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[SOLVED/Workaround]How to use the Applied Energistics Materials API?

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I'm an happy FTB Ultimate user however i saw that Quartz from Applied Energistics mod can't be crafted with UU-Matter, so i wanted to create a mod for it and i read some tutorials on how to create a mod and i installed both forge and eclipse. Then i looked for the IC2 API and Applied energistics API however when i add the first one it adds an Items class and by checking it i can discover items name but whenever i try to declare matter or any IC2 item it just says that the value doesn't exist, when i add the second one the Applied energistics API (which isn't in the original AE package like it's said on the website so i took it from: https://bitbucket.org/SeargeDP/modularforcefieldsystem/src/0e1a7ca4d4f1d421d5ab6664901751dacd1400c8/src/minecraft/appeng/api?at=default) it doesn't create any item class or something that can be used as an item class.


Can somebody give me a hint i looked for tutorials and info's for two whole days but i can't find anything! :'(




Thanks for support, i will surely look a little harder next time. So i deobfuscated the two mod jars with BON and by importing them into eclipse i was able to get the matter item stack using

ItemStack MatterItemStack =  ic2.api.Items.getItem("matter");

  but i can't find a way to create a Quartz item stack! I tried everything but it always end up with an error  :-[ .


Somebody knows how to do it?


I'm not familiar with the specifics of the ic2 api, and in my experience there's not too many regulars here who are. I'd recommend that you ask on the API's forums or related channels as there are more likely to be people there whom are more familiar with the API.


If you successfully imported the API and it seems fine, then you should read the source code of it and try to understand how it works. See if you can find any documentation for that specific API.


Futher more:

I tried everything but it always end up with an error

Sounds more like a problem with java/syntax and not with the API, sadly I'm unable to read your mind at the moment and therefore can't see the error message with my inner eye. Could you perhaps share that here instead unless you prefer to wait until my psychic pew pew return? :)

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...


I'm not familiar with the specifics of the ic2 api, and in my experience there's not too many regulars here who are. I'd recommend that you ask on the API's forums or related channels as there are more likely to be people there whom are more familiar with the API.


If you successfully imported the API and it seems fine, then you should read the source code of it and try to understand how it works. See if you can find any documentation for that specific API.


Futher more:

I tried everything but it always end up with an error

Sounds more like a problem with java/syntax and not with the API, sadly I'm unable to read your mind at the moment and therefore can't see the error message with my inner eye. Could you perhaps share that here instead unless you prefer to wait until my psychic pew pew return? :)


For the Ic2 part i resolved everything because the forum/wiki is well documented. The problem is currently the applied energistics, i can't find the syntax to create an item stack of Quartz.




I did some more research and tries and i found out that Applied energistics item stack must be copied however the result is the same. This is the mod code:


    public void load (FMLInitializationEvent event) {

        ItemStack matterStack = ic2.api.Items.getItem("matter");
        ItemStack QuartzStack = Materials.matQuartzDust.copy();

        GameRegistry.addRecipe(QuartzStack, new Object[] { "XX ", "XX ", "  X", Character.valueOf('X'), matterStack });



Can someone tell me where's the wrong part? If it's useful the log is here: http://pastebin.com/erHwLGrt


Thanks in advance  :)


The line:

ItemStack QuartzStack = Materials.matQuartzDust.copy();

causes the crash... But I can't figure out why...

Don't PM me with questions. They will be ignored! Make a thread on the appropriate board for support.


1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


1.7.10 and older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported due to it's age! Update to the latest version for support.




The line:

ItemStack QuartzStack = Materials.matQuartzDust.copy();

causes the crash... But I can't figure out why...


Me neither, i also checked a decompiled and deobfuscated version of Applied Energistics and it uses the same syntax but i can't figure out why it doesn't crashes and this does. If you want to check out go here.




I got it working by declaring the ItemStack using the ID!


ItemStack QuartzStack = new ItemStack(4362,1,0).copy();


However this ID is the conversion Matrix, the Quartz ID is 4362:6, how can i declare it in the ItemStack function? If i type 4362:6 or 4362/6 it crashes when i try the crafting.


EDIT: That was a really easy question, you need to use the third value for example


ItemStack QuartzStack = new ItemStack(4362,1,6).copy();


Remember that if you're using a modpack with custom IDs after mod testing you have to change all of them with the modpack custom ID so when you recompile it works fine with it. For example i tested with 4362:6 because it's the default ID for Applied Energistics but if you're writing a mod for FTB you need to use the ID 4462:6 that doesn't work in the testing environment!


I think i can mark the thread as solved thanks to who gave me support :D , the Forge community is pure awesomeness.

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