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I am going to rework every texture in mine craft basic blocks only no mods so got any cool ideals flip them my way. This is for my sever that is hosted by fragnet but if anyone wants it i make it available.




Darkguardsman asked me to start modding again; I use to mod using mod loader mp so forge is new to me. So, I am easing back into it by creating this Texture pack and starting on a decorative pack. I sen a few hours here and there and finished the remap of about 1/3 of the textures. I dropped some pictures of my Remaps so far in a spoiler below. I would love any input you all have especially on new decorative items for mine craft.


Items Suggested


Advanced Lighting

Stain Glass

New Trap Doors






Left to Right

[ice, Stone Brick, Wooden Door, Iron Door, Glass]

These are some of the first textures I remapped.



Left to Right

[ice, Stone Brick, Wooden Door, Iron Door, Glass]

These are the old textures for comparison.




I did't get anywhere today got stuck on glow stone xD . I don't like how it looks but it so hard to find something suitable for it  that's not a kick away from the old 16 bit textures. So, for you entertainment I post a few i did yesterday in a spoiler below; when I get done with glow stone I would really like everyone opinions. Like always I would love to have suggestions for needed decorative items; and I also make textures for mods as well as signatures and profile pictures.





From left to right

[ Iron Bars, ladders, Trap Doors, Smooth Stone]

These are some of the first textures I remapped.


From left to right

[ Iron Bars, ladders, Trap Doors, Smooth Stone]

These are the old textures for comparison.




Well, they're still cool!

well yes, but no windows = no taunting creepers that got stuck in my trap through the windows of trapdoors =(


Open and shut it repeatedly. Taunting at its best! :D

So, what would happen if I did push that shiny red button over there? ... Really? ... Can I try it? ... Damn.


imao xD windows are cool but I never really saw the point its a door; but if you wish to make fun of creepers stuck in traps I well add glass trap doors to the decorative mode pack I am Making.


Open and shut it repeatedly. Taunting at its best! :D

but dude! you cant do that if your also trying to dance on the trap door at the same time whilst singing the 'i caught a creeper' song!


OK, I spent about 4 hours today making this new lightly colored tree texture. It needs about another 1 or 2 hours of work. So, I wanted to see if I was heading in the right direction or if its a flop. Like always I provided the pictures below in a Spoiler.





From Left to Right

[ Lightly Colored tree ]

This is a remapped texture.



From Left to Right

[ Lightly Colored tree ]

This is the old texture for comparison.





  • 2 weeks later...

The New mine craft update at new blocks sadly that means they f###ed with the terrain.png. well sorry for my ranting this post does have a purposes. One, I was working on Hawk's machine textures so I haven't gotten a lot done. Secondly, the new terrain.png messes with a lot of stuff so that put the work a have done on this pack behind by 2 weeks. Lastly, I am Moving this thread to its proper place I apparently have be posting it in the wrong place and no one informed me for shame : ).   


It well be located under Minecraft General/ texture packs for future reference.

Also, if a moderator reads this can you lock this thread so no one can post here; I hate to miss something because I won't read this thread again 


Never mind i can lock it my self that's cool.

This topic is now closed to further replies.


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(WorldServer) ctx.getServerHandler().player.world : getClientThreadListener(); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static IThreadListener getClientThreadListener() { return Minecraft.getMinecraft(); } } ClientToServer / ServerToClient messages public class ClientToServer implements IMessage { private List<String> folders; private int folders_count; public ClientToServer () {} public ClientToServer (IFolder folder) { this.folders = folder.getFolders(); this.folders_count = folder.size(); } @Override public void fromBytes(ByteBuf buf) { folders = new ArrayList<>(); folders_count = buf.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < folders_count; i++) { folders.add(ByteBufUtils.readUTF8String(buf)); } } @Override public void toBytes(ByteBuf buf) { buf.writeInt(folders_count); for (int i = 0; i < folders_count; i++) { ByteBufUtils.writeUTF8String(buf, folders.get(i)); } } public List<String> getFolders (){ return this.folders; } public static class Handler implements IMessageHandler<ClientToServer, IMessage> { @Override public IMessage onMessage(ClientToServer message, MessageContext ctx) { EntityPlayerMP serverPlayer = ctx.getServerHandler().player; NetworkHandler.getThreadListener(ctx).addScheduledTask(() -> { IFolder old_folders = serverPlayer.getCapability(FolderProvider.FOLDER_CAP, null); List<String> new_folders = message.getFolders(); old_folders.setFolders(new_folders); }); return null; } } } public class ServerToClient implements IMessage { private List<String> folders; private int folders_count; public ServerToClient() {} public ServerToClient(EntityPlayer server_player) { this.folders = server_player.getCapability(FolderProvider.FOLDER_CAP, null).getFolders(); this.folders_count = folders.size(); } @Override public void fromBytes(ByteBuf buf) { folders = new ArrayList<>(); folders_count = buf.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < folders_count; i++) { folders.add(ByteBufUtils.readUTF8String(buf)); } } @Override public void toBytes(ByteBuf buf) { buf.writeInt(folders_count); for (int i = 0; i < folders_count; i++) { ByteBufUtils.writeUTF8String(buf, folders.get(i)); } } public List<String> getFolders (){ return this.folders; } public static class Handler implements IMessageHandler<ServerToClient, IMessage> { @Override public IMessage onMessage(ServerToClient message, MessageContext ctx) { NetworkHandler.getThreadListener(ctx).addScheduledTask(() -> { Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); IFolder old_folders = mc.player.getCapability(FolderProvider.FOLDER_CAP, null); List<String> new_folders = message.getFolders(); old_folders.setFolders(new_folders); }); return null; } } ClientProxy.java (where I access the capability through a client player) public class ClientProxy extends CommonProxy { @SubscribeEvent public void onKeyInput(KeyInputEvent event) { if (Keybinds.KEY_u.isPressed()) { EntityPlayer playerSP = Minecraft.getMinecraft().player; IFolder folder = playerSP.getCapability(FolderProvider.FOLDER_CAP, null); folder.add("UUUUU"); NetworkHandler.channel.sendToServer(new ClientToServer(folder)); } else if (Keybinds.KEY_i.isPressed()) { EntityPlayer playerSP = Minecraft.getMinecraft().player; IFolder folder = playerSP.getCapability(FolderProvider.FOLDER_CAP, null); for (String f : folder.getFolders()) { String message = f; playerSP.sendMessage(new TextComponentString(message)); } }else if (Keybinds.KEY_o.isPressed()) { EntityPlayer playerSP = Minecraft.getMinecraft().player; IFolder folder = playerSP.getCapability(FolderProvider.FOLDER_CAP, null); Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayGuiScreen(new DefaultGUI(folder)); } } }  
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