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I want to display some text in the same fashion as tooltips, which is why I'm searching for the corresponding vanilla class (I do not want to create a tooltip. I just want to display a text with the same background starting from a given (x,y)-position). However I was not able to find it so far and I'm hoping, that someone knows, where I have to look.

So far I searched in the package minecraft.client.gui or minecraft.client.renderer, but they are huge and I hope, that I don't have to check every file...


I can't look into the code right now, but I think you can search the renderToolTip function inside a ContainerScreen and see what that function does. From there you should be able to figure out how to render your own tooltip. By the way, if you want to render it inside a screen, just use the renderToolTip or override it to do what you want it to do

Don't blame me if i always ask for your help. I just want to learn to be better :)

Posted (edited)

That helped already a lot. Thank you!


I found the renderToolTip function in the Screen-class, but I'm using func_243308_b (which will call renderTooTip later on) instead, because all I really need is to define a list of ITextComponents.

Now I want to display my list all the time (when I'm ingame) and not only when I'm looking at a container, but Minecraft#currentScreen is null, when the player is not looking at an inventory. So how can I draw directly on the game screen like the hunger bar?


PS: I'm using RenderGameOverlayEvent, which should be the correct one, I think.

Edited by Tavi007

I believe you should look at how the Hotbar works to find out how to render a Screen constantly. The first thing I can think of is to not make the Screen a ContainerScreen, because of course that will be bind to a Container, which is something as far as I understand you don't need

Don't blame me if i always ask for your help. I just want to learn to be better :)

Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Tavi007 said:

PS: I'm using RenderGameOverlayEvent, which should be the correct one, I think.

It is correct yes, just don't subscribe to that event. Use the RenderGameOverlayEvent.Pre or Post. Take a look at the IngameGui class to see how vanilla draws hotbar, health and hunger bars etc...

Edited by Beethoven92

Check out the port of the BetterEnd fabric mod (WIP): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/betterend-forge-port

Posted (edited)

Thanks for your answeres.


Reading all that half obfuscated code is hurting my brain. Is the code in IngameGui (or Screen) less obfuscated in the newer forge versions? Otherwise this will be a lot of pain...


Anyway please help me understanding the class. Im currently looking at the code, that renders scoreboards and tooltips. To render scoreboards the function AbstractGui#func_238467_a_ is used (see lines 674-688 in IngameGui), while for tooltips AbstractGui#func_238462_a_ is used (see lines 173-180 in Screen) + some RenderSystem stuff. In both cases I don't understand the AbstractGui functions, because they are completly obfuscated.



It is correct yes, just don't subscribe to that event. Use the RenderGameOverlayEvent.Pre or Post.

Why shouldn't I subscribe to the event? I though, that it is necessary, because otherwise my code would never be called.


By the way here is my repository (or rather my RenderEvent class)


Edited by Tavi007
48 minutes ago, Tavi007 said:

Why shouldn't I subscribe to the event? I though, that it is necessary, because otherwise my code would never be called.

Thats why i said to subscribe to Post or Pre, it depends on what you want to achieve...usually you use the Post event to add elements to the hud while leaving vanilla stuff untouched.

So if i understand correctly you want to render some information on the screen in a fixed position, and you want them to render in the same graphic style as the tooltip in containers, right? Then apply the code that renders tooltips in your event handler...to do so look at how the tooltips are rendered in the method Screen#renderTooltip, as said before

Check out the port of the BetterEnd fabric mod (WIP): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/betterend-forge-port


Thats why i said to subscribe to Post or Pre, it depends on what you want to achieve...usually you use the Post event to add elements to the hud while leaving vanilla stuff untouched.

Ah, I just missunderstood you. This does make much more sense.



So if i understand correctly you want to render some information on the screen in a fixed position, and you want them to render in the same graphic style as the tooltip in containers, right? Then apply the code that renders tooltips in your event handler...to do so look at how the tooltips are rendered in the method Screen#renderTooltip, as said before

So basically I'll have to copy and paste the code and adjust it for my case. Seems like a lot of trial and error, but if it works in the end, I'll be happy.

Just now, Tavi007 said:

So basically I'll have to copy and paste the code and adjust it for my case. Seems like a lot of trial and error, but if it works in the end, I'll be happy.

Its a lot better if you actually try to understand the code before copying it, because you will avoid so many head aches when you have to modify it later

Check out the port of the BetterEnd fabric mod (WIP): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/betterend-forge-port

2 hours ago, Tavi007 said:

Reading all that half obfuscated code is hurting my brain. Is the code in IngameGui (or Screen) less obfuscated in the newer forge versions? Otherwise this will be a lot of pain...

Local variables are never given "deobfuscated" names.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.


Thanks to your help I got it working :)

I read the code and got an idea, what each variable does and then confirmed my assumption by playing around with the value. This way I deobfuscated most of them myself. For anyone wondering here is the important code:

	public static void displayDefenseData(RenderGameOverlayEvent.Post event)
		if(Configuration.enabled()) {
			// see Screen#renderToolTips in client.gui.screen
			Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance();
			if(mc.player != null) {
				DefenseData defData = ElementalCombatAPI.getDefenseData(mc.player);
				if (!defData.isEmpty()) {
					HashMap<String, Integer> styleMap = defData.getStyleFactor();
					HashMap<String, Integer> elementMap = defData.getElementFactor();

					List<ITextComponent> list = new ArrayList<ITextComponent>();
					list.add(new StringTextComponent("Defense:"));

					if (!list.isEmpty()) {
						MatrixStack matrixStack = event.getMatrixStack();
						float scale = (float) Configuration.scale();
						matrixStack.scale(scale, scale, scale);

						List<? extends IReorderingProcessor> orderedList = Lists.transform(list, ITextComponent::func_241878_f);
						// computes the width of the widest line.
						int listWidth = 0;
						for(IReorderingProcessor ireorderingprocessor : orderedList) {
							int textWidth = mc.fontRenderer.func_243245_a(ireorderingprocessor);
							listWidth = Math.max(textWidth, listWidth);

						// computes the height of the list
						int listHeight = 8;
						if (orderedList.size() > 1) {
							listHeight += 2 + (orderedList.size() - 1) * (mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT+1);

						// moves the coords so the text and box appear correct
						int posX = 12;
						int posY = 12;
						if(!Configuration.isTop()) {
							int screenHeight = event.getWindow().getScaledHeight();
							posY = Math.max(12, screenHeight - listHeight - 12);
						if(!Configuration.isLeft()) {
							int screenWidth = event.getWindow().getScaledWidth();
							posX = Math.max(12, screenWidth - listWidth - 12);

						// draw background box
						int l = -267386864;
						int i1 = 1347420415;
						int j1 = 1344798847;
						int k1 = 400;
						Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
						BufferBuilder bufferbuilder = tessellator.getBuffer();
						bufferbuilder.begin(7, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_COLOR);
						Matrix4f matrix4f = matrixStack.getLast().getMatrix();
						func_238462_a_(matrix4f, bufferbuilder, posX - 3, posY - 4, posX + listWidth + 3, posY - 3, 400, -267386864, -267386864);
						func_238462_a_(matrix4f, bufferbuilder, posX - 3, posY + listHeight + 3, posX + listWidth + 3, posY + listHeight + 4, 400, -267386864, -267386864);
						func_238462_a_(matrix4f, bufferbuilder, posX - 3, posY - 3, posX + listWidth + 3, posY + listHeight + 3, 400, -267386864, -267386864);
						func_238462_a_(matrix4f, bufferbuilder, posX - 4, posY - 3, posX - 3, posY + listHeight + 3, 400, -267386864, -267386864);
						func_238462_a_(matrix4f, bufferbuilder, posX + listWidth + 3, posY - 3, posX + listWidth + 4, posY + listHeight + 3, 400, -267386864, -267386864);
						func_238462_a_(matrix4f, bufferbuilder, posX - 3, posY - 3 + 1, posX - 3 + 1, posY + listHeight + 3 - 1, 400, 1347420415, 1344798847);
						func_238462_a_(matrix4f, bufferbuilder, posX + listWidth + 2, posY - 3 + 1, posX + listWidth + 3, posY + listHeight + 3 - 1, 400, 1347420415, 1344798847);
						func_238462_a_(matrix4f, bufferbuilder, posX - 3, posY - 3, posX + listWidth + 3, posY - 3 + 1, 400, 1347420415, 1347420415);
						func_238462_a_(matrix4f, bufferbuilder, posX - 3, posY + listHeight + 2, posX + listWidth + 3, posY + listHeight + 3, 400, 1344798847, 1344798847);
						IRenderTypeBuffer.Impl irendertypebuffer$impl = IRenderTypeBuffer.getImpl(Tessellator.getInstance().getBuffer());
						matrixStack.translate(0.0D, 0.0D, 400.0D);

						// write the list on top of the background
						for(int i = 0; i < orderedList.size(); ++i) {
							IReorderingProcessor ireorderingprocessor1 = orderedList.get(i);
							if (ireorderingprocessor1 != null) {
								mc.fontRenderer.func_238416_a_(ireorderingprocessor1, (float)posX, (float)posY, -1, Configuration.textShadow(), matrix4f, irendertypebuffer$impl, false, 0, 15728880);
							// first line is caption. add a little bit space to the next line
							if (i == 0) {
								posY += 2;
							//next line
							posY += 10;


Now I have one last thing, that is bugging me and I don't know what the cause of it is. When my defenseData gets rendered the toolbar gets slightly darker. I made some screenshots, that hopefully explains what I mean.

without defenseData:


with defenseData:


Do you know or have an idea, why this happens?


Got it. I added the if statement

if(event.getType().equals(RenderGameOverlayEvent.ElementType.HOTBAR)) {

and that worked for me. I hope, this is correct.

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