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Posted (edited)

I am using Forge version 34.1.0 on Minecraft 1.16.3.

I started on 1.16.2 and have upgraded, at some point My nether portal stopped loading the Nether. I also recently located the End Portal and it is not loading the End.

The mod List is here (edit Removed link)

I tried deleting DIM -1 (before I discovered The End) and that did nothing

I updated all the mods that I could, there are 19 that are not 1.16.3 and some others that say they are but still are named 1.16.2

I tried the "Execute in" command and The Overworld and a Woot Tartarus Dim were all that were available.

I have created a new world* with the same mods and the Nether portal works, also the Execute in command shows the_nether

On the original map I Deleted ALL mods (leaving their folders and other data) and the portal did not work

After restoring I deleted Woot and it's folder but still not working.

To be clear - The Nether portal just continues waving but not loading in the nether, The End portal just allows falling through (I removed the lava)

I also tried copying the Level.dat, Level.dat_old and the Region folder to the new world* mentioned earlier and the nether portal was not working

I am on the verge of abandoning this world and starting anew, I can not think of anything else to try, but would be interested to know why it is not working and if it can be saved.

Hope you are able to help but understand if you can not. 

Thanks either way


Edited by ockerspock

I'm not sure what you mean by "DIM's not working" and your post explains what you did rather than what you mean

This is my Forum Signature, I am currently attempting to transform it into a small guide for fixing easier issues using spoiler blocks to keep things tidy.


As the most common issue I feel I should put this outside the main bulk:

The only official source for Forge is https://files.minecraftforge.net, and the only site I trust for getting mods is CurseForge.

If you use any site other than these, please take a look at the StopModReposts project and install their browser extension, I would also advise running a virus scan.


For players asking for assistance with Forge please expand the spoiler below and read the appropriate section(s) in its/their entirety.


Logs (Most issues require logs to diagnose):


Please post logs using one of the following sites (Thank you Lumber Wizard for the list):

https://gist.github.com/100MB Requires member (Free)

https://pastebin.com/: 512KB as guest, 10MB as Pro ($$$)

https://hastebin.com/: 400KB

Do NOT use sites like Mediafire, Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, or a site that has a countdown before offering downloads.


What to provide:

...for Crashes and Runtime issues:

Minecraft 1.14.4 and newer:

Post debug.log

Older versions:

Please update...


...for Installer Issues:

Post your installer log, found in the same place you ran the installer

This log will be called either installer.log or named the same as the installer but with .log on the end

Note for Windows users:

Windows hides file extensions by default so the installer may appear without the .jar extension then when the .log is added the log will appear with the .jar extension


Where to get it:

Mojang Launcher: When using the Mojang launcher debug.log is found in .minecraft\logs.


Curse/Overwolf: If you are using the Curse Launcher, their configurations break Forge's log settings, fortunately there is an easier workaround than I originally thought, this works even with Curse's installation of the Minecraft launcher as long as it is not launched THROUGH Twitch:

  1. Make sure you have the correct version of Forge installed (some packs are heavily dependent on one specific build of Forge)
  2. Make a launcher profile targeting this version of Forge.
  3. Set the launcher profile's GameDir property to the pack's instance folder (not the instances folder, the folder that has the pack's name on it).
  4. Now launch the pack through that profile and follow the "Mojang Launcher" instructions above.






or alternately, 


Fallback ("No logs are generated"):

If you don't see logs generated in the usual place, provide the launcher_log.txt from .minecraft


Server Not Starting:


If your server does not start or a command window appears and immediately goes away, run the jar manually and provide the output.


Reporting Illegal/Inappropriate Adfocus Ads:


Get a screenshot of the URL bar or copy/paste the whole URL into a thread on the General Discussion board with a description of the Ad.

Lex will need the Ad ID contained in that URL to report it to Adfocus' support team.


Posting your mod as a GitHub Repo:


When you have an issue with your mod the most helpful thing you can do when asking for help is to provide your code to those helping you. The most convenient way to do this is via GitHub or another source control hub.

When setting up a GitHub Repo it might seem easy to just upload everything, however this method has the potential for mistakes that could lead to trouble later on, it is recommended to use a Git client or to get comfortable with the Git command line. The following instructions will use the Git Command Line and as such they assume you already have it installed and that you have created a repository.


  1. Open a command prompt (CMD, Powershell, Terminal, etc).
  2. Navigate to the folder you extracted Forge’s MDK to (the one that had all the licenses in).
  3. Run the following commands:
    1. git init
    2. git remote add origin [Your Repository's URL]
      • In the case of GitHub it should look like: https://GitHub.com/[Your Username]/[Repo Name].git
    3. git fetch
    4. git checkout --track origin/master
    5. git stage *
    6. git commit -m "[Your commit message]"
    7. git push
  4. Navigate to GitHub and you should now see most of the files.
    • note that it is intentional that some are not synced with GitHub and this is done with the (hidden) .gitignore file that Forge’s MDK has provided (hence the strictness on which folder git init is run from)
  5. Now you can share your GitHub link with those who you are asking for help.

[Workaround line, please ignore]



Sorry, I thought these bits made it as clear as needed

"at some point My nether portal stopped loading the Nether"

"To be clear - The Nether portal just continues waving but not loading in the nether, The End portal just allows falling through (I removed the lava)"

What I mean is ....I should be able to travel to the Nether and the End, it is a normal part of Minecraft but I can not get to either the Nether DIM or the End DIM, either by their respective portals or by the execute command.  I have no idea how else to explain what I mean than by describing what is (not) happening.


The issue is not just the portals not working ....so I chose to use the term "DIM's" to mean the 2 vanilla dimensions that are not the overworld and "not working" to convey the fact that I could not get them to load.

The extra content containing what I did also contained information about what I meant by not working and that I had tried a number of things to find a cause.



Posted (edited)

Given your execute command didn't find the nether or end, it's safe to say they don't exist anymore. You said you tried copying the Level.dat files and nothing happened, did you try copying over the dimension folders from before the update to the new world as well?

Edited by urbanxx001
Posted (edited)

I am guessing you edited after reading in the "what I did" post the following.... 

"On the original map I Deleted ALL mods (leaving their folders and other data) and the portal did not work

After restoring I deleted Woot and it's folder but still not working."


edit Yes, I tried the delete the nether method and the import a working nether method. But in any case that would not explain the End not working, it was only attempted in 1.16.3 with the only DIM creating mod (that I am aware of) removed 

Edited by ockerspock
Saw updated reply
Posted (edited)

Ok so the Nether works but not the End when you restore them from the previous version, i.e. moving those folders from pre-1.16.3 to the post-1.16.3 world. So when you tried travelling to the End in 1.16.3, there were no mods installed but you used the modded world, correct?

Edited by urbanxx001

"On the original map I Deleted ALL mods (leaving their folders and other data) and the portal did not work"


"I have created a new world* with the same mods and the Nether portal works, also the Execute in command shows the_nether"


I have not tried the End with all the mods removed, "I also tried copying the Level.dat, Level.dat_old and the Region folder to the new world* mentioned earlier and the nether portal was not working", and I tried copying in the working Nether DIM -1 from the new world* created with the mods installed into the restored original world where the portal to the Nether was not working, and could not access the Nether 

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, ockerspock said:

I have not tried the End with all the mods removed

Ok then try that. In general, if no mods are installed and the portals still don't work, then the world is probably corrupted.

Edited by urbanxx001

"On the original map I Deleted ALL mods (leaving their folders and other data) and the portal did not work" nether portal.


This time I deleted options, mod folders and anything that seemed to be modded.


What difference was expected with the End portal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but in any case, same result as before .... just land on the floor of the End portal room after falling through the End portal.

Just for the fun of it I built a Nether portal in the End portal room and was not able to get to the Nether


Posted (edited)

I'm sorry I don't know what to tell you. I can't imagine how frustrating it is. If you want to transfer your builds from the old world to a new one, you can use structure blocks.

Edited by urbanxx001

It is a little frustrating, must be a cause ....but it is just too hard. I have not used structure blocks, I can have a look but I am going to try to get another launcher and see if I can get it to work. Failing that I will use Building Gadget to copy the builds to a working version.


If it is a world without mods, then post the download here and we can take a look.

There is a vanilla issue that is the deserializer breaks for dimensions/biomes that subsequent dimensions/biomes will not load.

So, if you added a mod, that added a dimension, and then removed that mod, it'll break things.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


Thanks Lex, Do you mean the World from the 'saves' folder? If so I will post a link in a few hours, got to remember the pastbin type site I last used for that sort of thing....unless you have a preference



This is the link to the World save http://www.mediafire.com/folder/b13b14blssp6c/-4499410948081570036

Hope it is what you are looking for. I am going to install Minecraft on another computer and see if transferring to a fresh install has any effect. I guess my main concern now is if I start a fresh game (the portals seemed OK on a new world creation) without finding out what caused the problem how can i be sure it won't happen again. Thanks for taking an interest. 


I installed Minecraft with Forge 34.1.0 on a new computer, added no mods and copied my saved world into the saves folder. It loaded, with the modded items removed, but the nether portal did not take me to the Nether... or anywhere.

I am resolved to believe all is lost. Guess I can only start a new world and hope it does not happen again.


Please upload the world as a zip file, I don't feel like paying for mediafire or spending 2 hours downloading the files one by one.
Also include your log file.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon



Sorry Lex that was really dumb of me not zipping.... or seeing that I am supposed to be able to upload files here, i can do image files but obviously too dumb to work out how to publish what you are looking for. Tried 5 or 6 times, redid zip file a few times in that. But the mediafire sit should not require payment, or registration, it does attempt to get you to go pro but pro usually means there is a amateur option. So I will link it here ....yes I zipped this time. 







Alright so, digging into things. This appears to be a vanilla issue that is exposed/exasperated by mods.

If you'll notice in your level.dat, there is literally just one dimension registered.

As such, Minecraft literally doesn't know what to do with the nether/end portals. As the world they are trying to send you to don't exist.

This is caused by Mojang's switch to data driven dimensions.

It appears the reader/writer for the dimensions just nuked your data sometime in the past.

The only way to resolve this is to inject that data into level.dat again. Be it via a mod or doing it manually.

I'll keep looking into what could of caused this and what we can do to mitigate it, but I think it's something that I have to bring up to Mojang and hope they fix in their codec system.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


Thank you Lex. I have started making preparations to begin again ...with Dire's BG to transfer some builds over. But I will have a go at inserting the missing DIMs. I downloaded NBTExplorer 2.8.0 ...looks "simple" now I know where the problem lies. 


I will reply with how I got on, in the next day or so.

Thanks again, you are a hero and a legend.

PS If you find a small gift it is not payment for working on this problem ...it is simply a little bit to acknowledge what you do for all Modded Minecrafters  


So an update.

I created a new world, went to the nether, returned and then saved and closed.

I copied both the nether and the end from that working worlds level.dat and level.dat_old into my broken worlds level.dat and level.dat_old but still no luck. 

I am happy to give the "via a mod" option a go. Let me know what mod please.


I decided on a new strategy. I am going to try adding mods to the working new world installation. Starting with all the core mods, seeing if the nether is still working and then adding mods that should not have any interaction with DIMs and then add a few at a time, trying to discover what caused it rather than just getting it working. I will take me a while but worth a try.


Ya, there are a few things you can do. But not much we can do on our end.

By a mod, i mean a one off mod that forces the dimensions back into the registry.

However, re-adding it to the dimensions to the level.dat should be simple enough if you just wanna load it with Just forge.

You could make a new world, and then copy the domensions part of the NBT over.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


I have news.

I did a new MC instance, new world and same seed, I added back the essential mods ....so instead of 108 I am all the way down to 94, I did this a few at a time and checked the nether was working as I went. 

I then copied the nether and end from the level.dat and level.dat_old of that world over to a copy of those files from the broken map.

But I also removed 3 folders that were left by mods that I had removed ....1 of them may have been the problem. 

I think it might have been Woot but could have been Tesseract or, unlikely, Minecolonies.

However it appears I have the world back. 

Thanks very much.

  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)

I'm not sure if you would still like an answer to this issue, but I had the same issue as you & tried to fix it in the same ways. So I figured out the issue & how to solve it!

What I did was dig into the NBT files of the world. In doing so, I saw that the End & Nether dimensions were missing from level.dat. That explains why even with the DIM files, the game thought that the dimensions didn't exist. This also explains why other worlds dimensions worked fine.

So, here's how I fixed it:

(edit: make sure to not be in the original Minecraft world while doing this.)

I copied the world seed & created a new world with it. I'm not sure if having the same seed is necessary, but I wasn't going to take the chance.

Now, open NBT explorer twice, to have 2 separate windows of it open. Click the "Open folder" button in both of them. Now, in one window, select your original world folder, & in the other window, select the new world with the same seed (make sure to click okay when ONLY the world folder is SELECTED). In both of these windows, travel down this path:

+ level.dat > +data +WorldGenSettings > +dimensions

(level.dat_old is irrelevant, so don't worry about it).

here, you should see every dimension in the world. Now, in the window that has the new world with the same seed, select the dimensions missing from your main world (one at a time) & copy it (you don't need to click the + next to the dimensions, because you only need to copy the whole thing, not any individual subfolders inside it.). Ctrl+c, or the copy button at the top, whichever works. Then paste it into the 'dimensions' subfile. (Make sure you paste the dimension while ONLY the dimension subfile is selected, otherwise it could end up somewhere it shouldn't be. You'll know you did it right when it's in the same place as all the other dimensions).

Once you finish, make absolute certain that you click the save button at the top of the window, otherwise nothing will change. Since you got what you needed from the new world, you can just delete that once you confirm it works.

I hope this helps you, & anyone looking for the answer in the future!




Edited by RainLights
Added clarification, the warning to make sure that you aren't in the world whilst following the steps, & removed unnecessary spoilers.
  • 2 weeks later...

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    • I know that this may be a basic question, but I am very new to modding. I am trying to have it so that I can create modified Vanilla loot tables that use a custom enchantment as a condition (i.e. enchantment present = item). However, I am having trouble trying to implement this; the LootItemRandomChanceWithEnchantedBonusCondition constructor needs a Holder<Enchantment> and I am unable to use the getOrThrow() method on the custom enchantment declared in my mod's enchantments class. Here is what I have so far in the GLM:   protected void start(HolderLookup.Provider registries) { HolderLookup.RegistryLookup<Enchantment> registrylookup = registries.lookupOrThrow(Registries.ENCHANTMENT); LootItemRandomChanceWithEnchantedBonusCondition lootItemRandomChanceWithEnchantedBonusCondition = new LootItemRandomChanceWithEnchantedBonusCondition(0.0f, LevelBasedValue.perLevel(0.07f), registrylookup.getOrThrow(*enchantment here*)); this.add("nebu_from_deepslate", new AddItemModifier(new LootItemCondition[]{ LootItemBlockStatePropertyCondition.hasBlockStateProperties(Blocks.DEEPSLATE).build(), LootItemRandomChanceCondition.randomChance(0.25f).build(), lootItemRandomChanceWithEnchantedBonusCondition }, OrichalcumItems.NEBU.get())); }   Inserting Enchantments.[vanilla enchantment here] actually works but trying to declare an enchantment from my custom enchantments class as [mod enchantment class].[custom enchantment] does not work even though they are both a ResourceKey and are registered in Registries.ENCHANTMENT. Basically, how would I go about making it so that a custom enchantment declared as a ResourceKey<Enchantment> of value ResourceKey.create(Registries.ENCHANTMENT, ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath([modid], [name])), declared in a seperate enchantments class, can be used in the LootItemRandomChanceWithEnchantedBonusCondition constructor as a Holder? I can't use getOrThrow() because there is no level or block entity/entity in the start() method and it is running as datagen. It's driving me nuts.
    • Hi here is an update. I was able to fix the code so my mod does not crash Minecraft. Please understand that I am new to modding but I honestly am having a hard time understanding how anyone can get this to work without having extensive programming and debugging experience as well as searching across the Internet, multiple gen AI bots (claude, grok, openai), and examining source code hidden in the gradle directory and in various github repositories. I guess I am wrong because clearly there are thousands of mods so maybe I am just a newbie. Ok, rant over, here is a step by step summary so others can save the 3 days it took me to figure this out.   1. First, I am using forge 54.1.0 and Minecraft 1.21.4 2. I am creating a mod to add a shotgun to Minecraft 3. After creating the mod and compiling it, I installed the .jar file to the proper directory in Minecraft and used 1.21.4-forge-54.1.0 4. The mod immediately crashed with the error: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Item id not set 5. Using the stack trace, I determined that the Exception was being thrown from the net.minecraft.world.item.Item.Properties class 6. It seems that there are no javadocs for this class, so I used IntelliJ which was able to provide a decompiled version of the class, which I then examined to see the source of the error. Side question: Are there javadocs? 7. This method, specifically, was the culprit: protected String effectiveDescriptionId() {      return this.descriptionId.get(Objects.requireNonNull(this.id, "Item id not set"));  } 8. Now my quest was to determine how to set this.id. Looking at the same source file, I determined there was another method:  public Item.Properties setId(ResourceKey<Item> pId) {             this.id = pId;             return this;   } 9. So now, I need to figure out how to call setId(). This required working backwards a bit. Starting from the constructor, I stubbed out the variable p which is of type Item.Properties public static final RegistryObject<Item> SHOTGUN = ITEMS.register("shotgun", () -> new ShotgunItem(p)); Rather than putting this all on one line, I split it up for readability like this: private static final Item.Properties p = new Item.Properties().useItemDescriptionPrefix().setId(rk); Here is was the missing function, setId(), which takes a type of ResourceKey<Item>. My next problem is that due to the apparent lack of documentation (I tried searching the docs on this site) I could not determine the full import path to ResourceKey. I did some random searching on the Internet and stumbled across a Github repository which gave two clues: import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceKey; import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation; Then I created the rk variable like this: private static ResourceKey<Item> rk = ResourceKey.create(Registries.ITEM, ResourceLocation.parse("modid:shotgunmod")); And now putting it all together in order: private static ResourceKey<Item> rk = ResourceKey.create(Registries.ITEM, ResourceLocation.parse("modid:shotgunmod")); private static final Item.Properties p = new Item.Properties().useItemDescriptionPrefix().setId(rk); public static final RegistryObject<Item> SHOTGUN = ITEMS.register("shotgun", () -> new ShotgunItem(p)); This compiled and the mod no longer crashes. I still have more to do on it, but hopefully this will save someone hours. I welcome any feedback and if I missed some obvious modding resource or tutorial that has this information. If not, I might suggest we add it somewhere for people trying to write a mod that doesn't crash. Thank you !!!  
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