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32 bit Texture pack


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Darkguardsman asked me to start modding again; I use to mod using mod loader mp so forge is new to me. So, I am easing back into it by creating this Texture pack and starting on a decorative pack. I sen a few hours here and there and finished the remap of about 1/3 of the textures. I dropped some pictures of my Remaps so far in a spoiler below. I would love any input you all have especially on new decorative items for mine craft.


Items Suggested


Advanced Lighting

Stain Glass

New Trap Doors






Left to Right

[ice, Stone Brick, Wooden Door, Iron Door, Glass]

These are some of the first textures I remapped.



Left to Right

[ice, Stone Brick, Wooden Door, Iron Door, Glass]

These are the old textures for comparison.



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I did't get anywhere today got stuck on glow stone xD . I don't like how it looks but it so hard to find something suitable for it  that's not a kick away from the old 16 bit textures. So, for you entertainment I post a few i did yesterday in a spoiler below; when I get done with glow stone I would really like everyone opinions. Like always I would love to have suggestions for needed decorative items; and I also make textures for mods as well as signatures and profile pictures.





From left to right

[ Iron Bars, ladders, Trap Doors, Smooth Stone]

These are some of the first textures I remapped.


From left to right

[ Iron Bars, ladders, Trap Doors, Smooth Stone]

These are the old textures for comparison.



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OK, I spent about 4 hours today making this new lightly colored tree texture. It needs about another 1 or 2 hours of work. So, I wanted to see if I was heading in the right direction or if its a flop. Like always I provided the pictures below in a Spoiler.





From Left to Right

[ Lightly Colored tree ]

This is a remapped texture.



From Left to Right

[ Lightly Colored tree ]

This is the old texture for comparison.





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  • 2 weeks later...

The New mine craft update at new blocks sadly that means they f###ed with the terrain.png. well sorry for my ranting this post does have a purposes. One, I was working on Hawk's machine textures so I haven't gotten a lot done. Secondly, the new terrain.png messes with a lot of stuff so that put the work a have done on this pack behind by 2 weeks. Lastly, I am Moving this thread to its proper place I apparently have be posting it in the wrong place and no one informed me for shame : ).   


It well be located under Minecraft General/ texture packs for future reference.

Also, if a moderator reads this can you lock this thread so no one can post here; I hate to miss something because I won't read this thread again 


Never mind i can lock it my self that's cool.

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