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[1.16.3] Item registrations


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I know I've asked a lot of questions recently, but I hit another wall recently.


I've been trying something with


that is triggered whenever an Item is right clicked.

As it stand I can give players an item from the vanilla game, but I can't seem to give any items from my mod. I suspect that it has to do with how I'm registering all the mod items, which looks like this

public static final RegistryObject<Item> EMPTY_SYRINGE = RegistryHandler.ITEMS.register("empty_syringe", () -> new EmptySyringe());

Whenever I try to add the argument for a mod item to be given to the player I get the follow error "The constructor ItemStack(RegistryObject<Item>) is undefined".


I'm assuming that I need to change the way I'm registering the items or do I need to add another line or two to make it work?


Thank you

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13 hours ago, poopoodice said:

RegistryObject is a type supplier, use RegistryObject#get to get the item

I've looked at the documentation for the method you suggested. I can't seem to find something that exactly matches that. Would it be event.getRegistry() or is that something else? Thank you.

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1 hour ago, poopoodice said:

The constructor of ItemStack is looking for an Item, but you has passed in an Item Supplier.

You need to use RegistryObject#get to get the Item from the supplier, for example

RegistryObject<Item> MY_ITEM = .....

new ItemStack(MY_ITEM.get());

I apologize if this is a dumb question, but would that look like this?

public static final RegistryObject<Item> EMPTY_SYRINGE = RegistryHandler.ITEMS.register("empty_syringe", () -> new EmptySyringe(), new ItemStack(EMPTY_SYRINGE.get()));

I get an error on the .register, the "new EmptySyringe()" and the "EMPTY_SYRINGE" inside of the new ItemStack.

Here are the error messages

- The method register(String, Supplier<? extends I>) in the type DeferredRegister<Item> is not applicable for the arguments (String, () -> {}, ItemStack)

- Type mismatch: cannot convert from EmptySyringe to I

- Cannot reference a field before it is defined


I first and second errors are throwing me a bit. The third one, I'm assuming is because its looking for an ItemStack, but there is no ItemStack by the name of EmptySyringe that I've properly defined?


Once again, Thank you for your time.



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Ultimate goal here is to just make an item that on a right click, is shrunk from the inventory (which I've got down), and then give another, different, item to the player. I'm still learning all the different bits of modding using forge and Minecraft in general, so I apologize if these questions are simple. I am able to give the player an item from the vanilla game, but I can't seem to get it to work with the mod item I've made.


So in summary the plan is: Right click empty syringe -> empty syringe is taken from inventory -> blood syringe is given to inventory.

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You need to go into your FullSyringe class, go into the on-right-click method, and type:


new ItemStack(ModItems.EMPTY_SYRINGE.get());

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