insane.


Edited by Jayliriah
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You have not included all the build bits when you created you repository, so I'm making guesses that the structure is correct.


However, you do have a directory named /textures/items instead of textures/item which will certainly prevent it from finding the texture.


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8 hours ago, Ommina said:

You have not included all the build bits when you created you repository, so I'm making guesses that the structure is correct.


However, you do have a directory named /textures/items instead of textures/item which will certainly prevent it from finding the texture.


I just barely tried doing that, and it still has the same problem.



Same error as well.
[18Aug2020 08:27:34.796] [Worker-Main-6/WARN] [net.minecraft.client.renderer.model.ModelBakery/]: Unable to load model: 'jaylicraft:wither_bone#inventory' referenced from: jaylicraft:wither_bone#inventory: java.io.FileNotFoundException: jaylicraft:models/item/wither_bone.json


I followed this tutorial step-by-step. https://cadiboo.github.io/tutorials/1.15.2/forge/

I'm hoping it's not because I have 1.16.2  and the process is completely different than 1.15.2, but either way I want to find a solution to this.

Edit: I do have the up-to-date version of pack.mcdata. I already checked that.

Edited by Jayliriah
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Don't worry about the version differences.


So it's simply not finding /models/item/wither_bone.json --- which takes us back to the structure of the project overall.  The screenshot looks correct enough at first and second glance, but something clearly isn't.  I see you have a lang folder.  Have you created a translation for item.jaylicraft.wither_bone ?  Since it isn't showing as translated in game, that would also suggest the structure is confused.


I'm kinda concerned by the icons Eclipse is using for the resources.


If you're willing to update the repository with the complete project, I'll figure it out locally.  Or perhaps somebody with sharper eyes than I can work it out from the screenshots.


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6 hours ago, Ommina said:

Don't worry about the version differences.


So it's simply not finding /models/item/wither_bone.json --- which takes us back to the structure of the project overall.  The screenshot looks correct enough at first and second glance, but something clearly isn't.  I see you have a lang folder.  Have you created a translation for item.jaylicraft.wither_bone ?  Since it isn't showing as translated in game, that would also suggest the structure is confused.


I'm kinda concerned by the icons Eclipse is using for the resources.


If you're willing to update the repository with the complete project, I'll figure it out locally.  Or perhaps somebody with sharper eyes than I can work it out from the screenshots.


Okay, sorry for the late reply. I made a new Github link so that I can update everything much easier from my desktop. All the files you need are here: https://github.com/Jayliriah/Jaylicraft

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Thanks for the updated repository.  I was able to load it up with no fuss.


There IS some wobbly bits in mods.toml (you have the mod set as a dependent of itself), but I'm willing to bet those were changes you made in a desperate attempt to figure out why the rest wasn't working.


As for the item texture itself... it worked.  Just fine.  Localization also.  No errors, no warnings.  Not even a hint of disapproval.


So at this point I'm hoping somebody with more experience with Eclipse than I will join in.  As far as code and layout and filenames and all that nonsense is concerned, you've got it all correct.


  • Thanks 1
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Okay, I honestly have no clue why it's doing this then. Could you send me a screenshot of your workspace, and the item texture working to see if anything is off compared to mine? 


I guess it's just not finding my assets folder at all, since when I update the mods.toml it shows the changes. But nothing on the localization or even texture side.

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Okay! Nevermind. So what I just did, is I redownloaded my source code from Github, COMPLETELY redid my workspace, downloading new stuff for it, and wah-lah! It worked!




Thank you so much for the help. It may not seem like you did much, but you saying that it did work gave me hope! :)

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Excellent  - I'm glad you were able to get it working there.  Minecraft modding is often an exercise in frustration and perseverance.  But normally not this soon.


I note there is a difference in the two Eclipse screenshots.  In the original, the resources tree was displayed with a series of folder icons.  In the latter, working version, it's a set of white squares with a cross-hatch.  Presumably this is relevant but I couldn't tell you how.




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Probably just needed to run the Clean task.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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